
Cap 161: Naruto

A few weeks had passed since Danzo's death and things had returned to relative normality for Konoha.

People were still mourning the loss of all their loved ones, but thanks to the support of everyone, people began to slowly move forward into the future.

Luckily for Konoha, none of the other large villages decided to attack them or even send spies, although there was no way of knowing what the future would bring.

Hiruzen tried to reinforce the defenses of the village, with all its Doton users, he increased the resistance of the walls, even decided to go a little further and extend the territory in order to create both new civilian and shinobi clans so that they could grow slowly. He also decided to change the internal infrastructure of the village, creating a new civil council, which unlike the previous one, did not have political power in the high council, but had a manager who could talk directly to them in order to improve the situation of Konoha.

With the near extinction of many clans and the emergence of others, Hiruzen decided not to implement the CRA, although under certain circumstances bigamy could be applied, although the laws were now much stricter for both shinobis and civilians.

Yamato was busy most of the time building houses for all the inhabitants after the demolition of the old ones, although to his relief, Kurama helped him with hundreds of clones.

With the equitable distribution of land and the large number of civilians who decided to join the different clans in Konoha, self-sufficiency began to become a common norm. Each clan had a different area and clans or civilians who had similar areas could only 'fight' with their products, any clan or establishment found using dishonourable methods would be punished firmly depending on the transgression.

As for the Uzumaki Clan... they were completely silent for a very obvious reason...

* * * * *

"Come on, Kushina, you can do it!" - exclaimed Tsunade as she looked at her clan sister.

"I'm doing it! It's not the first time I've been through this, damn it!" - Kushina exclaimed angrily as she held the hand of Kurama, who had decided to remain in Konoha because it was not long before the babies came into the world.

"You are doing well, Kushi-chan" - said Kurama as he felt a great amount of pain thanks to the strong grip Kushina was giving him. He could not understand how she had caused so much damage after all the training he had had to strengthen his body to superhuman levels.

"Shut up, Kuro-chan! I swear if you do this to me again, I'll cut off what's between your legs!" - roared the redheaded woman as she went back to her breathing exercises - "Ha~ Ha~ Fuu~! Ha~ Ha~ Fuu~!"

"Just a little longer, Kushina" - said Tsunade.

"I know! Ah!" - Kushina couldn't believe that despite having gone through this once, the pain was still hell, though not as much as the first birth.

"You're ready now!" - exclaimed Tsunade - "Now! Push!"

"Ok!" - exclaimed the redhead as she followed the blonde's instructions - "AAAH!"

"Come on Kushina, just a little more! Push!" exclaimed Tsunade with excitement.

"I know! I know, damn it!" - roared Kushina as she continued to push.

Kurama gritted his teeth as he felt his hand about to break, Kami upstairs knew that it was no lie that women brought out devastating force in situations that required it.

"That's Kushina, I can see his head!" - Tsunade exclaimed with excitement at the sight of a little red hair - "You can do it, Kushina!"

"Ah!" - shouted the redhead as she continued to do her best to bring her little boy into the world.

Kurama couldn't hide the excitement he felt at seeing his baby come into the world because he still couldn't believe he would be a father.

"One last effort, Kushina!" - Tsunade exclaimed as she saw the little one was almost completely out - "Push hard!"

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" - shouted Kushina with all her might.

Tsunade took the baby carefully and used his chakra to check his condition while Kushina looked on with concern. Kurama was in a similar state because he honestly did not know what kind of result the actual birth of a Semi-Bijuu would have, after all, he became a Semi-Bijuu after birth.

"Don't worry, Kushina, Kurama-kun... He's fine" - said Tsunade with a small smile as the baby started crying on its own - "Wow!"

Tsunade quickly cleaned the little one carefully and put him next to Kushina for her to see.

"My little boy" - said Kushina as the tears ran down her cheeks. It wasn't the first time she had gone through this procedure but the feeling was still the same.

Tsunade slowly cut the umbilical cord after a few minutes because thanks to the large amount of chakra and natural energy in the environment, the development of the baby's basic functions, as well as its overall growth, did not take too long - "Have you thought of a name yet?"

