
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Films
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259 Chs

White Lightning! Kachow!

Cross appeared in the air and was carrying Chu Yuechan on his back, surrounding her with a warm air. He used his 'Void Step' in the air and flickered across the sky. Chu Yuechan was extremely tired and feel asleep right on Cross' back, she was actually pretty tall for a woman at 5'11. She was an inch shorter than Luna.

Cross was around 6'2 now, he was sure he stopped growing already as his body was near perfect. Perfect muscles in all the right places, bright eyes, smooth skin, silky hair, he was every woman's dream.

Cross arrived above the Sword Villa and floated down, he saw Ling Jie and said "Let's go, we have to fix your junior sister." Ling Jie jumped and shouted "Junior sister!?" he saw Chu Yuechan and almost fainted, Cross rolled his eyes and kicked Ling Jie into the air, slipping his foot into his collar and dragging him away into the air.

Ling Jie held onto Cross leg for dear life as he shouted "Master! You're crazy!" Cross laughed out loud and said "I know! Hhahahahaha" Ling Jie did not feel comforted and shrieked as Cross sped up his flying process, he was still shaky and swayed sometimes as if he was drunk.

This seemed to make Ling Jie even more scared.

A while later

Cross landed on a patch of land, Ling Jie rolled on the ground and kissed it, thanking god for creating dirt. Cross kicked him and chuckled "Get up, brat. Your junior sister is crippled." Ling Jie jumped up and shouted "Which bastard-" Cross smacked him and laughed "She did it herself. She's pregnant."

Ling Jie shouted "Which bastard-" Cross smacked him again and said "Yun Che." Ling Jie didn't shout anymore and clapped as he said in admiration "Boss is boss after all!" Cross shook his head with a smile and laid Chu Yuechan on the ground.

Cross lightly smacked her cheeks as he said "Little Yueyue, wakey wakey~" Ling Jie was stunned at Cross shameless words and he said "Little.. Yueyue..?" Cross snickered and Chu Yuechan opened her eyes and sat up as she said "Where are we?" the first thing she saw was Cross crazy grin.

She was spooked and said "AH!" Cross smacked her head and said "Relax, little Yueyue~!" Chu Yuechan mumbled "Little Yueyue???" Cross smacked her again for no reason before saying "I'm going to heal your veins and make them better."

Chu Yuechan's eyes fell out of her head as she said "You can do that?!" Cross said confidently "I, your master, can do anything!" Chu Yuechan said "Since when did you bec-" Cross smacked her and said "Shh. Now was weapon to you like, little Yueyue."

Chu Yuechan was sure she had brain damage at this point and she said "A sword." Cross scratched his head in frustration and said to himself "Why does everyone like swords!? Who's going to inherit my supreme mace skills?! Whatever~ Come here, little Yueyue."

Chu Yuechan walked over and Cross didn't even hesitate before touching her body. He squeezed her arms, hands, legs, waist, before measuring her finger tips to the ground and mumbling. Chu Yuechan was blushing super hard but she couldn't do anything about it.

Cross backed off and muttered to himself "Limber, flexible, quick..." His eyes lit up and he grinned before whistling. Buckbeak flew out of a crack and chirped. Ling Jie and Chu Yuechan were stunned at the creature they have never seen before, Ling Jie asked "Master, what is that?"

Cross smiled and stroked Buckbeak's black skull mask as he said "His name is Buckbeak and he is a Death Hippogryff." Cross smiled at Buckbeak and said "Can you give two lightning feathers?" Buckbeak shook his wings and two feathers fell into Cross' hands.

Cross grinned and scratched Buckbeak's neck as he said "Who's a good Buckbeak? You are! yes, you are!" Buckbeak jumped around excitedly and nuzzled on Cross' neck, stunning the other two. Cross smiled and said "Go back and cultivate." Buckbeak chirped and flew back into the crack.

Cross pulled out some iron and Purple Veined Divine Crystals he stole from some unnamed guy he killed. He then took out some wood and looked at Chu Yuechan before mumbling and taking out Sapphires and Rubies along with some gold.

All the materials floated in the air and Cross melted down one of the lightning feathers, merging it into the metal before starting the forging process. Cross was paying much more attention to this weapon than he did to Ling Jie's.

A while later

Cross let out a breath and a shining object floated down, revealing itself to the three. Ling Jie and Chu Yuechan gasped in shock, this weapon was simply the most beautiful thing they had every seen!

Cross smiled at his creation. With Chu Yuechan's measurements and ability, a rapier was the best choice for her. Naturally only the best for his disciples! The Rapier was the perfect length for her specifically, it was a long, sharp, thin, silver blade with a white sheath. The guard was a semi-orb with gold lightning bolt in the middle of a Sapphire Dragon and a Ruby Phoenix, which seemed to be worshipping the lightning bolt.

The Dragon and Phoenix were of opposite sides of the blade and the handle was white wood, with treated dragon leather dyed white. On the pommel there was an orb that was half -blue, half-red, with a lightning bolt in the middle.

