
ARC 1-8

The next morning, there was a knock at the door awakening the tightly hugging males on the bed.

Ming yue slowly opened his sleepy eyes not yet fully awake, he blinked repeatedly.

The knock sounded again and the voice of shu mexing who was missing the night before was heard as she called out eagerly outside the room door.

" Yue-ge, are you awake I already made breakfast, come out let's eat"

Ming yue tried to sit up but is held down by a warm weight on his waist, still out of sorts he lowered his head and was surprised to see an arm caging him in, his legs were also entangled with another two male ones, they were spooning and he seemed to be the small spoon.

Then he suddenly remembered that a certain someone climbed into his bed with tricks yester-night, he yawned and patted the arm holding him to make the owner let go but instead it tightened and he was dragged closer to the warm body behind him.

His clothed back almost moulding into the naked chest behind him, the temperature of the male at his back transmitted to him and it was more than warm but what was more warm was the almost scalding hot hard length that is almost branding his skin through the cloth and he stiffened like he had been struck by lightning

After his stupefied emotion passed, he tried shifting away but the hand didn't let him go, it tightened further enough to restrain him without hurting him.

"Ge where are you running off to?"

A hoarse low magnetic sleepy voice whispered at his ears and he shivered pleasantly as he ears flushed so red as if blood could be squeezed out of it, he became so tongue tied that it was hard for him to talk.

The blush slowly spread to his face, neck, body, his complexion like a cooked shrimp and his breathing fastened as they remained in that position, he couldn't concentrate nor talk properly with Wei sying so close to him and holding him like this making him feel every contour and ridge of his body and ming yue felt like every part of him was about to smoke.

" L..l..le.. let me go first"

ming yue managed to stutter as he patted the arm holding on to him, his voice trembling as he swallowed the excess saliva in his mouth, he was about to let go of his inhibitions and hump the male behind him.

He was so seduced his thinking capability was about to shut down with only instincts remaining and the instinct is animal - like and extremely lustful.

He bit his lip as he did Buddhist mantras in his mind, he felt like he was about to become a monk with all the mantras he has been doing but the body behind him was dragging him into worldly affairs.

" Ge, do you dislike me?" The hoarse magnetic voice asked softly at his ears

" N..n..no" he said outwardly

' but please give me some space to calm down' he thought inwardly almost in tears

" Then why are you trying to stay away from me?" The persistent magnetic voice asked

' I am staying away so I don't embarrass myself in front of you!' he cried without tears inwardly as he shivered intermittently anytime Wei sying whispered at his ears

He was starting to think he would start convulsing anytime soon if he wasn't let go.

Ming yue breathed deeply in an attempt to calm down then replied him after he thought of a reason

" I...I am not staying away from you, i just.. want to get.. the door, mexing ..is at..." He tried to say but is interrupted by Wei sying slightly hurt voice.

" Ge I am hurt that you are talking about a woman when you are on the same bed with me"

Wei sying said and slowly let go while he lightly bit his earlobe as punishment.

Ming yue sprang up and jumped away from the bed the moment he was bit on the ear almost falling over.

"Careful" Wei sying said worriedly after seeing the almost accident to the male whose back was turned towards him.

" I..I will go open the door" ming yue quickly said as he turned to walk to the door but is rejected by a fast moving Wei sying who got out of bed and opened the door.

Ming yue slowly sat down on the bed with a hand on his chest calming his fast beating heart.

' I've never felt so much emotion for so long' he thought with lowered eyelids covering his silver gems and emotions his face expressionless.

The moment the door opened, shu mexing was first blinded by the naked chest in front of her, she took a flustered step backwards and lowered her eyes and was once again blinded by the huge tent in his trouser pants and what she was about to say got stuck in her throat as she stared at it.

Her eyes widened and her breathing quickened.

' it's much bigger than what I've been using'

She thought lustfully but is woken from her reverie by a low magnetic voice.

" Ge is still sleeping" Wei sying told her timidly.

She looked up at the object of her momentary fantasy and her expression slowly twisted in disgust and she was reluctant to admit she felt anything but contempt for him

' it's so disgusting I almost felt lust for this street rat'

she thought as she twisted her lips in scorn.

" Whatever" she replied to his earlier statement and quickly left.

After sending the disturbance away, Wei sying closed the door and leaned against it with folded arms as he admired ming yue who was sitting on the bed.

Ming yue seemed to be in thought, raising a brow he walked quietly to his back.

He climbed on the bed behind him and knelt, he bent to ming yue earshot which he seemed fond of doing lately

" Ge what are you thinking of?" he whispered curious

Startled,ming yue fell forward but was held upright by an arm at his waist then he was lifted up and made to sit on hard thighs.

The blush that had faded away slowly came back.

" Y..you why are you behaving this way" ming yue asked

" What way?" Wei sying tilted his head as if clueless as he asked.

He thought for a while then realized ming yue was talking about his change of character from the original timid one to this new one .

Wei sying chuckled, the chest behind ming yue vibrating with the chuckle.

"I've always been like this" Wei sying answered him

" But not in front of me" ming said

" It's because I like you" Wei sying confessed

Ming yue heart trembled and skipped a beat before beating fast, his blush deepening, he restrained his emotions.

" So you deceive me?" Ming yue asked in displeasure.

" No" Wei sying shook his head then whispered lowly at his ears ambiguously.

" It's a love strategy called boiling the frog in warm water"

Ming yue clutched the arm holding him as his lustful images and thoughtful continued.

" Despicable rouge" ming yue mouth said one thing and his body feeling another.