
The last returnee

Two years had passed on earth since the start of the awakened era. Everyone on planet earth experienced the same thing, they were all teleported to another world. And after some time everyone came back, stronger and smarter, to this new world that awaited them. Everyone except from one, he didn't come back for 2 years, but for him it was an unimaginable amount of time. Now he came back without many memories of this world. ------------- First time writting guys, if you have any critic please let me know.

Akiryo · Urbain
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2 Chs


In a dark world, countless creatures laid dead, making a mountain of corpses.

In the top of this mountain, a young man with only some ragged cloth on the legs, stayed seated in one creature.

The young man didn't speak a word, he who has already forgotten his own name, holding a broken sword, he looked to the horizon.

Even if countless years had passed, the man didn't age alot, at the start he only had 17, but now his appearance looked like 19.

Finally, after some thought, the man said.

- it's time to fight him.

He got, up throwing the sword away, the man started walking to a temple, the closer he got from it, the more you could see a structure.

The man stopped walking in front of a huge door, which would weight thousands of tons.

He put his hands on the door and without much effort the young man opened it.

Revealing a huge room, a person stayed in the center of it, an old man was there with his legs crossed.

With a cold but powerful voice, the old figure said.

- so you came back at last?

And the young responded 

- this will be my last visit, I assure you.

Hearing this the old figure laughed at it, getting up from the ground he looked at the young man and said with a challenging tone.

- then let's finish this now, once and for all!

Then the young and old changed to a martial arts stance, they looked at each other waiting for the next move.

Ten seconds passed and with a single rock falling to the ground, the young man and the old figure advanced against each other.

With the start of their clash, the man throws a punch with his left fist to the old, but without waiting, the master using his right hand defended it.

Even with an old face, the master had a strong and muscular body, with thousands years of experience.

But that didn't stop the man, with his fist blocked he used his right leg to throw a kick at the master, being a risk move the ancient man stepped back dodging the kick.

And without wasting the opening, he grabbed the only leg in the ground and bought it to him, breaking the base of the man, making him fall at the air.

But surprising the old figure, a punch came to him as he bought the leg of the young man closer to him, using his right fist he blocked it by punching it.

As wind came out of the impact of the two fists, the warriors keep fighting, being very close to each other.

Both weren't able to hit a true strike in the body of the opponent, they were evenly matched.

After countless strikes, counters and blocks, only a couple of seconds had passed, their moves looked like blurs to the human eye.

But after some hours of an intense and brutal fight, the ancient body couldn't keep up with the young man stamina, getting more and more tired.

Throwing an attack using both of his fists, he hit the old man's abdomen.

and with that single strike all the bones in his chest were broken, with a big impact the old man was thrown to the distance, hitting a wall.

The fight was finally over, with the victory of the nameless young man.

With a cold and precise voice, the man said.

- it is over, now it's time for you to give me what I want.

It had been so much since he tried to win against the old master, he didn't even remember what he wanted, but the desire to win made him keep going.

And the old man said.

- you finally passed through it, i hope that you remember why you where here.

Hearing that, the young looked at the old figure with confused eyes, why he was here? Or why he was fighting this old master with so much determination, he didn't remember.

- no matter, you will remember sooner or later.

The old man said, and with that he got a little gold pill from his robes and threw it to the young man.

The young man grabbed the pill, with that a red and gold interface appeared in front of his eyes, the interface had the message.

"Congratulations Lucas Romanio, you were the first and only to completely pass through the

dimensional test and also the last one to return to earth, with that you received the title [Last returnee] and [Only champion], your level will be divided by 10 when you go back to earth, but your martial art {nameless fist} will stay with you"

With the sudden shock of remembering his name, another window popped up, giving no time for Lucas to process the information.

"You can pick an item to take with you to earth"

With that, one more window appeared with a text, "place the item here".

Having nothing more than the pill the old man gave to him, he put the pill in front of the interface.

The item disappeared from his hands and the text in the window changed.

"Do you want to take {? Grade aura pill} to earth with you?"

And two buttons below the window.

"YES or NO"

He pressed the yes button.

Earth? He didn't remember that place, but it was impossible to be worse than this world, and with that a bright blue light covered him.

He heard the last worlds of that master, before teleporting to other world.

- Good luck Lucas, you will need.