
Extra 17: To Love Ruto (37)

Two hours later, the girls were drinking tea while chatting.

"I'm surprised that we haven't heard anything during all this time" - said Momo while raising an eyebrow because if she was honest, she was expecting something more exciting.

"The rooms in the house have a special device to isolate sounds" - Ryoko replied as she explained the general situation - "If it wasn't for them, Naruto and the others wouldn't be able to sleep because of our activities"

"Oh, that's interesting" - said Momo as her eyes sparkled slightly - "Thank you for answering my questions."

"You're welcome" - replied Mikado as she shrugged her shoulders, then looked at Nana and noticed how she was slowly watching her - "Is something wrong?"

"How did you two meet?" - Nana asked curiously.

"Oh, we work at the same school, I'm a nurse, and he's a PE teacher" - replied Mikado as she poured them more tea.

"Well, I think you guys better keep talking while I go finish my project" - said Lala with a smile as she got up and walked towards her room.

"Teacher Roleplay?" - asked Momo with a smile on her face.

"Actually, it's with director and subordinate" - replied Ryoko as the two started laughing.

"Director? I don't understand" - muttered Nana as she tilted her head.

"Never change, Nana" - said Momo as she raised an eyebrow as she watched Kurama enter the room after having disappeared for quite a while - "Hello, Kurama-san".

"Hello" - replied Kurama as he walked to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of water - "Okay, I'll be back in a moment"

"How did Tearju do?" - Ryoko Mikado asked as she looked at her lover.

"You'd be surprised" - Kurama replied as he recalled what they had done after appearing in his room.

For the first few minutes, Tearju was a little scared, but after a few minutes she was the most erotic woman he had ever seen, and he had had an orgy with the Anko Rangers and Kushina.

"I knew she had it in her" - Mikado said as he let out a small laugh - "I guess her crazy falls were because she was holding back her perverted urges?"

"That's an interesting hypothesis, we'd have to see a few weeks to check it out"- replied Kurama as he left the room.

"I didn't notice him getting tired" - Momo said as she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, Kurama has tremendous vitality and stamina" - replied Mikado as she shook her head - "In fact, that's the reason why I allowed Lacospo's former prisoners to join our nightly activities."

"How many women are we talking about?" - Momo asked curiously.

"Honestly, I didn't notice because I was more focused on other things" - replied Mikado simply - "Putting that aside, I recommend you not to be so curious about Kurama, Momo-hime."

"Oh? Why?" - Momo asked as she looked at the beautiful adult woman with surprise.

"Because curiosity is lethal for us" - replied Mikado simply - "Look how I ended up, in a relationship with a wonderful man and with all the luxuries a person could ask for"

"That doesn't sound so bad" - said Momo with a huge smile.

Mikado just smiled in response.

Nana just kept silent because she didn't understand what the fuck was going on.

* * * * * *

Two hours later, Kurama came back to see what his guests were doing - "Sorry for my sudden disappearance."

"Oh, you don't have to worry, Kurama-san, though I have to admit I'm surprised at your skills" - Momo said with a huge smile.

"Quite a precocious girl, huh?" - Kurama-san said while letting out a laugh - "Well, it's true what they say, women mature faster than men."

Mikado snorted with disdain while Momo smiled slightly.

"Anyway, I guess I'd better introduce myself accordingly" - Kurama said as he gave a small bow, though he almost stumbled when he heard the words of his son's girlfriend's sister.

"But you introduced yourself quite well, you even showed us what's in your crotch" - said Momo while laughing slightly as she noticed Kurama's expression - "Even Nana was surprised, isn't that right, sis?"

"Don't say that kind of thing, Momo!" - Nana exclaimed with a red face because she didn't want to remember those scenes.

"It's interesting, isn't it?" - Mikado asked as she looked at her lover.

"Yes, she reminds me of a certain person in my world, I would even bet my tails that she would take her as an apprentice" - replied Kurama while shaking his head.

"Oh? She sounds like an interesting person" - said Momo curiously - "She's your lover?"

