
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Nottingham Vibes

A recap from me. Ava. No, not the Ava in Warrior Nun. I binge watched it yesterday on Netflix with Pete. It was like 3 AM when we finished and the professor came to pee and heard us awake in the living room, with a load of buttery popcorn mess everywhere. The fudging floor too!! Yes I try not to swear. Get over it already!

"You two meant to be sleeping?!"

Yes I know. I said sorry but I mean come on! The name Ava was in it as the main character. How cool is that? I love this show! Action, adventure and less of that yucky love making. Perfect! These days, shows are all about making love, disgusting!

*pulls a face of remorse and disgust*

So anyway the next day it was all I could talk about to the professor, not surprised as he said I could use some training. Peter suggested teaching me how to fight but I told him that l'd take his offer AFTER I visit Robin to do some inventory recap. Time to get my Nottingham uniform to blend in, I mean the key helps with the perception filter but I like getting a little fan girly now and then. 

"Here's the key" the professor put the key into my hand.

Off I went, using the key to disappear and reappear on the streets of Nottingham university. I admire the beauty white castle like building and notice a cafe nearby. Why did I immediately think of Will from His Dark Materials and the Cittagazze cafe. I did have a weird dream about kidnapping him and sending him on his way to the cafe. Alas that was all a dream and some Books are not meant to be meddled with. Especially how well Phillip Pullman writes. 

A nice summer feeling lifts my spirits a bit as I think that poor Peter is back at my house. Then I remember that the professor and Peter are like best buddies so it's calm.

"This town is so cool!" Did I just say that out loud?! I wisp away that feeling and my craving for tea as time was not on my side quest today.

I see a handsome cream skinned dude with a nice mole on the right side of his face near me. Thinking of moles or beauty spots, some people think their ugly whole I think they enhance the beautiness of the face. Oh wait thats not a word but oh well. I smile as to try and talk to him. He walks up to me.

"I'm looking for this building" I show him a map and pointed where I wanted to go. 

"Oh it's a few roads, that way" he gestures the way. He also stated it was abandoned. Even better in my opinion. I thanked him and went on my merry way.

I was getting close to the doors. They unlocked themselves. I'm a bit tense now. Hopefully this ain't a horror film, I tell myself and let myself go in.

"Hello" I mumble.

No one.

"Hello" still no one. I step in. A huge building nearly standing has made its way in my life like a horror film as my Librarian senses tingled slightly. Great, no ones here!!


A sound I hear as an arrow goes through my shoulder. I grabbed my new wound to stop it bleeding and turned around.

"STAY DOWN" I hear a voice and dropped down. I noticed one of the merry men return a archer bow shoot where the arrow previously came from. Both enemies fighting with arrows. Well THAT was a coincidence! I look. It was a spirit. Thank god it just died.

"Are more coming?" I quickly ask the now two merry men standing near me as my breathing turned into a near panic (attack by the way) as Robin came towards me. I could not fangirl right now! Ive just got shot with an arrow and am in pain. A LOT OF PAIN. You see I don't have a good pain threshold.

"Loads more, you should get out of here" Robin huffed as he came towards me.

"She's looking at me funny" Robin told his merry men.

"I'll be fine" | breathed heavily again and again and again. I pluck out my key (shivering in pain) from my pocket and I was now back home. On the floor. I cant get up, the pain hurts a little too much. I can finally scream though.

"HELP" I squeal out whilst still clenching onto my arm. The professor and Peter came rushing into the kitchen as I now feel dizzy again. Pan saw right into my eyes as he picked me up from the floor, holding me. The professor zoomed out and zoomed back in with the med kit. I cough and looked upwards Peter, he's worried. God bless this guy!

I just realise too. He stopped all my feelings, by just holding me. WHAT A CUTIE!

He puts me on the table as I sit in awe, and I'm still clenching my arm. His soft hand move my clenching hand away my bleeding arm. Slowly as I just look at his dumb face. I think I'm falling in love, in a friendship sort of way though. The professor opens the med kit and gives it to Peter. Like he knew Pan was more qualified in first aid.

"I'm going out to get antibiotics" the professor left in a fit to go get it. Bless these two goons. My heroes for the day! Peter puts some fresh water in a bowl and starts to use it. I make a face.

"Sorry" he said but doesn't stop cleaning my wound. He knows to carry on, to not waste time.

"It's fine" I say, keeping my eyes scrunched up. Then jumped nearly out of the chair.

"He he it's one more stitch, thank god right?" He mentions. I pulled a face, I think l'm about to cry.

"Hey, hey" his soft voice numbing my whole body as he makes eye contact with me. I see his eyes.


"I didn't even feel it" | scoff.

Peter smirks, he starts clearing up and starts on the sink two.

"Your a merry woman now!" He states. I give a smile to myself. He couldn't see it as he was still washing up.

"HAYYA" he mimics a fighting stance and goes back to the washing up.

"HIYA" I mimic back and then let out a groan.

"Id thought you'd known not to do that right now, stupid!" he joked.

"Your stupid" I mumble.

"When your feeling better, we can start training"

"Again, how did we become friends?" I say to him sarcastically. He turns around to face me.

"No idea!" he scoffs.

I decide to say goodnight and call it a day.

I felt funny this morning the time jump from last night to this morning, ruffled me up a bit. Especially since i keep loosing to Pan. And I had an ARROW go through me yesterday. 

"Beat you again!" He states. His annoyance in celebrating makes me was to hurl.


I fell to the floor. Not too bad, this exercise carpet was great though, thank goodness Pete suggested using it. Otherwise I wouldn't have even gotten up from the first round. I love wearing these grey jogging outfit too. Him and me went out shopping before, we decided to go twinsies after I suggested matching jogging bottoms. He kept bugging me for some Ice cream and I finally gave in at the shopping mall. Stated that I'm also not his flipping babysitter. Although it sometimes feel like I am seen as I have to keep on eye on him.

"How do you keep beating me!" I mumble as Peter puts his hand out to help me up. He defeated me once again in combat. 9 already to be exact. Ugh.

"Because I had training since I was 5" he smiled a breathe out.

DUH AVA. I slowly take his hand, give a smirk, pull him down. SMACK. His face on the floor. I give a laugh getting up myself.

"A girl doesn't need a guys help to get up"

"Damnn I was trying to be polite" he muttered, getting up.

"Nice work, ready?" he asks, readying his body stance. Oh I was ready this time!

His arm swifts diagonally, I block him using my good arm as I push away my healing arm away.

"Im impressed! You learn quickly"

"Who wouldn't if your being taught by Peter Pan" I state. I quickly use my leg to move his foot, he was about to fall but grabbed my foot too, like a child, he doesn't want me to win. Fine.


We both fell, our head opposite each other as we laugh. This is a great day, even though I didn't get to train with Robin Hood, I'm glad. This was way better.