
ARC 1-9

The hot ambiguous atmosphere was broken by a loud hungry stomach growl from ming yue stomach and his already deep blush deepened in embarrassment.

Wei sying chuckled and let him go, he got down from the bed and went to the flushed ming yue front and outstretched a hand to hold his hand and raise him up.

The moment he came in front of him, ming yue pupils shrank and darkened in anger, his face frowning unnoticeably, he stood with the strength of Wei sying and inadvertently fell on his chest, he patted around to get a leverage to stand properly.

After standing he frowned and said angrily

" You say you like me, but you are seducing anyone you see"

Wei sying raised a brow in amusement but is unable to keep the amused face as his face and eyes darkened in lust as ming yue twisted his left peach colored nipple, his already hard length throbbed and twitched in his pants.

" Fuck" he cursed quietly as he quickly held on to the beautiful long straight pale fingers making trouble on his chest to avoid a catastrophic event from happening.

He felt that the self control he was very proud of was about to crumble in ming yue hands.

" The only person I want to seduce is you" Wei sying appeased

" But you are shirtless... you opened the door shirtless knowing a person is behind it, what is that called?" Ming yue said still not satisfied and twisted his other right nipple in punishment.

" Fuck..fuck" Wei sying muttered again and restrained the other hand, more blood rushing to his hard length making it more stiffer than it already is, as he gritted his teeth in pain, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he breathed deeply to calm down.

His hold on ming yue hands tightened and loosened as he tried to chain the beast called lust tightly before it runs wild.

" Ge, I didn't think it meant anything and I am not shirtless, it's only unbuttoned" he pleaded almost whimpering, he was about to go crazy with lust.

He held ming yue hand to explore around his torso in an attempt to let him see he wasn't lying.

Wei sying guided ming yue hands to his collarbone, his pecs, abs and inadvertently to the top of the tent in his trousers before letting go.

Ming yue let go flustered and cradled his now flushed hand.

Wei sying secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he finally managed to make ming yue hands leave his body, although his actions could be said to be lighting fire on the already burning fire but at least it got the job done.

"But if you mind, this would be the last it would ever happen" Wei sying promised as he buttoned up his pyjama shirt.

" As if it's any of my business" ming yue replied softly but his lips curved up slightly.

Seeing his tsundere behavior, Wei sying had a urge to fuck him on the bed behind him.

He looked at him burningly for a minute then raised his head in a silent prayer with his eyes closed.

" Ge, I know you are hungry, so I will go to my room to allow you do your morning rituals then we will meet outside our rooms later so we can go downstairs together" Wei sying said part caring and part wanting to escape.

Ming yue agreed with the plan also wanting the same escape route as he flushed in embarrassment when he thought of his earlier impulsive actions of twisting a certain someone nipples and in lust when he recalled the pleasurable sensations he felt when he explored around Wei sying body.

' I need a dose of cold shower' they both thought at the same time.

After ming yue agreed, Wei sying quickly left like he gained amnesty.

Half an hour later,the two males Walked down the stairs to the dining table.

Wei sying in front leading ming yue down carefully like he was a treasure and ming yue shy and ears flushed red.

When mexing who was arranging the food on the table saw them or specifically Wei sying and his now fully clothed look, a little disappointment flashed through her heart but she quickly swept it away with disgust.

She smiled as she walked up to them and tried to hold onto ming yue arm but her hand was slapped away by a smirking Wei sying.

" Ge doesn't need more help" he said

Since he already put off the mask in front of ming yue, he was too lazy to pretend in front of irrelevant people.

She stared at him infatuated and at the same time annoyed, ming yue lightly glanced at her and he was enraged and at same time lightly smiling, although she tried to hide it, he could see it as she was poor on hiding her emotions.

Wei sying led ming yue to the dining table and helped him sit then whispered something to him and went into the kitchen.

The ignored shu mexing watched their actions which looked ambiguous but brushed it off as an illusion.

Still she was a little suspicious as she walked down, when she got to the table, she tried to serve ming yue but was rejected

" Xiao-sying is preparing a meal for me" ming yue said softly

" Yue-ge, it's been so long you ate a meal I prepared, do you hate me?" Shu mexing as she acted spoiled as usual

" No I don't" ming yue voice was lukewarm

' you are only a clown I used to pass the time but your use to me is now gone' ming yue thought

" Is Wei sying saying bad things about me to you behind my back"

She asked as if aggrieved

Ming yue eyes turned cold, old offences combined with new ones made him so annoyed he didn't want to keep any more pretense in front of her.

" There's no need for him to do so, mexing stop bothering me" Ming yue said voice cold.

Shu mexing back was cold as she took in the gaze that looked at her like a dead thing but the thing is that he is blind so it can only be an illusion made by her due to stress, she told herself but a sense of crisis flashed through her heart.

Seeing ming yue attitude towards her had changed, she cooled down and sat quietly at the table not even touching the food she herself served scared out of her wits.

After some minutes, Wei sying came out of the kitchen with two bowls of fried noodles, he put one in front of Ming yue and the other in front of himself as he sat down.

He glanced briefly at the scared shu mexing then at ming yue while smirking in amusement not caring what caused the change in her emotion and only had the mindset to dive in the muddy water and make it more turbulent and extra muddy.