
The Life in the Aftermath

A man, surviving in a world invaded with monsters. With the power to raise monsters... Come and read the life journey of James in.... The Life in the Aftermath.

Forsakenneel · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

First fight pt. 3

Me and Alex stood there watching out for the wolves to attack again and every so often Alex would grab something from his pockets and throw it towards the two Kweh that replaced Bjornson. I looked at him in confusion and he chuckled before he handed me some, they were pellets of some kind, well except that they weighed atleast a good pound each and he handed me 5 of em at once.

"These are the special treats I use for the more.... Combat oriented Kwehs I have around here."

"I thought you said you only raised the ones that were better suited for farming and things like that?"

"Wellllll, I mean on paper that's true. But I mean comeon you really think a farmer out here in the wildness of an alien world really only raises cattle without something to help him keep away the coyotes? well wolves in this case but same thing. Officialy I only have one combat Kweh and the rest are cattle, but I do have a few that can fight and every so often when I get a small pack of those Cutter wolves that get lucky enough to cross over I have Bjornson lead them in defending my farm."

"Then the ones that are causing trouble over in the grazing acreage?"

Alex chuckled before he pointed at the two that were standing watch and gazing around the fenceline. "Your looking at em. See Hector told me that you were starting out as a tamer and that he'd be bringing you along on an expedition. So as my way of showing congrats to my best friends Kid, I'd figure I'd give ya one of my Kwehs to start you out as your first tame. I've been training em real good the last few weeks..... But now that I'm thinking about it that's about when the increase in pack attacks started???? Godsdammit! Boy get inside and tell Kelly to call up HQ and tell them to send a team over to Kevs place. If these bastards are this persistent into gettin at my girls than I can only imagine how much trouble he's having with him having a damn hole in his fence that he made himself... Damn bastard practically opened the doors for the bastards!"

I was confused but ran inside since Alex started mumbling to himself again. Once inside I saw Kelly tending to Hector and he was looking slightly better as the color that was drained from his face was now slowly coming back.

"Alex said to have you call HQ and have them send a team over to Kevs." I said but Kelly just chuckled along with Hector albeit afterwards he winced in pain.

"See I told you he woulda thought of it sooner or later." Kelly said as she patted Hector's arm and brought up a glass of water for him to drink.

"I'm sorry what? Did I miss something?" I looked at the both of them wiht confusion but Kelly just waved at me as she kept chuckling.

"I knew Kev would probably have some trouble so I went ahead and gave a call to HQ myself. They had already recieved a call from him and the team is already there taking care of it."

I sighed as an unknown weight lifted from my shoulders. I didn't know Kevin at all but if what Alex and Kelly were saying about this being unusual than I guess unconciously I was worried about his farm aswell? After checking up on Hector and seeing as he was starting to feel better I turned to go back out to Alex, but before I could Kelly spoke up again.

"Oh by the way tell Alex that the team should be arriving within the next 5 minutes. They hurried up because of the request from Kevin so they beefed up the extermination teams and sent them out."

"He will like the sound of that thank you." I walked out and Alex was in the same spot still mumbling to himself about what this could mean while also feeding and petting the two Kwehs he had come over to replace Bjornson.

"Hey Alex, Kelly told me to let you know the team that is on their way should be here within the next 5 minutes or so. She also had already called and requested a team head over to Kevs before I went insdide."

He snapped back to reality as I started talking and chuckled at me. "Boy let me tell ya what. If you ever find a woman that can balance out your quirks.... Marry her on the spot! My Kelly is the best damn thing I ever had happen to me. Did you know that we actually quit and gave up everything on earth to start up our farm here? Yea, just up and said fuck it. She didn't even know what the hell a Kweh even looked like nor why I was so excited about it but she supported me all the way."

"Wow, that's crazy, Usually people nowadays are more wrapped up with either fighting the monsters or crawling up the nobility ladder."

Alex shook his head at the mention of the so called nobility. "Man that chaps my ass so much... Some damn idiot took advantage that the apocolypse brought and started acting all high and mighty... Damn near as bad as religious zealots I swear. But anyways enough about all that, I hear an engine coming down the road and hopefully that's our backup."

With that Alex and me took off to the gate and watched as an armored vehicle with what looked like a damn plasma gun attached at the top rolled up and stopped just at the gate. A man came out and shook hands with Alex with a smile on his face.

"Damn Alex, if I didn't know any better I'd say you were throwing out fireworks left and right. I mean damn we could hear that damn electric fence blasting off from miles away."

"Haha, yea but hey it helped us last this long." Alex laughed then opened the gate for the vehicle to roll through and after parking 3 more members joined us near the back fenceline that was now being attacked again.

"Woo, good thing we got here as soon as we did. How many made it over?" The leader asked as he saw the fence starting to bend down enough for wolves to jump over again.

