
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Sports, voyage et activités
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46 Chs

Chapter- 10


The Quintet sat down together in the roof, like, on the literal roof and talked about the hang out on Saturday.

"Oh and guys, I forgot to mention that next Saturday, our hang out day, we'll go to the firework show!"

Topaz dropped the news like it nothing... I mean, it may be normal for others but for some like Bibi who doesn't go out looking homeless she had a small heart attack.

"Wait wait... THE FIREWORK SHOW IS THIS SATURDAY...? Not...Not Next Month??" Bibi said staring at Topaz with widened eyes, Topaz nodded.

"Hm, for the clothes you can wear anything." Topaz said before she looked at her watch.

"By the way, the firework show is at 10pm right, so like, for the other 10 hours before, what will we do?"

Alastor asked as he joined the talk, Vinter joined to by saying that they can do what they always do like steal-

Topaz thought for very long before she turned to Enzo.

"ENZO, What do you think we will do? All I can think of is go to the park, it's kind of near. BUT my father will come, pick us up and drop us to where the firework show is happily."

"oh, I have tickets to the amusement park." Enzo replied, before Vinter spoke up, "For real?! damn!! but anyways, we can go for a bike ride, like, the road is very good!"

"Alright! It's set!" Topaz said as she patted Bibii's back who was still sulking.

"But say Bibi, why are you still upset?"

Topaz asked and the other's were curious too.

"Nope nothing, it's nothing!" Bibi said confidently.

They all kept quiet before Enzo said that it was quite stupid to have that type of thing but he has no actual problem with it.

"ANYWAS, Bell will ring in 6-"


"Wohooo!?" Bini shouted, as they all fell through the roof, and to the student council office...

The members of the student council including the student president stared at the Quintet as they stared at the student council.


"Well well... what do we have here..."

The student president, Aulia said as she walked over to them, of course they got up and tried escaping but they were blocked by the vice-president and the other members, Rover blocking the door and Hana and Baek blocked the Quintet by standing in their sides.

"Now... I wonder who will fix the roof, but anyways lets give you punishment too-'

*Rinnngg Ringgg*

The bell rang, saving the Quintet, the student president let them go for now but will get punishment after school ends.


Enzo sighed... his head was going to explode due to the fact that no matter what he dies he gets in trouble constantly due to his friends...




'Don't worry Bro, Since i'm here, I will it worse'

"What is that supposed to mean..."

Enzo thought about what Alastor said to him before, as he stared at the teacher? and the teacher stared back at him too, seconds passed by and so did minutes, and soon 28 minutes passed by,

"Do have anything in mind Enzo? you've been staring for quite sometime." The teacher asked Enzo as he rubbed to board.

"Nothing Sir... I was just thinking of something..."

Enzo replied back.

Classes continued as the student kept on going to different classes for different subjects that are to be taken, and because i'm not motivated I'll move to lunch break, and now it IS lunch break.

Topaz, Enzo, and Alastor stared at Bibi resting her head on the table, Vinter is currently not present as he went to the washroom.

"Bibi, are you not feeling well?"

Enzo asked curiously because it wasn't like Bibi to be quite and resting her head on the table.

"I bet she's sick" Topaz said confidently and looked at Alastor who was just eating not even talking because he's too sleepy.

"Should I chec-"

Enzo was cut off by Topaz, "I'll do it, I'll check her temperature"

Topaz didn't mean to be rude and cut off Enzo but for a reason of her own she did, and of course Enzo had no intentions except to check the temperature but just let it side still kind of worried.


Topaz said after placing her hand on Bibi's forehead.

"huh?" Alastor looked at Topaz and so did Enzo.

"Is her temperature high?"

"Yea, I think we need to take her to the nurse office." Topaz asked Enzo to carry Bibi to the nurse office, Vinter came back from the washroom but because he had no idea what's going on he asked Alastor, and both of them ended up staying at the cafeteria while Enoz and Topaz took Bibi to the nurse office.




"Hm, her temperature is very high, does any of you have her parents number?" Doctor Callx asked but of course no reply, "Is her Grandmother's phone number alright? she's Bibi's guardian after all." Enzo said as he slightly tilted his head.

"That'll be enough, please call her and let me speak."

Enzo gave Callx the phone as hey called Bibi's grandmother, while Bibi laid in the bed after taking some medication.

"Thank you very much." Callx said cutting the call and gave the phone back to Enzo, "Enzo, tell these three, Rover, Hana and Hyeon to come here, those there are currently in the liabery."

Enzo nodded as he left and after sometime Enzo came back,

"You three, I'll be handing Bibiran to you alright. Stand near the school gate, in few minutes Bibiran's guardian will come and pick her up." Callx said as he got up of his stool

"Oho ho? This troublemaker is sick or smthin?" Rover said still having his signature smirk in his face.

Hana held back her smile and nudged Baek's arm as he was staring at Bibi.

The three of them along with Bibi on Baek's back.

"That must be it, that car over there." Hana said as she went first and talked with the young man, if you don't remember who it is, he is the one that peeked his head out in Bibi's house...

"Thank you very much, I'll be taking Ran with me." The young man held Bibi and thanked the three members of the student council.

"Yoo, Are you this troublemaker's boyfriend" Rover joked as he glanced to Hyeon.

"Ah? me? I'm not I'm not, haha."

The young man laughed, and waved at the student council members before he drove off.

"I wonder who that is... won't lie, but he's hot."

Hana said with a straight face that made Rover and Baek go 'The fuck?' but they just let it slide.