
The Librarian: Retelling Of Famous Books

What if I told you that you could go into your favourite story? The Librarian is a job that has been passed down since time forgot. To go into books using magical keys, to sort out businesses and keep trouble away from original timelines. The names, Ava. The games, Books.

Thelzybookworm · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Ava Of Green Gables

I come downstairs and straight into the kitchen in my pyjamas to make tea and toast. It's midday and I'm just glad this job doesn't have a clock in time. But sometimes I wonder and and do get disappointed. That this job doesn't have a clock out time either. Putting my toast in I see a post it note by the kettle as I turn it on. 

(In a meeting with Prince Charming to sort out a little kingdom feud. Will be back soon. Please check Anne of Green Gables Book. You may see baby Sara Crewe but the timelines will sort themselves out in this case)

Interesting. I tell myself putting down the note and not realising that I picked up the key. 





I got up huffing and puffing from the stairs. A bride of adventure alright!!

"Ouchiiiiieeeeeeeeee" | rubbed my arm. Whoops. This is why I should concentrate when I use the key. I hear the green gables door open. 

"Who are you? Are you one of Anne's friends" Marilla spoke. The blessed old woman has gotten shocked to the core. She must have been baking as flour of dough was all over her.

"I'm so sorry, I'm here for the babysitting, I'm looking for Gilbert Blythe"

"Erm well he is out at the moment, he'll be dropping off the baby and Anne once she's finished university in a few hours" Marilla stated.

"Oh ok thank you"

"But dear me" she looked at my outfit with a disgusted facial expression.

"You are not going out wearing that!"

"What?!" | said looking at my now dirty pyjamas. Oh right I forgot. I'm in a period drama. And also forgot that Marilla is like an aunt to LIKE everyone! Two seconds later she rushed me into Anne's room, looking for clothes in the cute wooden wardrobe I loved reading about.

"No ones here so you can get changed without worrying about anything, ah here"

She pulled out a really cute creamy and a bit browny dress. Like Anne's poofy and puffed sleeves blue dress but in cream. Omg I love it.

"It's beautiful" I spoke, thanking Marilla as she left the room so I can get changed. Not before she left, smiling at me and saying:

"You can keep it too"

I look at the plain, gorgeous dress laid before me. Absolutely stunning, I love period clothes, old pieces and just vintage of any item of any kind. Im so into vintage and olden day vibes, I really don't know why to be honest with you. Marilla was waiting for me, I guess she wanted to see how I would look in the dress, I come downstairs slowly. Due to the heaviness of the corset and fabric of the dress. I feel like I'm a princess! I smile as that thought floods my brain. Marilla saw me.

"Oh don't you look beautiful?!" She said it like a proud auntie, made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Thank you again for the dress" I smile at her as she held my hand, again like a auntie but she wasn't my auntie. Its cute though.

"I have to go out to the post office, Gilbert will be here shortly with the baby and Anne" she stated and then left, must have been in a hurry.

I sat.

I waited.

You know what? I'll just go make tea anyway. Knowing Marilla she wont mind. I didn't get to have my tea before anyways. Kettle turn on. Check. Half an hour had passed. I really should have brought a book. Suddenly I see him outside, walking up in his usual outdoor dress up. The door opened. Me and him look at each other, that is until the baby he was carrying started to cry.

"Oh here let me" I used my initiative, actually I rarely use it so good one for me eh? 

The baby now in my arms.

"Thank you miss"

He called me miss. Bless him.

"Whats her name?" | ask him, this Gilbert Blythe is very cute not to mention his hair, damn.

"Sara Crew, just fostering her for a bit until her father can feel better, his wife passed away you see" his smile went to a happy smile to a sad one. 

"Of course" I whispered, her pretty eyes met mine. 

"Pardon miss?"

"Oh nothing" I obviously didn't want to tell him why I knew. 

"Wheres your wife?"

"Shes just taking some air, not feeling all to well the past few weeks"

"I see" I replied swaying the baby back and forth, wondering how long Anne had been feeling ill, It didn't say that in the Book, I'm worried. The door burst open and Anne looked at me.

"Oh hello, nice to meet you" she said, her voice echoey and big and bright. At least she seems fine.

"I see Marilla gave you one of my old dresses, that's perfectly splendid isn't it?" I think Anne just gave me one of her rhetorical questions. Right? Imma just smile at Anne. No one spoke for a good ten seconds. Anne just put her hand to her head.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Gilbert, holding his wife's arm and just placed her down onto a chair, he looked very worried for her too.

"We thought we needed a babysitter but your in this state so I will tell Jerry that we cannot come to his house today and call for a doctor, your getting worse" Gilbert mentions that, kisses his wife on the forehead, she embraces it with every bone in her body and he leaves straight after.

Ok so, so shes feeling sick, has a headache and feels faint. Something here does not feel wrong, something feels right. I can't be sure just yet but I do feel tingly, like my Librarian senses are picking up something. I put the baby in the pram and pour some tea for Anne and me, making hers a bit sweeter to help with the nausea. I put the tea down and sat beside her.

"Anne, may I ask when you got married to Gilbert?" She was trying so hard to make her voice as big and delighted as normal.

"Well It was the most happiest and memorable day in my life!" She blurted out, bless her and Gilbert. The way he cares for her and her for him is just so cute! I ship them so much I could scream. But I won't. So I shan't.

"Its been a few years now, I was 18 when we got married and am turning 20 in a few months" Im getting so curious right now.

"Your womanly days stopped right?" I ask.

"How do you know?" she asked me. Now im letting myself smile so much, my teeth out and smile so big. Cheshire Cat would be proud of me. Anyway back to business. 

"Your pregnant" I say. My eyes glistening with joy and so did hers. How did I not know this!!

"What?! I thought it was because I wasn't eating properly I was feeling sick" She was grinning too at this point.

"No" I chuckled shifting my hair back. My Librarian senses were right I say to myself. 

"You stopped eating properly because your monthlies stopped with your morning sickness"

"How do you know that?" her hand on her belly, omg Imma about to burst out happy crying.

"I read a book or two" I gave a smirk, oh c'mon I deserve this smirk.

"You didnt tell Gilbert that your monthly days stopped?" (I really want to know the answer to this one)!

"I did, he thought the same as me" she laughed, Im actually laughing right now too.

"I cannot believe Ive never read a book about pregnancy" Anne huffed, she looks so happy I could almost cry in happiness myself.

"Time for you to get started" and time for me to go, I cant disrupted the storyline even more as my powers were telling me that this is a delicate storyline. I gave Anne a hug and opened the door with Gilbert returning.

"Congratulation Mr Blythe!" I say, leaving his confused face behind and then began running towards the woods to use my key. Didnt want to interrupt Anne's second best day of her life.

My hair delicately flying as I keep running. I feel like I can hear that blissful tune. Can you? What a a great adventure, and many more to come. I stop and take a moment to breathe. The sky beautiful and grass so green.

I am truly.

Ava of Green Gables.