
The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED]

THERE WILL BE NO HOMOPHOBIC CONTENT FOUND IN THIS FIC. IF I KNOWINGLY, OR UNKNOWINGLY DO SOMETHING CONSIDERED HOMOPHOBIC, YOU MAY FREELY TELL ME. There is a paragraph in one of those chapters, mentioning homosexuality, so those who are uncomfortable with that one paragraph may ignore this book altogether. THAT SAID, I'm not tagging this book as BL, or LGBTQ, as the whole LGBTQ community might hate me for tagging the book as such, when only one paragraph in the whole book even touches LGBTQ. Sorry for that LGBTQ people. ~~~ Summary: Rahul was an average dude, with an average job, average house, and no one to share it with. He was satisfied with his life though. So it was very much a surprise for him when he wakes up as Thor's younger twin. ~~~ This is a Self Insert fic. The MC is reborn as Baldur, the younger brother of Thor, and the story is centred mostly around him. The MC will wake up in his crib, a few days after his birth. When in the timeline will he be born? Well, glad you asked. In this AU, Baldur is the younger twin of Thor, instead of the waaayyy younger brother. For those of you who don't know, and are too lazy to Google, Baldur is the younger brother of Thor and Loki(in the mythos and the comics, he doesn't exist in MCU) by at least a few years. Also, while Thor is the son of Gaia, Baldur is the son of Frigga. He's the Norse God of Light, so beware of photon manipulation, and heat manipulation. These will be his powers, at least in the beginning. I'm fairly unimaginative, so it'll look about similar to Captain Marvel from MCU. I'm a new author, with 2 incomplete fics on ffn.net, and have suffered from writing blocks. This is my attempt at regaining my writing spirit. The updates will be, sort of slow, but I'll try to post at least one chapter per day, but please be patient if I'm late. If you need to imagine him as an actor, let's make it Liam Hemsworth, the younger brother of Chris Hemsworth. For those who like to donate money to authors, on pat.reon, I have an account, and I welcome any donations. But, just so you know, there's no benefit to the ones who donate, other than good Karma for your next great adventure. My id on pat.reon is /HelloDarkness07 Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 · Films
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63 Chs

The Fangs

A/N: I did change each word "Ignis" to Omega, but if you've already read the previous chapters, then it'll take time for it to change for you. I have no idea why WN does that.

Anyway, on to the chapter.


1142 AD: 178 Years(17)

When I got into the forge, I first took off all my clothes, including the armour, that were above my waist. While I don't feel hot, being bare chested in a forge is a different feeling altogether.

First, I removed the hilts on the two swords of Gryffindor. One sword, the one with Phoenix flames inside it, had turned a bit red, while the Basilisk Venom imbued sword still looked the same.

Now, heating these metals was going to need something more durable than the normal enchanted crucible. So, I was bringing out something Eitri had simply thrown at my face, when I asked for a more durable Crucible.

An Uru Crucible.

Yup. This crucible, like the ones in Nidavellir, was made to conduct heat directly towards the metals, while remaining intact. Theoretically, this crucible could even stay in the core of a sun, and still not melt, but I'm not trying that yet.

Anyway, I broke the sword into a few pieces, and added them to the Crucible to melt. Once the Goblins silver was melted, I mixed the liquid metal thoroughly using Ljosgeirr.

Next, I added my brick of Uru into it, to melt with it.

The Uru will make sure the swords will be able to conduct my Asgardian Magics, including Divinity, while the Goblins Silver will make sure that any other metal I add into it, will be completely assimilated.

Once the two metals had been mixed completely, I poured them out in casts, making them into two big bricks, of about 1.5 litres each.

For the first sword, I'm going to use one brick of Uru-silver alloy, along with some Vibranium, to give it durability, and Kinetic energy absorption. This will be my left hand sword, used mostly to block.

For the second sword, I'm going to use Adamantium, instead of Vibranium, to give my right hand sword a higher cutting power.

