
The Last Stand [The DnD Story.]

A story set in a fantasy, medieval world, with a the supernatural, natural, hope you all enjoy and please write some reviews! Credits to J_Void (names were originally in his campaign, players decided to use them in this one)

MrNightingale · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter One: The Rising.

2005, Arcandria, The Land of the ethereal, the moon only seemed to glare as the torches light was shadowed over it, there was a man cloaked in a void like cloak, unrecognizable due to the darkness of his hood. A dark purple light emerged from the hood where his forehead was, the radiating glare lights the sky as the earth begins to rumble, with a silent stop. Branches of that light, shot throughout the midnight sky, with only but a whisper, he spoke with power "This Lineage i pass, shall be the future of the end or beginning, steadfast mortals, For i, Nightingale have chosen your fate." 

19 Years Later

With the smell of trees, brushing of the winds, 4 adventures come along the trail known as Venerum Amare, Heizenburg Tempest, Sora and Silver, as they came across a giant city wall with a gate, standing there is 2 royal looking guards at watch. Sora points out "Wait this city isn't on the map?" he looks at the map in his hands thoroughly, as the confusion ends with the yelling from the gate "HEY, ADVENTURERS!" they all look to see the guards pointing them out, Silver asks"can we stop here, my feet are killing me!" he struggles to stand any longer, Venerum replies " Okay cry baby" he chuckles. They all start walking towards the gate as the guards approach, "ID and reason please", Venerum hands over his ID "Finding the right city." they let him through the gates, Heizenburg goes right after "Finding a Lawful Military school" they let him through, Silver stumbles as he hands his ID "Magic apprenticeships and school" he follows through the gate, Sora walks and hands over his ID "A good learning program for what i need" they end up letting all of them through as they are welcomed. "Welcome adventurers, to the magical city of Avalon!" Sora whispers to himself, " Avalon?" as the guide continues "Feel free to roam about in these 3 hours, we have a library, armory, markets, guilds, but make sure to be back right here for initiation, since you all are in school age." he lets all of them go. Venerum and Heizenburg head off together to the guilds, as Sora and Silver searched the markets for anything that looked interesting, with no interest at the time, 3 hours pass with all of them coming back empty handed and guildless , it was time. The guide returns "alright, everyone follow me" he walks towards the castle front, they all head and stick close to the guide as they reach big doors at the top of the castle, as the guide opens the doors and leads them through staying at the door, they all walk through as they hear a hum coming from a bookshelf in the middle of the room, "Oh, welcome everyone" a man floats down, they all stumble back to the sight. "oh don't worry , nothing to be afraid of" he smiles gently, Heizenburg jumps to the question "who are you?" the man sighs as he slowly smirks "well, i guess you can call me, God."