
The Legend of the Bunny

One formless soul wondering through the endless void, is pulled into a completely white room. The soul gains the chance to reincarnate into another world in order to entertain the higher power reincarnating the soul. But little does the soul know they are going to be reincarnated into a adorable little bunny, with a world wide system, with their own unique ability and their own unfortunate curse. Follow the journey and struggles of Nero through a exciting fantasy world and even through the universe. This is my first story so don’t expect anything amazing, although I will try my best and appreciate some constructive criticism, thx!!â˜ș

Silver_Wolf_4307 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Reincarnation into a cute baby bunny

Kind of an info dump sry😅


In the endless void, lied a wondering formless soul, then all of a sudden a black hole formed and sucked up the formless soul.

The space the soul was pulled into was a completely white room that seemed to have no end, slowly the soul began to regain their consciousness.

"Huh? Where am I, why is there nothing around me, WHY AM I FLOATING!!"

Once the soul regained consciousness, it began to wonder and worry where it was, and what had happened to them. As the soul was freaking out, a being came into existence and waited to be noticed by the soul. The soul paid no attention to this being and continued to panic. This being found amusement in the soul's antics, then decided to make it's presence known.

"Calm down, little soul, you are safe, I found you floating through the void. Which should not be possible because your soul would become corroded,but your soul is the most pure I've seen yet, as if you hadn't done anything bad since you were born. So I brought you here with me." Said the mysterious being.

"Wait, so I died, I can't remember. Also are you god or the devil, it's kind of hard to tell with that crazy smile." Said the soul.

Little did this little soul know, this higher being was an "evil" playful god who messes around with time and space for fun, for example what he is going to do to this soul. He had a humanoid figure, dark red skin, instead of hair, there were many horns, and had a mouth full of long sharp pointy yellow teeth.

"Ha Ha, No I'm neither god nor the devil. I am what some of your people call a ROB, so you can call me that." Said ROB.

"Oh ok, so ROB what do I do now, I can't really remember who I use to be, and by what you said, wondering in the void is not normal." Said the curious soul.

" Yes, you are correct, it is not normal, and you don't seem to be normal as well, so I will give you the chance to reincarnate, to entertain me. I will give you one wish with one curse to go along with what your wish as you will probably die without that. Also the curse is to make you more entertaining to watch." Said the ROB excitingly.

The soul was confused with being reincarnated or transmitted or whatever, so they decided to ask more on the subject.

"Ok I have 3 questions, what will I be reincarnated as, where will I be reincarnated, and how bad will the curse affect me?" The soul asked worriedly.

"Ok first you'll be reincarnated into a world of magic, monsters, and science, this modern world was recently awakened to mana, and it uniquely awakened a worldly system, so I wanted to reincarnate a being in that world as I predict it will soon crumble under the pressure of other worldly domination. You are to be reincarnated into
. Pfft ha ha
.. a baby bunny, hahahahaha, wooo!! Oh and the curse will correlate with your wish, the more powerful the wish the more powerful the curse."

Although the soul just heard that it was going to be reincarnated into one of the weakest animals, not even a monster, they didn't exactly understand what was so funny, oblivious they asked why was the ROB laughing.

"Why, the bunny is one of the weakest prey, the bunny you'll reincarnate into will be ordinary, except for the fact that unlike most bunny you'll be born awakened to mana and gain access to that worldly system, and like all animals and monsters you'll be able to evolve. What is funny is the fact that you'll most likely struggle from the beginning as a bunny and it will be funny and interesting to see your progression and how your wish and curse will affect you." Said the ROB amusingly.

"I see, can you tell me about this worldly system?" Said the soul still curious about the situation their in.

"Of course little soul, the system was created by the unique core of the world when it awakened to mana, the system is connected to every being born into that world, the system of this world quantifies your strength in ranks. The ranks currently recorded are G, F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and SS. There are of course higher ranks and realms but that is all that world has produced, as it is a low ranked world. The system divides your strength into four variables, physique, mental, spirit, and mana, you can guess what they all mean, they increase through training the certain stat you want to increase and evolution. Then there are the skills and evolution, skills are acquired by the system through racial ability's, self learned, inheritance, etc, and is divided by ranks that is further divided into levels. Skills are also able to advance to the next rank only once the level of the current rank is met and any other condition for the skill is met, to advance. Evolution occurs when each rank is reached, for example ranking up to F from G will cause an evolution. Evolution for humans is named "class" and each evolution changes their body to fit there current wants and strength, and monsters and animals evolve their DNA/body's in a rapid/extreme way to fit there current body situations and environment circumstances. That is all currently on that worldly system."

