
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The Camelot Conundrum

"Right listen kid, we got half an hour to deliver the philosopher stone, the headmasters a good friend of mine so this be simple" I nearly talked to Peter as a teacher, wow I'm stressed. This is probably the action of taking someone with me on the job. He was fidgeting in the school uniform while I was used to mine. The he looks up at me. 


I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Hush up, we're meant to be blending in!" I say. I move my hand away.

"Nice" he grins and takes the wrapped up stone, examining it between his finger tips.

"Imagine if we destroyed this" He said.

"NO" | yell, making him jump.

Bless, he cute when he gets scared like that.

"We cant mess with the time line! WHAT DID THE PROFESSOR TELL YOU JUST BEFORE WE CAME HERE?!" | yell gesturing my hands up and down and around. Hes only doing this to annoy me, by accident AND PURPOSE! HOW DO YOU ANNOY SOMEONE BY ACCIDENT... AND ON PURPOSE?

"kay" he shrugged his shoulders at me, giving me a quick grin.

"God, I feel like I'm with a child" I mumbled, picking up my backpack and began walking. He kept stepping behind me and bumping into me. I give him another stare.

"Sorry, just excited" he said giving me his best childish smile. I shrugged my shoulders in acceptance and carried on walking through the little courtyard. We both see two school boys walk up to us. They looked like they were around 15 with a reputation of bullying others is my guess.

"Look a newbie!" One exclaimed. The other took my backpack and started throwing it and catching it.

"Im, Im not a student here" Im stutter out, I can never stand up to my bullies properly even in high school, maybe this is happening again.

"Give her the bag back" Peter stepped forward, his voice sturn and steady and strong and deep. He also tried very hard not to punch the schoolboy (I could tell with my magic) professor did warm him not to meddle and he was listening. Thank god for that. 

"Oh look, you got yourself a girlfriend" one smirks.

"Shut up!" I say, trying to remain stern like Peter.

"You want it?"

"Go get it" he was about to give my bag to Pan, until the bully swooshed it around and threw it on top of the roof with his magic. It was a magical school after all. 

Great job Ava. Im here now punishing myself while I see Alex looking like he was thinking while the bullies started laughing. My eyes darted at the floor, I see Peter's school boy shoes, then I didn't. I look up. Did he just? What the flip?

Pan was now climbing up the bars and jumped onto the cliff part of the wall, swung upwards and landed on the opposite building where my backpack is. He tidied himself by patting himself twice and walked on the roof. My eyes widen.

He just jumped down and was walking towards me.

"No point, well just throw it back again!" One of those boys just talked behind me and that was the last time anyone messed with me from school. I turned around even before Pan reached me.

"Ill give you a face full of fist, Im friends with headmaster I can make that happen, do not mess with me dumbasses" I try and make myself look confident. Is it working? I think it is. I feel confident. I was never gonna let bullies undermine me ever again.

They finally looked scared as Peter turned up next to me. They turned and ran.

"Good choice, idiots" I shout as they run away. 

"Great work Ava" Peter let out a sigh and so did I.

"Thanks for the bag Pan" I grabbed my backpack off him, swung it over my shoulder and began walking. We finally came face to face with Merlins statue bird stairs thingy. We stop.

"What now? You have a password right?" Peter asks me.

"Yeah" I state, pulling out a scrunched up piece of paper from my scrunchie. Opening a small zip to reveal a paper. Where else am I meant to put it in?! There was no pockets! Plus i had to keep it hidden, I'm just happy I didn't stash it in my backpack. I read it. Concentration on full.

"Sherbet Lemon" and the stairs started becoming visible.We waited for it to fully convert. I turn to Peter.

"You give him it, I know how much you want to meet him" I say. Shining my best smile at him.

"Seriously?!! This is gonna be so cool!" Lol he literally ran up the stairs and didn't even nock.

Imma whistle now. Ok so ten minutes of me whistling the Merlin theme tune done. Hm what next? The whole world is mine? I rattle on in my thoughts.

"HI" Alex jumped behind me making me nearly trip over air.


We give ourselves a silence minute.

"How'd the conversation go?!" I ask.

"Well he said that he's going to put it into the wizard bank himself and then tell Arthur to collect when necessary" He replied like he was on a sugar rush or something.

"Your all hyper now aren't you?" I say to him with a blank expression, getting a bit annoyed via HIM! He shook his head very VERY energetically 

It was time to get back to my professor. I sighed, feeling tired but mission accomplished.

"All in a days work then!" | smile at him, a proud mama Librarian!


The professor ran right downstairs. 

"Why are you in the basement?" He looked at us lying on the floor. We looked at him, then to each other. And then burst into laughter. Moments went by and we calmed ourselves.

"Ill leave you to it then" the professor gave me another key.

"Goodbye Peter" the professor said, closing the door. I turn to look at the new best friend next to me. This is going to be tough.

We were now back in Peter's world. An alleyway near the school. Both him and I knew it was time to say goodbye so I started the conversation.

"Ill see you again Mr" I quote Martha Jones as Pan wrapped his arms around me, a hug so precious I nearly squish him, hearing a ouchie sound so l let go. Then get my key from my pocket.

"You got a whole world ahead" I say, knowing it was so darn true.

"and the old world behind" He added, I put my hand up, gesturing a handshake. We started shaking hands and then stopped. Still holding hands like we both feel the same energy.

(Don't let go) the thought consumed me but I had to. 

Pan turned my hand slowly, bringing it towards himself, giving me a kiss on the back my hand. I smile at him warmly. Then releases my hand and started walking away. Giving me one last look. I clench my key in my fist. Seeing him was the last thing I want and the first thing I want when I leave. I usually close my eyes when using the key but this time I didn't. I want to see him until the end.

I see him.

Then I see home.

My sigh echoed the house as I see the key in my palm. The hand he kissed.