
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Little Blue Riding Hood

So im just sitting here in the kitchen, reading my His Dark Materials Book in silence, with a nice cuppa, awaiting my next job. Slowly getting over the days that followed. Drinking away my worries with tea. Although I do like going Greggs. Their hot chocolate with or without whipped cream is to die for!

"Easy job for you today, just deliver this box to Red's front door, for some reason she doesn't have her cloak so you need to get it to her," He states while walking into the kitchen with a box, placing it onto the table.

(It was the red hood, how I wish I could have something like that) my brain thinks as I put my book down, grabbing the box and taking it to my room. My bedroom? Oh I never told you how it looks well, like a princess room. Picture the animal crossing princess bedroom room, now picture it in real life! Yup that's it!

I zoomed into my room, placed the box on my desk and ran straight to my wardrobe! Yay another opportunity to wear the dress Marilla gave me. I then notice a plain grey Victorian corset and a letter attached. 

"Wait that wasn't there before?" I say picking up a letter with my name on.


I got you a present and another one once you finished reading this letter, it will magically appear, something to blend in while your in your olden day adventures love hatter


I smile back at the note and began to get ready, once finished i admired myself in the mirror with the blue cloak Hatter gave me. My Victorian style blue dress looked great matching with my new blue corset. 

Ive just delivered the box to the front door and walk away, simple job today! I decide to stay for a while and pretend to live in the Book. Who wouldn't to be honest. The nearest town wasn't that far from the woods so I decide to go.

"These woods are so beautiful" I end up saying out loud, getting deeper into the woods. Ill never get lost anyway, ive got my key. I suddenly hear a low growling sound coming from behind me. 

"Please tell me thats not the wolf" I say knowing damn right it will be. Just to make sure I turn around slowly. Its the wolf alright. I hear his heavy breathing as my anxiety creeps up beside me. Its eyes big. its teeth big. It wasnt a simple job today then.

"My.. what big teeth you have" I say taking a step back. No pause or nothing I turn around and run like the wind.

"Better to eat with my dear" he replies.

The wolf catches up to me in mere seconds, throws me a meter away. No time for pain I'm gonna get EATEN.

"This is so bullshirt" I mutter under my breath, getting up from the ground. And yes that's a reference to The Good Place. My breathing goes heavy as he comes closer. I got up and took the key out of my pocket. Then hear rustling. I cant use the key if he reaches me.


Nope not gonna look behind me I know he's there. I just start running, trying to use my magic to help, i feel it a little as i run. Oh great! Now I'm little blue riding hood.


I'm saving MYSELF in this story.

I feel him right behind me as I keep running! What's that tactic when someone's chasing you? Oh yeah the sudden drop. I fall suddenly into a ball. Ha dumb wolf. He trips over me and I now have time to use the key. I take it out and am home. I think I ran too much but at least I can can catch my breathe now. You know, without the wolf chomping on my bones.

Sounding like a dying walrus. You could hear me a mile off, still struggling to breathe. The professor must have heard me cause he came running in.

"Whats wrong?" He seemed confused. 

"Nearly" breathe. 

"Got" breathe.

"Killed by wolf" breathe. 

"Ill make some tea" he stated calmly.

"Good" breathe. 

"tea sorts everything" I reply throwing myself onto a chair.