How am I going to make them out to look? I won't. I'll let my magic guide the shape of the sword, and simply sharpen it later.

~~~Two months later~~~

It took two months to make both the swords, but even then, I can say, I'm satisfied. Well, the forging and shaping was done in a few days, but I had to let the alloy settle down before beginning to enchant them.

Both my swords had a 2.5 feet blade, double edged, and were black in colour. The handle, which was 6 inches in length, was made out of Basilisk fangs, which was wrapped in stripes of Basilisk hide. I was not wasting the big ass Basilisk. Plus, Basilisk fangs are actually tougher than you'd expect. But that was where the similarities ended.

The first sword, my left hand defence aligned sword, while black in colour like the attack aligned sword, had a sort of blue shine to it, thanks to the Vibranium. And, If I channelled my Sun Divinity, it completely glowed blue, with a red tint, and became hot. Extremely hot.

The second sword, which was my attack aligned right hand sword, while looking extremely Similar to the Defence sword, had a red shine to it. And if I channelled my Light Divinity through it, it glowed completely Red, with a yellow tinge. This enabled the sword to vibrate at a high rate, and cut through things it normally wouldn't.

Heck, the Red sword cut through the anvil I was sharpening it on, and went into the ground!

I named my swords Fangs. Dawnfang for the Blue, Sun sword, and Duskfang for the Red, Light sword. It was not intentional, the names just.. came to me.

The swords would usually rest on my back, so I can pull them by reaching my hand backwards. The scabbards were, once again, made by Basilisk bone, which, while durable, is extremely light. The scabbards were also covered by Basilisk hide.

I was going to use the rest of the hide to make clothes. Meaning my pant, and my cloak. The elves can do it.

Now, finally, everything was done with. At least the stuff that I needed done.

The computers were upgraded, and their data ready to read. I wanted to know what the American Government was doing with Wolverine. I was going to destroy his blood, that I had anyway.

Along with that, I had hidden Omega behind the castle, and had him activate his Invisibility at all times. It was time to bring my family to Avalon. Not even Loki, or Thor had seen Avalon after it was terraformed. Loki had seen it before, when it was desolate, so he could craft a proper Illusion, but that was it.

~~~ Two days later ~~~

"And this.. is my office. The portraits can talk, but their occupants have decided to turn themselves off." I say, waving my family of 4 inside. Well, 4 excluding me.

"This is amazing! Even Heimdall did not know of this project of yours." Odin whispered, in amazement.

I had told them everything that happened after we had killed off the Dementors. Us making those Gates, bringing everyone, and even the castle to Avalon, and then Lady Jord freeing the Elves, and them deciding to stay on Avalon, working for me.

I was trying to manipulate their genes, along with the Goblins, so they increase their heights. Of course, I had taken their permission, and it was going to take time. 100 years, at least.

"Aye. Loki was the one who made the Illusion stick to the whole planet, while I'm powering it from my own Dimension." I say, nodding at Father.

Mother was looking at the different books in the shelves, while petting Sol, and Loki and Thor were looking at the grumbling hat.

Mother looks up from a book on Dark Arts, and asks, "So, why did you bring us here, Baldur?"

I look at her and ask, "What makes you think I had a purpose in bringing you all here?"

Odin, Loki and even Thor snort, while Mother simply smiles. She says, "I know you. You don't do anything without reason."

I shake my head, grumbling about deductive mothers, and say, "Well, I wanted to show this place to you, for the reason that if you four need a place to stay, when Nobles become too much to handle, you have it here. Your own holiday home." I pause a bit, as my family smiles.

Odin asks, "What are your plans for this place, Son? Are you going to bring humans to live on here?"

I shake my head at that. I say, "No humans. Other than you four, I'm only going to show this place to Heimdall, Eitri, my Sorcery Master, and then whichever girl I eventually marry. I don't want this planet to be known to even the rest of the Aesir."

I smile, Imagining the planet's future, and continue, "I'm going to be making this place into a paradise. Amazing beaches, no pollution, clean seas. There is a surplus of Magic in both the air, and the ground, which means the food grown here is simply marvellous. I have repeatedly thanked Lady Jord for that."

I look mother in her eyes, and say, "My only payment for her, in return for living on this planet, is the protection of the Magical beings. Which, I was going to do either way."

I had told them about the fact that magical and mundane animals from all over the planet Earth, were moving to Avalon. Plus, Lady Jord was also subtly making the mundane animals bigger, and meatier, to feed the magical carnivores. Sort of like what Vibranium did to the Rhino's in Wakanda.

"Very well, my Son. You have already made up your mind, anyway. You can move here permanently." Mother says, smiling at me, while Father simply sighs.

Wow, she did not even let me finish my sales pitch.

"You could have at least waited for me to ask, you know." I say, grumbling but still smiling.

Thor laughs loudly, and we move on to hearty topics. After that, it was time to eat a hearty lunch, made by the elves.

"Hey, Loki, Thor? How would you like to meet a giant highly Venomous snake?" I ask, as we were eating food.

