
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantaisie
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142 Chs

Chapter 56: Five Thunder God Techniques (Part 1)

With a sinister glance at Lu Yun, Jian Wuchen's figure moved, and his whole body burst into dazzling multicolored brilliance. Beside him, the Heavenly Spirit Sword automatically flew above his head, spinning rapidly, emitting a colorful radiance that soared into the sky.

"The Seventh Move of the Heavenly Sword Nine Techniques—Sky Breaking Move!" With a roar of anger, Jian Wuchen's body began to spin rapidly, and the Heavenly Spirit Sword above his head emitted a powerful aura. The dazzling multicolored brilliance and the five-colored radiance on Jian Wuchen's body merged ingeniously, transforming into a colorful dragon, wielding formidable power as it attacked Lu Yun with the intent to shatter the heavens.

Around him, a large amount of airflow rapidly converged towards Jian Wuchen, forming countless colorful lights around him, resembling colorful clouds dancing with him. As the airflow gathered, a specific spatial aura formed around the arena, firmly locking Lu Yun in the center, leaving him no chance to escape.

"Beside the Yellow River, under the night moon, display your might on Mount Taixuan!" With a fierce roar, Lu Yun's Divine Sword loosened, and the Soul Sword of Free Will flew up automatically above his head, rotating at a speed of three hundred and sixty revolutions per moment. With the rotation of the divine sword, a strong and overbearing red radiance rose into the air, forming a hundred-zhang sword pillar, extremely shocking.

Around him, colorful lights flickered with dazzling colors, forming a five-colored light shield around Lu Yun, firmly protecting him within. At the same time, the powerful True Fire Yuan within Lu Yun surged madly, forming rolling crimson clouds around him, making him appear like a messenger of raging flames, hidden within it. In the sky, crimson lotuses danced, colorful clouds scattered, and all the strange lights and colors wove into a beautiful pattern in the air.

In the sky, a bloody color flashed, and the entire sky was undergoing changes. The hundred-zhang sword pillar above Lu Yun's head, after spinning violently for a while, began to shrink, gradually turning into a fifteen to sixteen-zhang long crimson sword pillar. Around this sword pillar, countless faint-colored lights revolved, constantly rotating.

As Jian Wuchen transformed into a five-colored dragon, unleashing a fierce attack, Lu Yun also suddenly shouted, and the Night Moon Slash above his head fiercely clashed with Jian Wuchen's Sky Breaking Move. The collision between the sword pillar and the dragon was intense, and they only held each other for a moment before a violent explosion occurred. This time, both of them exerted their full strength, and the power of their attacks shook everyone present.

Around the arena, the fierce wind roared, the howls were deafening, and countless dust danced in the air, accompanied by colorful clouds and flowing lights, beautiful yet extremely dangerous. There had been countless explosions, and everyone's eyes were filled with horrified expressions, staring blankly at the sky, witnessing this world-shaking battle.

When everything dispersed with the wind, Jian Wuchen's clothes were torn, his hair disheveled, and his pale face was stained with traces of blood, looking extremely miserable. On the other side, Lu Yun wasn't much better, with messy hair and a pale complexion, shock evident in his eyes as well.

The Heavenly Spirit Sword and the Soul Sword of Free Will hovered above their heads, displaying the strength of each other with their respective five-colored and crimson radiance, making it difficult to distinguish between them. In mid-air, neither Lu Yun nor Jian Wuchen made a move, both focusing on fully recovering their lost power, preparing for the next, even more powerful attack.

On the ground, everyone's eyes were filled with confusion. At this moment, no one could confidently say who would win between the two. Lu Yun's performance had exceeded everyone's expectations, and they couldn't guess if he would have even more surprising performances. At this moment, everyone present was speculating about the final outcome. They all vaguely felt that this Six Sect Martial Arts Competition might bring about unexpected circumstances.

Looking at the two figures standing still in mid-air, Yu Wushuang asked softly, "Cangyue, do you really believe that Lu Yun's cultivation is deeper than yours? Is there something you know that we don't?" After speaking, she looked quietly at Cangyue.

Cangyue looked at Lu Yun in the sky and said lightly, "I'm not very clear about his cultivation level, but I believe Aoxue must know better than me. Since Aoxue believes in him, I also believe in him. The only thing I know is that when he told me he would win against Jian Wuchen with determination, I already understood that he would definitely win. As for what technique he will use to win, I don't know, but I believe he will win because he is Lu Yun, full of mystery." After finishing her words, there was a hint of extremely subtle tenderness in her eyes as she looked quietly at Lu Yun.

In mid-air, Jian Wuchen stared fiercely at Lu Yun, and the dazzling five-colored brilliance around him began to rise frantically. An overwhelming aura spread from him, filling the entire arena in an instant. With his hands flat, Jian Wuchen stood tall in the wind, the colorful brilliance flowing around him, giving him an awe-inspiring presence.

Gazing sharply at Lu Yun, Jian Wuchen shouted, "Lu Yun, be careful. Let's see what you have to face my move this time, the Divine Sword Illusion." With a burst of shouting, Jian Wuchen grabbed the Heavenly Spirit Sword above his head, injecting a tremendously powerful force into it with his right hand. As a large amount of True Yuan was inputted, the Heavenly Spirit Sword suddenly underwent a transformation. Only a thunderous dragon's roar was heard emanating from the Heavenly Spirit Sword, and then the Divine Sword burst into a brilliant and dazzling five-colored radiance.

When the brilliance reached its peak, the Heavenly Spirit Sword trembled, and suddenly shot out five-colored radiance of blue, red, purple, gold, and blue after separating from the Heavenly Spirit Sword. These five different radiance, after leaving the Heavenly Spirit Sword, instantly turned into five ten-zhang long divine dragons, coiling above Jian Wuchen, emitting roars of fury.

Seeing this strange and bizarre scene, everyone was shocked, never expecting that there were still five divine dragons hidden within the Heavenly Spirit Sword. Looking at the majestic five divine dragons, the people of Yiyuan felt a sinking feeling in their hearts, a feeling of unease rising within them. Lin Yunfeng was even more furious on the side, shouting about unfairness, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him.

"The Eighth Move of the Heavenly Sword Nine Techniques—Heaven Slashing Move!" With a thunderous roar, Jian Wuchen's long sword trembled, and suddenly emitted a dazzling purple radiance. At the same time, Jian Wuchen's body moved rapidly, instantly transforming into nine figures.

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