
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Peter Pan Effect

"YOU KIDDING ME?" I literally spit out my tea. It spluttered on the table and some on the professor but he was used to it. 

"Like i said before you nearly threw your whole breakfast on me was a Alex Rider situation" the professor stated, finishing his toast and taking his tea to his study.

"The key is in the library" he yelled from the stairs as I feel my smile lighting me up even more.




Did I just fall over a staircase again? Erm yes I did, I thought to myself, rubbing my head as I got up from wherever I am right now. Over two years on the job, you'd thought l'd be better at it. I look around. Wait a hot damn minute. It's a bloody school! I fell over a school staircase. Oh god. I feel sick as some students pass me by. I also feel like Clara Oswald in this cute purple blouse, black skirt and shoes outfit. Well, least I got one thing right.

The disgusted thoughts came back from such long ago. The thoughts of those stupid, idiotic kids and how I can't believe I wanted to be their friend. The ceiling looked funny. I shook my head turning the fuzzy feeling away.

"You alright?" A cute older boy walked up to me. I know who he is. My magic tells me but I feel drunkenly unaware at the same time. 

"Oh look at you Peter, your so young" I want to touch his cheek. My muscles didn't let me.


I wake up. My eyes first adjusting to the bright lights in this small cosy nurses office, there's a kid near me. He looks kind and worried with his head down like that. I notice it's Peter and don't really want to start up a conversation. I think I'm starring at him. He does not notice me.

"Its rude to stare" he said as he looked up to me.

He does notice me.

"You were mumbling in your sleep, something about you taking the wrong key and ending up in Lost Boys School, oh you also fainted due to your mini panic attack" he stretched his arms on the sofa chair he was sitting on. This kid giving me attitude and I do not like it.

"Well, ahem" I cleared my throat.

"I'm fine now and got to get back home" I smiled sarcastically, getting out of bed.

Wait somethings wrong, why would he still be here? I mean apart from carrying my unconscious body into the nurses office. Wish I could have been awake for that, damn.

OH NO. (Time to scream at Peter Pan)


Not only did I just lose my key for the first time, l yelled at Peter fudging Pan, wow.

He got up, looking worried, sad. I don't flipping know, l'm here stressing about my key!

"Mi6 took it and their taking you too"

Suddenly 2 agents barged in and grabbed my arms. Got me up and heading for the door.


"Wait you don't understand, I need that key to get home" I blurted out as they dragged me out.

"Pan please, I'm not from this world, the keys my teleport back!" I yell as he looked behind me and I decided to give up and let the agents take me.

I also just realised that I've made a nickname for peter. Not a good start, Librarians aren't meant to get close to the characters they're working with. Especially this book I wonder, whilst being taken away that the professor didn't tell me everything before I entered this book.

Now im stuck, behind these stupid metal bars and now hopefully ill figure out a way to get out. Nope. Im curling in a ball. I think im slowly going insane or was I before? I have no idea what to do. Will I ever see the professor again? Am I stuck here forever now? Are the walls looking smaller?

Five minutes later I hear the door opening. Is someone singing?

"If I steal your kisses, baby pay my bail"

I see Peter in his same boyish checkered top I woke up to, casually walking down the hallway. Finding something was his priority right now as he was looking around, opening and closing drawers. Not mine though, he's a cutie, my heart and thoughts beat as I stare at him. Gosh Ava snap out of it!

"Pan?!" Im so hesitant right now.

"Hiya" he said cheerily, still looking for something. A minute later he found what he was looking for, keys jiggling in his hand as he came closer towards me.

"What are you doing?"

"Paying your bail!" Technically he's not. He's technically prison breaking me out. The doors unlock.

"What's this for?!" I ask him. Cant believe this dumbo was getting me out!

"Cause the difference between MI6 and me is that they don't believe you" He takes out his hand.

"But I do" Is this an Aladdin moment? 

This was like a scene of my childhood, a beautiful hero saving the day, my day, my life actually. I felt the need to take his hand so quickly but told myself to take it slow. I smiled, got up and took his hand and we started running. He on the other hand, was running too fast. I huffed and puffed as I try to keep up with him. Passing through corridor after corridor, then outside, then pass 2 busses. Using all my strength to try and keep up with him we finally end up in his house, he closes the door and we walk towards the kitchen. Why are all meeting and conversations are always around kitchen?

"Oh I forgot here" he gave me my key.

Closing my eyes clenching part of the key. I don't feel like leaving right now. As I began that tingling feeling of getting home I hear Peter's faint voice.

"Ready set goooo out the gettoooo"

I felt a smile come over me but my smile shifted, cause I knew why he said it. Now I really want to leave.

I had to leave.

I need to leave.

"What?!" | say sarcastically, opening my eyes.

"Im coming with you" he stated, like he was eligible to come along with me. Pha.

"What?!" I was now replying to him with a smily face of sarcasm. He gripped the end part of the key.

We were home.

The professor dropped his mug and it smashed, causing small broken pieces shattering all over the floor.

"This…. Is… EPIC!" Peter looked around as if it was the queens house. I saw the professor and sighed. Decided to just sit and let the atmosphere tell the professor on what happened. Gosh I needed a break. This kid guy exhausts me and l've only met him half an hour ago!

The guys exchanged hellos and started becoming friendly. WHAT. I thought the professor had been mad at me but I guess not. Im still sitting at the table with now two idiots than one. Them yapping away and I'm here about to fall asleep.

"How come no one thinks Ava's a weirdo or stranger then?" Peter asks Prof.

"This key" the professor said pointing at the key.

"Its like the Tardis from doctor who, you use this key and you blend into the story. You become part of the book for a while. Alas, you can still get caught if there's trouble" He replied, so enthusiastically.

God HeLP me.

"Wicked" he was grinning like a stupid school boy. I mean he was but in the book he just turned 18, obviously he was more than just a school boy, he was a spy. So I decide to be out their hairs and just start making tea, little as no bother, wondering if we had any consequences, bla bla bla stuff like that.

"Isn't anything going to happen if he's here?" I mentioned, crossing my arms after I press the boiling tea button on the glowy new kettle I brought from the Hatter the other day. I'm the only one feeling concerned and a bit pissed right now. Peter and the professor broke their conversation to look at me. A pause. 

"Not as long as you don't say anything to anyone Peter, I know you can keep a secret" the professor smiled at him, making sure he's telling the truth.

"What are Mi6 agents for?" Peter chuckled. I turned around, trying to act normal as I felt another genuine smile coming on but I bury it. I obviously don't want Pete to know I was enjoying his company. Oh look another nickname is subconsciously made again.