
Chapter 14. Fleeing Biah Manor

The smell of smoke filled the room, and loud, frantic screams traveled in through the open window. Yuliah needed to act quickly and in the next few moments, or they'd both burn together.

She rushed forward but too fast and smacked her head into Liang's lips. With her feet anchored to the bed, she pushed with all her strength against his body. It did nothing. Liang only budged a few inches back.

With one swift push from Liang, Yuliah found herself back on the bed, and her skirt hiked up, exposing her slender legs. Liang's eyes flashed with excitement and fixated onto the soft flesh before him and the bits that peeped through her ripped dress.

He needed to have her, she's like a wild mare to him and he a stallion ready to mount. Confident that the attendants would not let Biah Manor burn he climbed back onto the bed with his belt in hand, "You'll pay for that," he grabbed her leg, but she kicked him in the face instead. "Again!" He cursed and caught her leg. He flipped Yuliah over and bent her arms back, ready to hogtie her.

"Stop it!" she twisted and turned relentlessly. Her strength even more diminished now, but broke free.

Liang caught a handful of Yuliah's hair and yanked her toward him. When he did so, the red hairpin that clung to Yuliah's hair poked her in the head. The pin had a sharpness, like a knife, and she cut herself many times before on its edge. Without hesitation, Yuliah's arm sprang up and her fingers wrapped around the pin. She brought it down hard, plunging it right into Liang's throat.

A short squelched followed and Liang coughed, then his brows drew together. Yuliah stared at him frightened to death as he leaned slightly back to look down with bulged eyes.

"What the fuck did you do!" His hand hovered over the hairpin and blood trickled down his neck. "You fucken bitch..." Liang toppled sideways.

This was her chance! Yuliah leaped from the bed and bolted for the entrance. She flung the heavy doors open, and enormous amounts of smoke rushed into the room. Red flames flickered throughout the manor, and a thick fog filled the air.

Yuliah's heart drummed with each breath she took. Looking around, Yuliah didn't know which direction would lead to the front gates. A group of attendants ran passed with buckets and she jumped behind the wall. It's too risky to wait longer, she had to pick a direction and make a run for it.

She sprung out from behind the wall but crashed mid run into a hard body and tumbled backward. She opened her mouth to scream, but someone caught her hands and pulled her forward. He moved fast and put a hand over her mouth.

"It's me, remember?" he said in that same low tone.

Yuliah squinted. Yes! The man in black! Those blue eyes, how could she ever forget them and threw both arms around him. "You came back for me."

Ryas awkwardly leaned back and took her hands, which were soft and removed them from his waist. "I went to create a diversion. We should get going," he said.

"Mmmm," Yuliah nodded.

"What happened to you?" his hand stretched forward until two fingers stopped right under her chin then lifted Yuliah's head until they met gazes. "He did this to you?" the man in black continued to examine Yuliah's bloody face, with a tightened jaw.

She tugged at the pieces of cloth that remained and tried to cover up her body and looked towards the ground. "Yes, he got mad and hit me," she quietly answered.

"Where is he now?" the muscles in his face flexed again.

"I think - I killed him."

"Good. Now let's get out of here." A Man like that deserved what fate came from his actions. He thought about going back to stop the fire, but after seeing what her husband had done to her. This Manor doesn't deserve his mercy.

With her hand in his, he dragged Yuliah forward, but a mad cry bellowed out from behind them. "YULIAH."

They both turned and peered through the bedroom door. Shocked at the sight of Liang stumbling forward, his hand wrapped around the base of his neck, covered in blood where her hairpin stuck out.

Yuliah's face paled. "Nooo... I have to get out of here. Liang... He'll kill me." A man's word could be law here, and she just tried to kill the King's Advisor's son. He could say what he wanted, and the people would believe him. If they catch her now, they'll kill her for sure. Fear pulsed through her veins and she made a mad dash for the front entrance, leaving the man behind.

"No! Don't go that way!" he yelled at her, but she disappeared into the smoke. "This fucken girl." He sprinted towards the opposite direction, to where he had tied his horse.

Yuliah kept running for the front gates until she went right out the front. Then headed for the stables in search for a horse. General Wey taught her how to ride. She was thankful for that. A man's voice, younger and almost boyish, came from behind her.

"Yuliah?" he whispered.

She spun around to find another man dressed in black, looking back at her. He carried a small bag and did not have blue eyes like the man from before. She slowly backed away.

"It's me, Yujen. I've been waiting for you." he pulled his mask down. "What took you so long?"

"Yujen!" Her arms curled around him quickly. She didn't have time to explain. "Help me find a horse quick! We have to get out of here!"

"What happened and where is the general?" Yujen asked.

"General?" Why would he ask about her father at a time like this? "Yujen. Is my father waiting for us close by?"

"No. I'm talking about the General."

"What General are you talking about?" Yuliah went to another stall. "We don't have time right now we need to go!" He always asked too many questions at the wrong time. Yuliah continued looking through the stables.

Neither one of them heard Liang as he snuck up from behind. They were too busy and by the time Yuliah turned around; it was too late. Her face twisted in horror and an ear-piercing scream shot into the night.

Liang ran his sword right through Yujen. It slid right into him with no resistance until the tip of Liang's sword stuck out from his chest.

"Yuliah," he fell into her lap. His weight knocked them both over, and he dropped a bag into her arms. Blood came from his lips, and he turned around to see Liang above them holding a sword wet with blood. "Yuliah... run..." He said before his face went white.

"I hate you." Yuliah looked up at Liang's crazed face. He lifted his sword, ready to deliver a final blow. His face brimmed with contentment. "Your man - I'll kill him today. You should be happy that he'll die in your arms at least and then I'll drag you back to my bed." With all his strength he swung down and smiled, but the clash of metal wiped the smug look from Liang' face into a scowl.

The man in black appeared. Dashed across the ground swung upward and blocked Liang's blow. More sounds of metal crashed together echoed through the night. The sheer force from the man in black sent Liang backward.

Liang's entire arm numbed, and he sensed the strength and power from the man standing across from him. It outmatched his right now. He wouldn't win this fight, but the Biah's had terrible tempers. "You must be the man that whore is waiting for," he glared.

The man in black looked relaxed except for the slight curl at the end of his lips. "You're the bastard husband who likes to hit women."

No one in the Northern Kingdom would dare to challenge the Biah Clan, and it angered Liang to see this man did and even insulted him. He yanked Yuliah's hairpin from his neck and threw it towards the man, who turned sideways and dodged it. He snickered at Liang as the pin skid across the ground.

Liang lifted his sword, ready to attack again. "I don't hit women only bitches who don't behave. I hope she's worth dying over." he lunged forward.

Heavy footsteps came from within the Biah Manor gates, and this fight needed to end quickly. He waited for the exact moment when Liang was within range and then swung his sword up with more force that it sent Liang sideways.

Liang got up and tossed his broken sword aside. Without even giving it a second thought, he lunged at the man again, who parried with a kick, and once again Liang fell back onto the ground. Immobilized for good this time.

The man quickly grabbed the boy's body and tied it to one of the spare horses. "Get moving!" He pushed Yuliah towards his horse. He held onto both reins and pulled hard and they dashed out of Biah Manor, leaving an angry Liang lying on the ground.

Through the gates came the Biah attendants and soldiers, along with Madam Biah, who ran over to her son slumped over on the ground. "Liang!" She screamed. "Who did this to you?"

"Yuliah and her man. Go after them now!" Liang covered the hole in his neck where blood dribbled out. His voice horsed.

The men looked at one another and took off into the night.