
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Films
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259 Chs


A while later

Cross was walking around the outside of the castle, when he heard a loud boom. He looked over and saw Harry flying away while the Horntail fell to the ground, clearly injured.

Cross jumped off the side and bounced off his strings to the ground, going after the Horntail. He landed on the ground and walked up to the Horntail's head, it roared weakly and Cross said in Draconian "Stay with me and I'll heal you... Not to mention you won't have to stay a Wyvern for the rest of your life. Maybe a True Dragon is in your future..."

While he spoke, he released his pressure and stroked the Horntail's head. The horntail roared softly saying "Why should I trust you. Humans got me into this mess in the first place!" Cross chuckled and replied "I'm not a Human first of all... Plus would you rather die? Seems like you don't have much of a choice."

The Horntail snorted and caved in "Very well, Non-Human..." his breath getting weaker every moment. Cross whistled and Blue flew out of his backpack.

Cross had changed his clothes after he left and brought his backpack along. He wasn't expecting to get a dragon but he was thankful he brought his bag along.

Cross said "Same as last time, Blue." as he started setting up the ritual. Blue dripped a few tears and couldn't help but say "Cross, what happened last time.." Cross smiled and said "Won't happen this time. My body is stronger now. Don't worry." as he dripped his blood and started the ritual he did for Selena.

The Horntail's body glowed before cracking and breaking down. Cross flicked his finger, all the dragon blood on the ground flew up and cleaned itself before condensing into a giant ball and hovering next to him.

The Horntail emerged from it's own carcass and shook it's body. It looked completely different. It's horns were silver and sharper than before, it's tail glistened dangerously and it's scales changed from orange to red.

The structure of the Horntail changed as well, it's wings sprouting from it's back and it grew arms of it's own. It was also many, many, times smaller.

Cross crouched in front of it and smiled "You made the right choice. Do you have a name?" the Horntail was shocked by it's new body and shook his head absentmindedly. Cross picked him up and said "How about Grey?"

Grey nodded and said "You, boy.. What are you?" Cross smiled and said "Bond with me and you'll know." Grey licked his hand and Cross stroked his head, they both flashed brightly for a moment and Cross was surprised as he pointed and a silver string shot out, scrapping against the rocks, creating sparks.

Cross smiled and said "Hey, you're the Metal Element! Not to mention..." he flipped Grey over and pushed against his stomach, feeling it hard as steel. Cross smiled and said "You're much stronger now!" Grey flew around excitedly saying "Cross! I feel amazing! Look I have arms!"

Cross chuckled and said "Blue, go back." Blue flew back into the bag and Cross held out his hand, Grey landed on his hand and looked at Cross with shining gold eyes. Cross smiled and said "Your new life has just begun, Grey. Hold on tight."

Grey grabbed Cross' hand tightly. Cross took out a bottle and sucked in all the Dragon blood before putting the bottle away and saying "Close your eyes." as he teleported back to his room.

Grey opened his eyes and saw a new environment, he was shocked and Cross chuckled as he said "Come with me." before he jumped into his backpack with Grey.

They landed on the ground and Selena came out of her cave. Cross looked over and said "Oh? You're growing nicely!" Selena stretched her small arms, legs, and wings as she said "Well, the Time bubble you put down works wonders."

Cross smiled and said "We have a new member, say Hello, Grey." Grey flew around and looked at Selena a lot while he introduced himself. Cross smiled and shook his head, if Grey wanted to get Selena, he would be in for a bumpy ride...

Cross said "Grey, fly over to place you like. Anywhere except the other's habitats." Grey flew over to the area next to Selena's. Cross chuckled and cast an Atmospheric Charm on him.

A giant mountain with a large hole in it was formed, the mountain gleamed with a silver light, sparkling occasionally. Grey grew and landed on the mountain happily. Cross went over to the Time bubble and modified it to be 5 times faster, he told all the beasts and they were happy.

The area around the Time bubble was big enough for all of them and had a fence around it, so that they don't accidentally stumble inside.

Cross nodded and left the bag, returning to his room.

He put the bag to the side, zipping it up, before heading to the bathroom. He took out the bottle filled with Dragon/Wyvern blood, pouring it into the bathtub. Cross took off his clothes and stepped inside, submerging his body into the Dragon's blood entirely.

Cross bit his thumb and blood seeped out, merging with the blood making it Golden Red as he chanted "Bless your vassal, Great Tree! Strengthen your believer's humble body!" A green aura purged the blood and it slowly started turning black as it cycled through Cross' pores and out again.

Cross felt like a sieve as the blood flowed in and out of every pore of his body, taking smelly black goo with it.

A while later

The entire tub was filled with black goo that smelled awful. Cross got out of the tub looking like a piece of charcoal. He waved over the tub and the black goo was burned into nothingness, not even taking the chance for someone to steal his blood or something.

Cross went into the shower and washed off the rest of the black goo, burning it to ashes as it fell off his body. It took 3 showers for him to get rid of the smell.

Another while later

Cross walked out of the shower and looked in the mirror, surprised. His skin was whiter, softer, and stronger, his hair was shinier, thicker, and longer, and his muscles her streamlined and perfect. His ears twitched in pleasure at his appearance, before remembering that there was a gaggle of sexually frustrated Veela at the school.

His face turned gloomy, he could imagine them now. Following him everywhere, fainting at every look... How annoying!

He forgot about it and threw on a Slytherin t-shirt and shorts, slipping into slippers, grabbing his backpack and heading out of his room. He needed to go get his book after all, plus he still had some Dragon blood left.