Thor immediately gets up, excited to fight the monster, while Mother says, "Sit down, Thor. You can go after eating food." She glares at me, making me gulp, and says, "Don't bring up Magical monsters while eating."

I nod hurriedly, and continue eating, while Loki was simply smirking.

"What is this meat?" Odin asks, taking a big bite out of the big fried piece of meat.

I swallow, and answer, "Dragon meat. I don't like to kill the Magical Animals, so Lady Jord allowed me to take any of their dead. This one was 400 years old, which for dragons is impressive."

For Magical dragons that is. There are other kinds too. The Extra Dimensional dragons like Shou Lao, and others like him, were practically immortal. They could talk, and were bigger in size than the Magical dragons.

While Magical Dragons were filled with Magic, and Life Energy, or Chi, the Chinese Dragons, were only filled with Chi, and no magic.

What made Magical Dragon meat so good, was that it made your magic stores fill up, in simply one helping of food!

"I can feel my OdinForce strengthening!" Odin says, surprised, after swallowing his food.

I nod, and say, "They do that. They're the best food to have after using Magic extensively, so I think it'll also help you with decreasing the amount of time you use Odinsleep."

After that, we simply have food, while having small talk. The food contained Chicken, Dragon, mashed potatoes, rice and Wine. Dragon was only safe to eat in a small amount, so each of us had only a small share of it.

After lunch, and resting near the lake for a bit, I say, "Well, I'll drop my brothers down to that snake I'd spoken about, while we go talk with the Goblins. Is that alright?"

Odin shakes his head, and says, "We'll first go to wherever that snake is. After which, all of us can go meet the Goblins."

I shrug, it was alright with me. I open the portal towards the Chamber of Secrets, and explain, "This chamber was built by one of the founders of this school for Wizards, named Salazar Slytherin. When he made it, his thoughts were that the snake would protect the castle, in case the mundane Midgardians attack."

I shake my head and continue, "Unfortunately, the snake was useless when the castle was actually attacked. It was in hibernation while Ekrizdis had begun his attack, and by the time it had woken up, there was no one to order it to defend, so it went right back to sleep. I don't know how it is, mentally, so be careful."

Once we were in front of the statue of Salazar, which Loki snorted at, I warn them all, "One thing you should know about this snake, is that its gaze kills mortal instantly. Meaning if any mortal, wizard or mundane, look into it's eyes, they die. But, I have no idea what it'll do for Asgardians. It could petrify us, turn us into statues, make us unconscious, blind us, or even cripple our Magic. So, I'd prefer if you don't look in it's eyes."

Loki nods, gulping, while Thor does the same. Odin frowns at that bit of knowledge, and asks, "How do you know this much about it?"

"I've read about it in the books. And I've killed one that I found on Midgard." I say, shrugging like it's a no big deal.

"How did you kill it, Brother?" Thor asks, becoming jittery.

I smirk and say, "Nothing heroic, I assure you. I simply shot Ljosgeirr through it's head. I did not have much fun though."

I turn my back to the statue, and say, "Now, I'll first try and talk to it. It's language.. is not understandable through AllSpeak, so I went through a ritual to understand it. If the snake is agreeable, I'll let you guys fight, without seriously harming each other. If the snake attacks me, you may still fight and kill it. But, if it decides not to fight.. well, you can do it some other time. You ready?"

Loki and Thor nod, with Loki hiding everyone's scent, while I stand in front of the statue.

"~~SPEAK TO ME SLYTHERIN, GREATEST OF THE HOGWARTS FOUR!~~" I shout, in Parseltongue, facing the statue.

Let's hope the snake is agreeable.


A/N: I changed the last part, so there's going to be talking first. Indiscriminately killing the snake is not something the MC would normally do. He's not the type.

For those who've only read him talking about talking to the snake, I'd previously written that Loki and Thor were going to fight and kill it, while Odin, Frigga, and MC watch from the side.

This is not something Baldur would do, so I changed it to what you see.

You know, I've always wondered, how did Tom Riddle find out the password to call out the Basilisk. Knowing Tom, he simply went with the most arrogant statement ever.

It could have simply been "Four", or even "HOGWARTS FOUR" in Parseltongue, and he wouldn't know.

The image of the swords is in the paragraph comments. I took the names from Elder Scrolls, shout out to, "Altered_state_127" for the names!

Now, the swords will be his primary weapons, and he'll only use Ljosgeirr is the enemy is tough. So Ljosgeirr is still the "big gun" in his arsenal.

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