Cross smiled and said "What do you think? You like it?" Chu Yuechan gulped and nodded dumbly, Cross grinned and said "I call it 'White Lightning'" he handed it over to Chu Yuechan and said immediately "Sit down."

Chu Yuechan sat down and Cross waved, a blue drop of blood, a red drop of blood, and the other lightning feather hovered in front of him. Cross stuck out his tongue and a sliver of green crystalline liquid came out, floating up with the others.

Cross merged all four together, getting a Purple-Gold drop of blood that occasionally cracked with lightning. Cross explained "Ice isn't for you. The fiery passion that burns in your heart can only be executed with lightning!"

Chu Yuechan said "But.. But my veins-" Cross shouted like thunder as he said extremely arrogantly "Broken veins? Severed meridians? Crippled Profound strength? In this world there is nothing that can stop me!" Ling Jie and Chu Yuechan were stunned by Cross' extreme arrogance, he seemed to be as high as the heavens themselves!

Cross pushed the Purple-Gold drop of blood into Chu Yuechan's chest. He closed his eyes and pressed his hand on the center of her chest, pumping life energy inside. Yuechan had no time to think about where Cross' hands were as she was focused on the massive changes going on inside her body, a little worried.

Cross said "The baby will be fine, it may even benefit." he pulled out a 9 colored Purity flower and stuffed it into her mouth, Yuechan ate the flower and everything in her body seemed to melt away before reforming 100x better than before!

Cross encased her in a water bubble and washed all the impurities away.

A while later

Chu Yuechan was completely finished and felt better than ever! Cross smiled and took out a jade slip before imprinting all his understanding of the Lightning Element on it. He handed it to her and imprinted the first three steps of 'Void Step' in her mind.

Cross stepped back and said "Little Yueyue, Little Jie, I want you both to get used to your new weapons and Elements. Little Jie, I except you to make progress on your Metal Element and Little Yueyue, you should form your own understanding of the Lightning Element. I only gave you my understanding as a reference, you need to make your own judgements."

The two nodded and Cross slapped "Carl!" a crack opened next to him and Carl shot out growling viciously, Cross smacked his head and said "What are you growling for!?" Carl fawned on Cross "Cross, you haven't called me out in such a long time~ I thought you were really in danger!"

Cross chuckled and said "Danger my ass. You live in the forest?" Carl nodded and Cross said "I'll be sending hundreds or thousands of beasts in there, can you handle them all?" Carl said "Are they stronger than me? If so by how much? Because I haven't had good exercise in a long time."

Cross laughed and grabbed him, beating the shit out of him as he said "How's this for exercise, you moron!" Carl shouted "Ah Honey Badger abuse! Call the police!" Cross laughed and said "Can you do it or not?" Carl grinned and gave Cross a 'thumbs up'.

Cross chuckled and said "Go back, next time I need to exterminate a clan, it will be your turn." Carl jumped for joy and said dramatically "He loves me! He really loves me!" Cross felt his eyes twitch and he kicked Carl back into the inner world.

Ling Jie and Chu Yuechan felt their mouths twitch, watching Cross beat an animal.

Cross turned to them and said "You will both be going to a very special place. My wife will watch over you inside. When I have everything prepared, I will let you know. Until then, get familiar with your new weapons and cultivate. Little Jie, I want you to compress your cultivation. Your foundations are good but nowhere near perfect."

He paused and added "Little Yueyue, your foundations are as solid as they can be. Don't rush to return to the Emperor Realm, if you take your time, you will be able to beat your previous self with your hands tied behind your back and blindfolded."

Chu Yuechan gasped and said "Really?!" Cross nodded with a smile and said "Why would I lie to my disciples? Now go inside. Love, could you?" A crack opened and Luna smiled as she said "Follow me." Ling Jie and Chu Yuechan followed Luna inside, the crack closing behind them.

Cross let out a breath and looked around before mumbling something and disappearing.

A few days passed

Cross had cleaned out the Scarlet Dragon Region of it's most powerful beasts and some weaker ones, throwing them into the forbidden forest. He also cleaned out the Wasteland of Death, leaving them all to Carl.

Cross had thrown thousands of monsters inside, good thing he stole Qingyue's small world because he definitely didn't have enough room for this before. Now, though, he didn't even fill up 10% of the forest! The inner world was simply gigantic now and it had subtly changed as well. Cross noticed some spirit elixirs started growing here and there, they weren't anything spectacular but they were still something.

Cross had the house elves search for any spirit elixir and plant them in the farming area.

A few days later

Cross was flying in the sky before he swayed and plummeted to the ground, he cursed. He really needed to get this flying thing down or his disciples would laugh at him the next time they saw him. But that was later, right now, Cross smashed into the ground and made a crater.

He groaned and crawled out from the crater to hear a soft and beautiful voice, he blinked and looked up, seeing the pair of dream-like eyes looking at him he said in confusion "Luna?"

If peeing in your Power Stones is cool, consider me Miles Davis.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts