
Chapter 13. Flight and Fight

Yuliah watched frozen as Liang charged forward like an angry bull ready to ram her. Fear rooted both of her feet to the ground firmly. When he came within a few inches away, the fog finally lifted and triggered a response to run. With a quick sidestepped, she evaded the head-on collision.

Drunk and barely coherent, Liang crashed into the wall behind them. A guttural sound escaped his lips while he rolled in agony on the floor.

Happiness erupted inside Yuliah, but it didn't last long when Liang pounced from the ground.

"You bitch," he snarled.

He's furious, and Yuliah knew all too well what happened next. She bolted for the door. Each breath cut deep into her chest. She tried to put as much distance between them, but with only one shoe on, she wobbled and hopped in a useless attempt.

It wasn't long before Liang stood behind and grabbed a handful of her black hair. He yanked so hard that she flew back onto the ground. He flashed an evil smile at her contorted face, then dragged Yuliah towards the bed.

"Let go of me," the jewels on her dress scrapped across the wooden floor. She kicked at Liang, but he dodged. Then she swatted at him with closed fists but lacked the strength to do any actual damage, and both fists bounced right off him.

Once they stood in front of the bed, Liang pulled Yuliah up by the hair. An ear-piercing shrill erupted out when strands of hair ripped from her scalp.

"Shut the fuck up!" Liang's eyes furrowed and his hand landed hard on her face.

She fell onto the bed. Salt and bitterness filled her mouth, followed by a slight buzzing sound that drowned out Liang's cusses. Yuliah held onto the silk sheets beneath. That bastard. He hit too hard this time, and both eyes stung, but she fought back the tears. She would not cry because of him anymore and gritted her teeth.

Liang shook his hand, and long pieces of black hair slid to the floor. "I'll teach you a lesson today. A lesson I hope you will remember." His eyes grew wide, with both lips pulled back tightly. "I'll teach you until you learn it!"

When she made him angry in the past, he didn't hit her this hard. This was bad. What's the point of holding back anymore. Yuliah ready herself for a fight. "I don't care about your lessons. Teach them to your whores instead and let me go."

The shock on his face, he couldn't believe what just came out of her mouth, only made him come at her even harder this time. She scrambled to get up while Liang removed his outer shirt and then shoes. She knew what he planned to do next and jumped from the bed, but he caught then tossed her back. "Nooooo…." Yuliah struggled against his weight as he hoped on top.

He held her chin and forced her to look at him. "You're not leaving me. I've put in too much fucken time and effort into you. I won't let you ruin it." his tongue stuck out as he tried to force his lips onto Yuliah.

She slapped him, but not before spitting in his face.

Liang rubbed a sleeve across his face. "You want to play rough huh?" He backhanded Yuliah with more force this time and she saw a flash of white light.

"Help! Help me!" Scream after scream she let out, but no one came. Someone should hear by now, Yuliah continued to scream. They were loud and constant until Liang grew annoyed and struck her again. Another flash of light followed by silenced momentarily and Yuliah quieted down.

The maids already reported what they heard to Madam Biah, but she disliked Yuliah's defiant nature and refused to let anyone intervene. To Madam Biah, Liang's within his rights to teach his wife a much-needed lesson.

The three maids stood outside and listened to her cries, they could do nothing. The Biah's tempers were unforgiving and afraid of being punished too. The maids covered their ears. Yuliah's the daughter of a General. Liang and his Mother would go easier on her than them.

Liang wore a ring on one hand that he rarely took off and with each blow to Yuliah's face. It cut into her flesh and spilled blood down both cheeks and everywhere else.

Yuliah's will to survive, to escape Liang only grew stronger with each hit, and she continued to scream and fight him, not letting up at all. She would not die by his hands here! Not today!

Blood pumped through his body as he struck Yuliah again and again until her screams finally died down.

"That's all you had to do. Do you understand the lesson now?" He said.

Yuliah took too many hits from Liang and struggled to keep an eye open. With no strength left, she dropped to the side, and her throat turned raw from screaming. She might die here. Yuliah's head flopped around.

Liang's fingers gripped onto her chin, and he shook. "I don't want to kill you, but someone needs to teach you a lesson. You can never leave me for another man," he shook Yuliah again. "Your man in black may have lifted the veil, but where is he now?" Liang laughed. "Nowhere close by, and I will fuck you." Liang planted a kiss on Yuliah's face. "Maybe I'll let him have you after I'm done."

A loud rip came from between Yuliah's legs when Liang tore away pieces of her dress.

"Stop!" She swatted at his hands, but it did nothing. Don't give up! Those words exploded inside her head, and she mustered the strength to fight again. "He'll come for me," Yuliah said. Even if she weren't sure about it, Yuliah would do or say anything to distract Liang. Who knows that man might come back. She just needed to stall for some time. Yuliah didn't believe he would leave.

"Why are you always fighting me?" Liang grabbed both her arms. "Yuliah," he pressed them tightly to the sides of her body, "Why can't you just be good to me?" He leaned down and tried to retake a kiss. "Don't ruin our wedding night, please," he wiped the blood that dripped down Yuliah's forehead with his sleeve. "I didn't want to do any of this. You made me into this monster."

He would try to turn this back on her, Yuliah broke away just in time and dodged his kiss, "You disgust me, and if I could I would kill you!" she gurgled.

Blood rushed to his head. "You fucken whore! Every time I think we've made progress you fuck it up again!"

Liang pinned both arms above her head with one of his hands. With the other hand, he tore at her dress again. "When I get done with you, that pride of yours. I'll break it." he chuckled.

She had stored up a bit of energy while Liang spewed on and swung a knee up and hard right between his legs. Liang keeled over and onto the ground. With a hand cupped around his groin, he cussed and rolled across the floor before he could climb back up onto the bed again.

"I hate you so much!" Yuliah shouted. If only she were stronger, he'd be dead right now.

Liang's fist landed one more time into Yuliah, and she fell back onto the bed. A gush of fresh blood trickled down. With heavy eyes and an icy chill. This must be it - the end...

Boom! Boom! Boom! Yuliah jolted consciously.

"There's a fire! The Manor is burning!" a maid continuously pounded on the door.

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