"Yes... his name will be Naruto..." - said Kurama as Kushina could not resist tears. That name was special to them, so I was grateful that Kurama decided to give it another try.

"Uzumaki... Naruto..." - Tsunade nodded as he looked at the two redheads - "I'm sorry to tell you that I have to take little Naruto away for a few minutes to run some tests..."

"Ok" - nodded Kushina, only to be surprised to see the little one yawn and in the process release two small red fox-ears and a fluffy tail.

". . ." - Those present were silent not because of the surprise, but because they never thought the foxlike features would appear so quickly.

Kurama looked closely at his son and noticed a familiarity that made his heart pound. He could feel the same aura and essence that he had felt the moment he came into this world - " By chance..."

"Is something wrong, Kuro-chan?" - Kushina asked seriously as she noticed the change in her husband's expression.

"I think I have good news for you, Kushi-chan..." - said Kurama as he whispered a few words in her ear.

"No..." - said Kushina as she opened her eyes in surprise, only to feel the tears running again.

"I have no reason to lie to you, Kushi-chan" - answered Kurama calmly as he embraced the redhead - "If you concentrate hard enough, you might see his silhouette"

"What are you talking about?" - asked Tsunade as she looked at the couple, then at the baby, only to open her eyes in surprise at how a little 12 year old boy was looking at them with a big smile - "By chance..."

"I'm not the only one who deserves a second chance..." - replied Kurama as he felt the guilt disappear from his shoulders. He always wondered where Naruto's soul had gone and now he knew what had happened, and honestly he couldn't be happier.

"My baby... my little one..." - whispered Kushina as she took care of her little newborn - "I promise nothing will happen to you... not this time.."

Like Uzumaki, all three had a great connection to the Pure World, to the point that with the right conditions they could create a connection, this was one of the reasons they could contact the Shinigami, not to mention that the soul was something mysterious that no one could fully understand, to the point that it could create unexplainable situations.

"I promise you will have the life you always deserved..." - Kurama thought firmly as he looked at the little baby that seemed to be getting hungry from how much it was crying.

"If he cries this hard, it means he is in perfect condition," Tsunade nodded, but her expression changed when she saw the door open.

"Sorry for the interruption, Tsunade-sama but we have a problem!" - Tina exclaimed seriously - "Mikoto-sama is in labor!"

"Huh?" - The expression on the floor changed because Mikoto's delivery was scheduled for a week from today.

"How?" - Kurama asked without knowing what was going on.

"I think I have a theory..." - said Tsunade while watching little Naruto - "I think it's because of your vitality, Kurama-kun..."

"What do you mean?" - asked the young redhead.

"That your vitality is much higher than that of a normal person for obvious reasons, that is why the vitality of your children is higher than the average, as well as their development" - answered the blond Senju.

"Then why was my pregnancy normal?" - asked Kushina with a scowl as she fed her baby.

"Maybe because of your old identity as Jinchuriki" - answered Tsunade while she tilted her head - "Although this is just a theory... I should have another woman to prove it"

"Will there be a problem?" - Kurama asked with concern. He did not want his children to grow up extremely fast.

"No..." - Tsunade replied - "They will only have a much faster level of maturity than a normal person, although not as much as you who managed to enter a stage of maturity 3 - 4 years earlier. According to my reasoning and seeing how fast little Naruto starts to adapt to his surroundings, I would say that at 12 years old they will show a development of a 13 year old child"

Kurama and Kushina breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this because they sincerely did not want to see their babies forced to grow so fast.

"Etto... Tsunade-sama?" - said the nurse - "We're still with Mikoto-sama in labor"

"Shit!" - exclaimed the big-breasted blonde - "You take care of little Naruto's procedures while Kurama-kun and I go to Mikoto's."

"Okay," Tina nodded as she looked at the little baby, only to notice how it had ears and a foxy tail.

"Is there a problem?" - asked Kushina coldly.

"No... just that he looks cute with those features" - answered the nurse with honesty.


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30 chapters available in Pa treon

Remember that this story is translated with an Internet Translator and slightly edited with Grammarly.

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