"Indeed" - nodded Kurama calmly.

"Interesting" - muttered Momo as she licked her lips.

Kurama gave the girl a blank look, then looked at Nana - "As for you, you also look very familiar."

"It's because I'm Anee-ue's sister, you idiot" - Nana replied with a sharp tone.

"Oh, I know why, you remind me of a certain girl who is married to my best friend" - replied Kurama while letting out a laugh, then looking at the girl's chest and laughing harder.

"What's so funny about my chest!" - Nana exclaimed with her face red with fury.

"It's just that I'm surprised how unlucky the two of you are" - replied Kurama while shaking his head - "Now I'm thinking if this is normal, I mean, twice is already too much of a coincidence, more when the two of you have an explosive personality!"

Momo let out a laugh at the expense of her sister's growing fury - "You're funny, although I would like you to please don't tease my sister."

"Momo..." - Nana muttered with a small smile, though her expression changed when she heard the continuation of her sister's words.

"Only I can tease her for being flat-chested" - Momo continued proudly as she lifted her chest.

"Momo!" - Nana roared as she looked at her twin sister with flames shooting out of her mouth.

"Oh, now I regret sending Naruto off with Gid, him being here would have been deliciously hilarious" - said Kurama as he shook his head.

"Now that you say it, it's a pity that Tearju couldn't get here sooner, after all, Yami-chan went with Naruto on his mission" - said Mikado while shaking her head - "Though in retrospect, now she has something much better, and possibly come with a little bonus"

"Why do you say that?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, because the Tearju race is potentially the most fertile there is in the galaxy when they have their first time" - Mikado replied as she typed something in the air, only for a holographic keyboard to appear in front of her - "See"

"Oh" - Kurama didn't know what to say after reading a bit of the information, though he now understood why Tearju had said to not cum inside - "W-Well, this is a bit of a surprise."

"Are you going to back out?" - Mikado asked disdainfully.

"Oh, you don't have to try to manipulate me, I'm not one to back out" - Kurama replied as he folded his arms - "Unless there are special circumstances, like for example, a certain red haired boy makes a mess and ends up sending us to the other side of the universe."

"That's oddly specific" - Momo said while reading between the lines - "Anything we need to know?"

"No, at least for the moment" - replied Kurama as he shrugged - "Anyway, I think I'd better get dinner ready, I'm sure Tearju-san is going to wake up hungry."

"I would be too if I had two days of non-stop sex" - Ryoko Mikado replied as the twins' eyes widened, surprised by the woman's words.

"What do you mean?" - Momo asked curiously.

"Oh, the rooms also have a time seal that extends the range of hours inside, you can see if they are on or not, if you see the light above the refrigerator" - answered Ryoko Mikado while pointing to the mentioned appliance.

Momo was surprised to hear this because now she understood why that light was glowing - "That explains a few things, although now I'm a little worried about Tearju-san."

"If I were you, I wouldn't be worried about her, not with everything she did" - Kurama replied as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Can you give me details?" - Momo asked curiously.

"No! Stop talking perverted stuff that embarrasses me!" - Nana exclaimed as she grabbed her sister by the shoulders and dragged her out of the room.

"Those two are funny" - said Kurama as he let out a laugh.

"Yeah, although it's a bit worrying Momo-hime's attitude" - replied Ryoko Mikado while shaking her head - "That girl is too "mature" for her age".

"That was good, I could even feel how a small plant was trying to enter my room" - replied Kurama while shaking his head - "I guess she's a lively girl"

"Yeah" - nodded Mikado as the two walked towards the kitchen, so they could prepare dinner - "By the way, do you think we can have a threesome with Tearju?"

"Sure, although now I want to know why" - replied Kurama while raising an eyebrow.

"I was always curious to experience this kind of situation with my best friend" - replied Mikado while shrugging her shoulders.


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[The Legend of the Kyubi] Extra 18(2) <--- Available in Pa treon.

Remember that this story is translated with MT and edited with [Gramarly].

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