
Chakra Paper

Naruto with his foxy grin pumped his arm in the air as he jumped yelling "I am undefeated." Sasuke shook his head at the notion of someone claiming they were undefeated after only a fight. The fights continued as more people won and lost, soon only a few people were left that hadn't had a chance to fight. "Choji Akimichi, Sasuke Uchiha, get in the ring and get ready," Iruka's voice trailed loudly. Choji mid chew, hands his bag of chips to his best friend Shikamaru "don't eat any chips Shika I know how many are left in the bag" Choji says to his friend as he makes his way into the ring. Sasuke watching Choji entering the ring looks at the number floating next to his name above Choji's head, deciding he doesn't need to take off his weights. 'Only level four, you are getting complacent Choji' Sasuke thinks as he finished his bow, watching Choji get into his family's' fighting stance. Sasuke deciding to get into his own stance, extends his left arm towards the ground in front of his chest with his right arm hanging loosely to his right side and spreading his legs shoulder width apart. "You both know the rules?" Iruka asks, both Choji and Sasuke give him a nod "Fight" Iruka yells.

Choji and Sasuke stand in their fighting stance waiting for the other to make the first move. Kiba growing tired of standing outside in the sun with his sore body, yells loudly and clearly, "Choji I heard Sasuke call you a fatass at lunch." "What?" Choji yells as he starts sprinting like a mad bull towards Sasuke cocking his fist as he gets closer to his opponent. Sasuke still unmoving in his stance watches as Choji, now at arm's reach of each other, releases his punch as he yells "I'm not fat I'm big boned." Sasuke now seeing the released punch aiming for the right side of his chest, swerves the right side of his body back. Choji knowing his punch isn't going to connect, tries to pull back his punch and center himself, he finds that he is unable to counter the weight of his body's momentum. As Choji's fist flies past his mark, Sasuke leans forward as his left hand grabs the ground in front of him hoisting his body into a handstand spreading his legs. His feet now in the air, spin quickly as Sasuke twists his body, his left foot of a spinning leg connects to back of Choji's head. The handstand spinning kick propels Choji forward in the air crashing into the ground and grinding his chest and face into the dirt.

Sasuke still in a handstand brings his spread legs together, moving his right arm from his side, down to the ground mimicking his left arm. Sasuke slowing his spinning body, bends his arms lowering his face almost into the dirt. With as much force as he can muster pushes off from the ground with both hands launching himself feet first towards the still downed Choji. In midair Sasuke arches his back controlling his aim as his feet continue to fly towards Choji's back. Choji still lying in the ground, moves his hands parallel to his shoulders with his elbows pointing away from his body, he pushes with his hands and raises his chest a few inches off the ground. Choji moves his right leg and tucks it under his chest as his feet grip into ground preparing to stand back up. The loud crash audible to everyone around is heard, as Choji's body slams into the ground as Sasuke's feet pummel into his back. "End" Iruka nervously yells running over to check on Choji. Iruka presses his hand into Choji's back feeling every bone in his spine, Iruka lets out a sigh "You're ok Choji, nothing is broken." Iruka looks over to Sasuke and says, "impressive Sasuke, now help Choji get to the nurses office."

"Later Choji" Sasuke and Naruto say waving good bye to their big boned classmate as Choji leaves the ramen bar and heads home. "Dammit, I never want to fight Choji again." Sasuke says to Naruto checking his wallet as they walk out of Ichiraku's ramen shop. "Buying him a meal to apologize for hurting him in a spar is too costly." Sasuke complains to a distracted Naruto. As both of them slowly make their way through the town. "Hey Sasuke, is what you said in Ichiraku's true about the giant fireball jutsu you can do?" Naruto asks Sasuke, "Yeah, why?" Sasukes asks his friend as both of them avoid the glares to Naruto from the villagers. "Think you could teach me how?" asks a hopeful Naruto, "I don't know, did you find out what elements you are naturally aligned to?" Replies Sasuke looking at a confused Naruto shaking his head no. "Follow me" Sasuke says as he starts running through the village. As they both slowdown outside of a ninja shop, Sasuke turns to Naruto "wait here, they won't sell me anything if you are with me." Sasuks says walking up to the door and enters the building.

Sasuke starts walking up and down the aisles looking for a particular item. "What can I help you with?" Sasuke hears from behind him, as he turns around, he is face to face with a girl with brown hair wrapped in two buns on either side of her head. "I'm looking for some chakra paper, do you know where it is?" Sasuke asked the slightly older girl. She makes a hand motion to follow as she leads him to the checkout counter. "How many?" she asked, as Sasuke holds up two fingers. She reaches under the counter and pulls out two sheets of paper. "That's going to be five hundred Ryo" she states as she begins ringing him up. Sasuke opens his already light wallet and grabs five bills, handing them to the girl as she hands him over the chakra paper. "Thanks" Sasuke says in appreciation as he starts heading excitedly back outside, as he reaches the door he hears "Please come again."

"What did you get Sasuke?" Naruto asks as they start heading back through the village. "I'll show you, lets head to my house." Sasuke says hurrying through the crowded streets back to the Uhicha clan compound. As they both pass through the high walls and metal gate and make their way to Sasukes home. "Here, take this," Sasuke says to Naruto outside of his home as he hands a chakra paper to him and holds onto the other. "Ok, I read about this in the library, this is called chakra paper. You channel chakra into the paper and it will show you what type of chakra your body is aligned to. If the paper cuts itself it's a wind type, if it becomes wet it's a water type. If it burns that means fire, crumbles is earth and if it becomes crinkly that means a lightning type." Sasuke stated gripping the paper, as he slowly channeled chakra into it. The papers left side started to turn to ash as the right side crinkled into a ball. "So I have fire and lightning chakra, now you try." Sasuke said as Naruto began channeling chakra into his own paper. The paper began cutting itself over and over again until it became tiny pieces of paper. "What happened?" Naruto asked Sasuke, "I don't know exactly what it means but I'm sure you are a wind type." Sasuke said answering Naruto's question.