
The last dreadnaut

Eve is a simple girl that lives in a remote village. called Num one day she is playing in the nearby woods while picking up her ball she meets a man named soma who see's her potential and teachs her the basics of energy manipulation later her village is attacked by a group of scientist using enhanced soldiers to abduct the village's they beleive to have potential for they're experiments. this is where eve's story begind!.

7Virtues · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

aftermath. whats next..

Zero was about to welcome Eve to the Family when he saw Movement from Garic. he had some how recovered from the thrashing eve had given him and injects a strange dense black purple liquid in his neck while saying how inconceivable this all was he was one of the most brilliant minds in this world and wouldn't go out like this his scrawny wrinkled body suddenly started to bulk up his wrinkles disappeared a very dense black purple energy suddenly started to ooze out of his body that suddenly had the physique of a 30 year old body builder before anyone could react he grabbed Eve in a single armed headlock he held her in and threatened every one to back off or he would crush her wind pipe with a flex of his arm eve was clawing at his arm with her eye's tearing up while struggling to breath she tried to release her energy around her to shock garics but her energy couldnt push through garics dense energy zero was furious but had to maintain his calmbhe said alright Garic we are backing off could you loosen your hold on eve she can't breath garic snarl at zero fine but better not try anything at this moment zero gave Elisa a look she nodded and had everyone back out the room Berclai wanted to argue but had no choice he didn't want anything happening with Eve and he knew zero wouldn't risk Eve's life not with how fond he was of her almost like a. teacher or fatherly attatchment and relationships which no one expected hell Berclai only knew this. because he was right there and saw how zero and Eve interacted for these past 3 years uf he wasn't working so closely with zero hell he would've missed the glint in zero's eye's he just grumbled and backed out with everyone else meanwhile zero and Elisa remained in the room zero looked at eve seeing she wasn't struggling for air anymore he finally breathed alittle. ok now that everyone has left what do you want garic looked at zero .... meanwhile Elisa had activated a device thst cloaks her entire body and erase's her presence including her bodyshe actually walked back the room and is positioned behind garci with both her pistols in hand with special bullets that penetrate armor and special energy fields. she was just waiting for zero's signal she took a deep breath making sure her aim was true and wouldnt hit Eve or her vital spots.. garic couldn't believe how easy it was to get zero to back he smiled since he knew for a fact that zero's prized pet if he it wasn't for a fact that he was scared of zero after what happenes years ago the last time he handled this little miscreant he would have tried to implant a device to control her or pull her into his experiments but knew against the X clan tech it would be useless since they could detect any foreign technolgy. or magic infused device's these bastards had forced garic to act like nothing more than a thug ... frustrated and looking to vent his rage he told zero with a malicious intent. he smiled and looked at eve and said. you want your precious pet back then you and your clan can shove off otherwise don't blame me for getting rough with her he used his free hand to lift one of eves delicate hands and started squeezing her forarm eeze tried her best not cry out in pain but you could see the tears welling from her eyes while eve had her stats augmented greatly and has had some growth in the last few years she still has the body of a child and what ever augmenting syrum garic was using had to be exceeding eves stats by atleast double for her to not be able to budge his lock the monstrous density and change to his physique was clear evidence of how unstable that syrums formula is zero cursed garics sheer stupidity he had turned himself into a damn bomb that could go off at any time zero adjusted his glasses signaling Elisa to make her move as fast as possible Elisa didnt hesitate she pulled the trigger and put a few of her special bullets into garics head and a few vital points to cutt off the flow of garics energy to stall his self destruct garic didn't even have time to react as he fell over zero quick delivered a powerful front kick to garics lifeless abdomen and picked Eve up. as he Elise and all the x clan memebers booked it as fast as they could exiting the Helix societies base and lab they loaded some survivors in special armored transport vehicles that had smooth metal alloy that almost seemed liquid. it was a black colored metal with red circuit and runic patterns similar to zero's arms except zero was like green binary circuit runes with the black life like metal. every one in the X clan had some sort of modifications to they're bodies that required them to augment they're bodies. weather its they're eyes head arms legs or torso some part of they're body had these same type of modifications on they're bodies. except they had different colors red for close quarter's blue for ranged and orange for bomb or grouo related skills zero and his family where an exception as they're mods where unique fusing with they're physique's zeros allowed him to be extremely effecient with weapon creation and both close and long ranged combat, while his sister Elisa special lized in stealth, close and mid ranged attacks. her mods and binary runes glowed light magenta. zero only relaxed when they where on an armored transport and they where far enough from the base and lab it was then a horrible black and purple energy shot up into the sky erasing the soundings and the base out of existance eve who had her face barried in zero's chest. due to being exposed to outside lights for the first time in the last few year's. zero couldn't help but smile he had kept his word Eve was free and would have a chance to start a new.. even though he felt bad for having to experiment on her he had been streight and honest with her and he was very lucky she had been willing to take a leap of faith with him zero was a bit suprised with a sudden noise. and couldn't help but smile alittle contently zzzz ...zzz eve was sleeping peacefully in zero's arms snuggling into the crook of his shoulder he smiled more warm heartedly this is part of what his clan was founded for to fight these shadow organizations and for research in combining magic and technology better known as magi Tech many knew about the X clans dealings was on the surface magi tech in the shadows we are a deadly military group that specialises in combat espenoge and rescue operations this just happened to fit all 3 criteria of the X clans shadow dealings... Zero will talk and explain things to eve regardless if she chooses to stay with his clan or make her way out in the world was up to her he would atleast convince her to stay with his clan until she was old enough to take the adventurer academy entrance exams or any other number of the other academy's that range from royal academy's to magus and knight or to explorers what ever she chooses she will have zero's full support.