
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Teen
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46 Chs



"Hey guys, did you see Topaz anywhere? I can't seem to find her." Vinter asked as he walked towards the others.

"Topaz? I saw her few minutes ago, she was with Alastor." Enzo said and when he turned back the Vinter he was already gone.

"Heh, looks like Vinter got jealous." Bibi laughed as they continued what they were doing, playing marbles.

"Alastor, you need something?"

Topaz asked as she sat on the table sketing while Alastor was behind her holding Lil Jimmy by his neck while Lil Jimmy was shouting 'Let it go' like in Elsa's tone.

"Anyways, do-"


Vinter opened the door, standing in the doorway smiling, of course Alastor left by jumping out the window as they were in the ground floor.

"...bro... what are you doing here."

Topaz stopped her sketch and looked at Vinter sighing.

"Tooopaz, what were you doing with Alastor??" Vinter walker closer as he sat on the seat next to Topaz.

"What I was doing with Alastor? He came to ask me something but he left because of you"

Topaz shrugged as she continued sketching before she stopped again, ripped the paper and threw it in the dustbin.

"Say Topaz, why don't you go on a date me?" Vinter smiled, obviously knowing she'll reject him and she did.

"Bro like, why do you even like me? Like i'm not even like pretty bro." Topaz gave Vinter the look that said 'bro, tell me why' and of course Vinter replied with saying "That's because you're cute." Vinter smiled.

In the background, behind the door Alastor and Bibi was there taking a peek, if you're wondering where Bibi came from, Alastor informed her about Vinter and Topaz together in a classroom alone, that's how she came.

"Eugh... are you being for real right now?? It's Haram man."

Topaz gave Vinter the look that said 'No, just no.' and Vinter nodded,

"Come on... anyways, I'll continue asking you until you accept" Vinter laughed it off and left before he gave a small wink at Topaz as she gave him the look that said 'No...'

After Vinter left Bibi came in.

"Topaz! what were you guys talking about??" Bibi asked, and Alastor left with Vinter.

"Bordering me again"

Topaz sighed, "Like bro, it's Haram, it's a no no."

Topaz did the 'tsk tsk' and Bibi's mood did go down a bit.

"Maan... Poor Vinter, getting rejected by the same girl for three years, or is it four?" Bibi turned to Topaz,

"It's three years bro."

"Ooh! yea right, that's what I was saying, but and-"

"What are you doing here?"

Bibi looked kind of pissed that she was cut off, "You can't just cut someone off, Baek"

"Haha, not that I care but I think that the bell already rang and the lunch break is over, don't you two need to go back to class?" Baek, a member of the student council warned Bibi and Topaz.

"Hah? The bell rang?" Topaz asked Bibi and she shrugged, "Dunno."

"Go back to class, bell rang exactly 14 minutes 26 seconds and 43 milliseconds ago." Baek smiled as his eyes remained closed,

"I might have to call Rover if you two don't listen." and by the time Baek finished talking Bibi and Topaz was gone.

Baek scoffed before he went back too.

"WHOEVER IS LAST, THEIR ASS IS BLACK!" Bibi shouted Topaz as she ran to class first, "HEY WAIT!!! YOU CHEATED!!! YOU WENT FIRST!" Topaz too shouted back at Bibi as she caught up with Bibi.

In the hallway it was quite except the fact that Bibi and Topaz shouting, no one was in their way...


"Who Told You To Shout?"

Suddenly a teacher appeared, and Topaz bumbed to him, Bibi first laughed and helped Topaz get up, kind of keeping Topaz behind her.

"Sorry Sirr, we didn't mean to shout that loud." Bibi said as she stared at the teacher, right at his soul, because there were numerous rumours saying that he's a p*do and everything, who knows if it's true...

"You two students are very much in trouble, and who told you to be late for class? hm? hm?" The teacher leaned towards them somewhat glaring and waiting for an answer.

"We didn't hear the bell Sir."

Bibi replied, back and of course the teacher said what any other will say, "Why did you not hear the bell?"

'The fuck Sir? You except us to have super human ears or what? Dumass.' Topaz thought, and Bibi thought the same too, but the thing is Bibi was thinking on how to answer.

"Excuse me Sir, I apologise but these two are late for class, i'll be taking them." Baek! The pinkie student council came to the rescue!!

oh right!! I forgot to mention, Baek is actually also grade 10 and not grade 12 like the other members of the students

"*humph* Alright and you two, don't make the same mistake." The teacher grumbled and left. Baek looked back at both of them,

"Where's the Thank you?"

"Thanks bro"

Bibi gave a small kick on Baek's knee.

"Thank you, Hyeon."

Topaz sighed before whispering to Bibi.

"I see this girl is more polite than this one who kicked me for now reason, but anyways, you're welcome."

Baek said as he left, of course Bibi and Topaz started running again.

"Bye Topaz."

Bibi droped Topaz off and she went to her class.

Topaz nodded and gave Bibi a smack on the back as she took went to her own class.

It was obvious they both got punishment after school, their punishment was staying back 30 minutes after school, including Alastor, not because he was late for class but rather because he punched one student.

Rock...paper...scissors... shoot.


Bibi grumble as she lost again...

"Look, no matter what you say, Rock can't win against paper."

Alastor said confidently although he's still grumpy due to the fact he always is...

"Yea Bibi, we both have paper you have rock." Topaz laughed, not mocking but mocking Bibi but because she kinda weird and funny at the same time.

"No no!! but the thing iss! Rock can rub against paper and it will tear right?!" Bibi said, using 100% of her brain.

"tsk tsk Bibi, it doesn't work like that." Topaz said as they continued playing, after few more minutes their punishment was over so now they all took their bags and ran out the school only to see Enzo and Vinter waiting for them.

"Waaaaaaa!! You guys are so good!! You two waited for us for 30 minutes!!"

Bibi said as she gave both Enzo and Vinter the friendly side hug, smacking their back too because her love language is either being rude or physical hit.

Vinter did the same to Bibi before he turned to Topaz and smiled which gave Topaz the chills...

The Quintet walked back home together, but it wasn't a peaceful wall back home but a chaotic one, from running across a busy road because they all love taking risks except for Enzo who couldn't leave them alone...