The soul had gotten all of the answers they needed and sat down (or tried to at least) in order to think of their wish as they guessed it would be very important. The ROB waited patiently for the wish of this interesting soul and imagined this new plaything causing some interesting things to happen in that universe, or they will die uneventfully, the ROB had no way of knowing which made it all the more exciting for him. After a while the soul thought of the perfect wish.

"Ok ROB after careful consideration I have my wish. My wish will be an unique ability I thought of, is that ok." Asked the soul worried that their wish won't be able to be granted.

"HaHa, Yes of course it's OK, I'm an all powerful ROB after all, also there are many different ranks in skills like I said, Unique is actually one of the skills that are ranked to be a skill only a singular being has, and although rare, it doesn't automatically make unique skills powerful, just rare." Said the all knowing and powerful ROB.

Excited at the fact it was ok for his wish to be granted, he continued to make his wish.

"Wow, ok so my wish is the ability instant mastery, I want any and all skills I learn/have to level up to its max, immediately, as soon a I learn it, as well as the comprehension of the skill I mastered up to that current rank." Said the soul proud of it's self for making such a strong ability.

"Interesting, a very smart wish as even though it's strong, you made restrictions, lowering the strength of the curse, well done." The smile on ROB as big as ever, then he raised his hand and snapped, power leaking from that snap.

"Wow thank you Mr.ROB." The soul said sheepishly and enjoying the praise.

The ROB looked at the blushing formless soul and one thought came to his head 'CUTE! How could I think this little soul was cute, looks like I'll have to actually watch over them once they reincarnate'.

"Ok, now it's time for your curse." As he said that a wheel of many curses fell next to ROB.

"Since you wished for an ability that is not op, but has the potential to make you op, your curse will not be detrimental, but will have the potential to ruin your life. The curses in this wheel has an infinite amount of curses that have the terms of curses that can match your wish, now I shall spin the wheel."

The ROB spun the wheel of infinite curses, hearing this, the soul was very anxious, not even knowing what to expect. As the wheel spun, in the background jeopardy music began to play, and of course even though the soul doesn't remember any thing from their life, they still know the jeopardy theme music, everybody across existence and non- existence knows it.

Soon the wheel began to slow down and eventually stopped on a terrifying curse for any warrior.

The curse Innocent Playfulness.

[Innocent Playfulness]- This curse seems harmless but let it not fool you. It inhibits the bearer of the curse to have a mind full of only the thought of playing and having fun. No matter what the bearer thinks they will think in a playful manner. It inhibits the bearer to take anything seriously and only as a joke. What's really dangerous is that they innocently play, so theres no playing with someone or something with bad intentions, and if they do something bad, they wouldn't even know it was bad. Truly terrifying!!! This curse also gives the bearer the look and feeling a cute juvenile child, who only enjoys playing. It affects the bearer physically, mentally, spiritually, and even the essence they wield has a natural playful nature!!!

"HAHAHA, wow you really are lucky, that curse could have been way less comfortable, but like the description don't think this curse is good, it will not always be beneficial. But wow what a strong little bunny you'll become." Said the ROB laughing at the interesting curse this soul got, then he lifted his hand and snapped.

"Ok at least I won't be in pain from the curse, so now what." Said the soul, not knowing what to do next.

"All that's left is to reincarnate your soul into the fetus of a bunny, I wish you luck, and hope that you'll entertain me and grow to where I'll be able to see you as an equal. Now goodby-" said the ROB before he was rudely interrupted.

"Wait!!! I have one more thing to ask. If you could, would you give me a name, I can't remember my original name and as of now you are the best person to ask, please!!!" This nameless soul asked hoping for a new name.

"Hmm yes, I see no problem with that, I've never named someone before but a name from this great ROB should be a honor,HAHAHA!! Ok I, Mortimer Barry Lucifer, shall name you Nero!!!!!!!"

"Oh thank you mr. ROB I promise to entertain you, and give you the best pleasure!!" Said the newly named Nero who made the big powerful ROB blush.

"Uhh very well, I wish you luck, goodbye!!" Snapping his finger, a worm hole opens up and suck Nero up leaving a shy ROB in an endless white room.

~Bump Bump~ This old ROB felt his heart beat again, for the first time in eons.

"Jeez they even made me blush, hmph how presumptuous!!" As the ROB teleported away.

This was the beginning of the story of the legend of the great bunny, Nero.

This was my first time writing a chapter for my story, I know it’s not the best as my English is horrible, not to say English isn’t my first language, I’m just really horrible at it for it to be my first language. Well I hope you enjoyed and I hope to gain some “nice” criticisms, if not nicest least make it helpful!!! Thx

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