"a few made it over but then the last wave a couple jumped back over but we gave them a shocking farewell haha. Anyways Jack... I think we have an Alpha grade C." Alex spoke to the guy now known as Jack.

He and the other members of his team instantly turned serious at the mention of a Grade C Alpha. I raised my hand and asked. "Um, I'm sorry but I'm a newbie, could someone explain what's going on? I get what an Alpha could mean for regular wolves back on earth but what does that mean here?"

A woman that was holding onto a sniper rifle atleast a foot or two taller than her started to chuckle. "Ah, so we got a newbie in our midst? Well little man let me explain. An Alpha is bad news all around as it has the ability to lead and also passively strengthen the monsters it has under its control. To make it worse however... The higher up in the grade scale it is, the tougher and meaner it is aswell as how powerful it can make its subordinates. Thankfully we've discovered that there is a limit to the grade that the subordinates could reach while under an Alpha and that's always the grade underneath, otherwise there would be a fight for dominance."

I was shocked and reminded just how dangerous this side of the portal could be. But to think that just a single monster could cause such a change in others that it led was a big deal. I turned back to Alex with wide eyes.

"So, you think that an Alpha is involved here?"

"Yea I do Jimbo. It would explain just the sheer coordination in the attacks aswell as....."

About that time I noticed the fenceline was low and that 4 wolves were in the air. One was aiming directly for Alex's back but I was close enough to push him out of the way. Unfortunately I wasn't thinking it through all the way and as a result I was the one that was immediately pinned underneath the monsters body. I was doing all I could as I held it's jaws from closing down onto my head. Fear was running through me like a hurricane but I knew this couldn't be the way I go out, not this early into my journey, not like this.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES KID!" Someone yelled and next thing I feel is warmth spread over me as some kind of liquid was splashed all over my face aswell as feeling the weight fall off of me.

"Don't open your eyes kid you have monster blood all over you. It can be poisonous to some people so just to be on the safe side keep them closed, we can handle it from here." The womans voice spoke again but this time much closer as if she was right in front of my face as she helped me up and walked me over to sit down by something. I heard her footsteps rapidly go away and that's when the noises of my surroundings came rushing back.

I heard grunts of exertion from a guy followed by yelps from a wolf. I heard gunshots or more like felt them as the sheer power behind them rattled my chest. I heard what sounded like someone saying a poem followed by a quick flash of heat then a blast.

"Kweh?" I heard as I suddenly jumped as I felt something brush against me. It felt like it was pushing me slightly and knew that one of the Cho.... Kwehs, had came over and checked on me. I raised my hand and fumbled in the air for a second until I felt a feathered head come into contact with it.

"Haa, I'm ok but thank you for checking on me. I can't see right now so can you tell me if everything is going ok? I don't hear anything anymore."

"That's because we finished the wolves Jimbo. Thanks to Jack and his crew that is we dealt with the mutts in record time... Well the ones that jumped over that is." He had to correct himself as another wind slash collided against the fence.

"Don't worry Jimbo, Claire here is a healer and can help you get into tip top shape." The voice of Jack said off to my left while I suddenly felt a presence in front of me.

"Like Jack said hon, I'm Claire and a Healer... Wait? Are you not hurt?" The woman asked in surprise.

"Ummm, am I supposed to be?" confusion thick in my question. I know I was covered in monster blood and the other chick said that it could be poisonous to humans. But I wasn't feeling sick or anything like that? Although.... Maybe I was feeling a little better than normal? Nah nevermind.

Claire spoke up again after a few seconds of wiping away some of the blood and checking if I had any wounds. She said it was ok for me to open my eyes an after she made sure I was fine she stood back up. "Yea, the kids fine. I didn't see anything wrong an my abilities are saying he's healthy."

"Good job Claire thanks, but now's not the time to relax Jimbo.." Jack was saying but I had to interupt him since he kept calling me Jimbo after Alex.

"I'm sorry Jack sir, but my name is actually just Jim or James, haha Alex calls me Jimbo just cuz but it's not my real name But ahem... It's fine if you want to call me that I'm sorry for interupting." I got a little meek after realizing I might have offended the guy whose team saved me and so I backpedalled a little.

"Nah, it's fine Jimbo or well I guess I'll call you Jim. Also don't worry about offending me or anything like that, if anything I'm sorry if I offended you by calling you the wrong name... Ahem, anyways team? It's time to set up a perimeter check and make sure that these wolves aren't just trying to keep us in this one spot. Claire and Hannah, go inside and meet up with Kelly and help out Hector, Then go ahead and find a place to setup a snipers nest so we can start taking out the ones who are hiding out in the tree line. Paul, you and me will run around and do a quick check of the fenceline. Is that ok with you Alex?"

"Ha, no problems here bud, you do what you need to while I stay here with Jimbo."

"Sounds great, Everyone ready? Let's go."