Cross walked the hallways and all the females, stared at him in a daze. Cross clicked his tongue, once was enough to satisfy his vanity, but to keep staring.. That's just rude.

He went to the Gryffindor door and the fat lady took one look before fainting. Cross grumbled and kicked the painting, startling the fat lady awake as he said "Open up." The fat lady didn't what he asked in a daze, not even knowing that he wasn't a Gryffindor student.

Cross walked inside to see Ron covering his ears. Cross stopped next to him and said "What happened?" Ron said "Harry opened the golden egg. Bloody annoying that thing is!" before pausing and said "Cross?" his eyes shot open and he shouted "CROSS!?"

The Gryffindor students were startled and looked over to see Cross, the girls gushed and Harry said "Cross? How did you get in?" Cross pointed at the door, that was still open as the fat lady just stared at him.

Ron grumbled "Oi.. She doesn't stare at anyone else like that.." Fred and George said "You don't look like Cross, mate." The girls hummed in agreement. Cross rolled his eyes and said "Do you know where Hermione is? I would like my book back."

The girls instantly looked jealous and Harry said "She's not here. Maybe check the library?" Cross nodded and said "Thanks, Harry. Oh! And good job with the Horntail! That thing was wild." he smiled and left as the girls 'aww'd' Harry smiled and said "Thanks!"

Cross waved over his shoulder and left the Gryffindor House.

He walked down the stairs and turned the corner bumping into Hermione. She looked up and said "Sorry- Eh? Cross?! You look-" Cross finished "Better? I know. Big secret, anyway, do you have my book?" Hermione blushed and nodded as he handed it to him saying "What did you mean?"

Cross took the book and said "Skeeter will publish something about you in the next Prophet.. If you can find her and tell her what the note says, she won't publish it. Good luck." as he patted her head and checked her barrier before walking away, seeing that her mind wasn't messed with since.

Hermione thought for a moment before running away, turning to a corridor and leaving.

Cross walked around the castle, coming into a courtyard and seeing Luna sitting on a bench by herself. Cross walked over and said "Luna." she looked up and blushed as she said "Wow. You got more handsome!"

Cross rolled his eyes and said "Yeah yeah. Come with me." Luna held his hand as he brought her to a corner, before teleporting to his room. Luna looked around and said "Wow! Never teleported before... Well without a Portkey."

Cross smiled and said "This is my room. The founder's room in Slytherin." Luna looked around and said "A secret room? Nobody else can get in?" Cross said "Not without me." Luna smiled and said "Very convenient." her eyes flashing with beautiful lights as she looked at Cross warmly.

Cross smiled and led her to the bathroom as he said "Hold on." he poured the rest of the Dragon's blood into the tub before saying "Get inside." Luna looked at him and blushed hard as she stuttered "C-C-Cross.. R-Right n-now? Don't y-you think i-it's a bit.."

Cross slapped his forehead and said "Uhh.. He blindfolded himself and said "I need to be here for it to work.. I swear I won't look!" Luna was feeling extremely shy as she slowly took her clothes off. Cross closed his eyes and turned around with the blindfold on, leaving everything to his imagination.

Luna got in the tub and said "Okay, I'm in!" Cross spread his strings out, feeling where the tub was as he walked towards it and said "Go all the way down, if you haven't already." Luna submerged herself and Cross bit his thumb, dripping a drop of blood into the tub.

Cross performed the same ritual for Luna and the tub slowly made black goo just like before.

A while later

Luna jumped out covering herself as she rushed into the shower to clean herself, feeling extremely dirty. Cross heard the shower and waved his hand, burning all the black goo in the tub and the shower as Luna washed herself.

Cross left the bathroom and took off the blindfold before blinking his eyes feeling his eyelids hurting after shutting them for so long.

He sat on the bed and took out the jewelry box before waiting, keeping it shut with his hands.

A while later

Luna walked out of the bathroom with a towel, Cross looked at her and gulped, she looked even more beautiful now. Her eyes were also slightly slitted like a Dragon's and also sucked whoever looked at them in. Cross coughed and looked away as he said "Congratulations."

Luna smiled beautifully and said "All thanks to you.." Cross threw her a t-shirt and shorts with some slippers and Luna changed into his clothes before sitting next to him on his bed. Cross gulped and said "S-So how do you feel?"

Luna smiled brightly and said "Well my skin is much more beautiful, smooth, and strong. My physical appearance is spectacular.... But I also got more control over my future sights." Cross was happy and said "That's great!" Luna smiled and leaned against him as she said softly "It really is..."

Cross said "En. I have something else for you." as he opened the box, Luna looked curious as a necklace flew out and wrapped around her neck, two rings slowly floated out and shot towards Cross and Luna, turning into snakes and wrapping around their right hand ring fingers, biting onto their own tails and turning back into rings.

Cross closed the box before something else flew out.

Luna felt amazing and said "This.." Cross explained "It's artifacts from Salazar Slytherin. I have earrings actually, they can be hidden, look." he twitched his ears and the snakes appeared. Luna was amazed and the necklace disappeared.

Cross said "The necklace strengthens your magical control and the rings..." he looked at the ring and said "Hmm. It seems like they nourish the body a little at all times but you can also communicate?!" Luna looked at Cross and said "Now we can talk to each other whenever."

Cross was stunned before smiling warmly and shaking his hand, the ring and earrings disappearing. Luna shook her hand and the ring disappeared as well.

Cross looked at her and said "So, ummm... You should probably go.. Your roommates might report you." Luna looked at him and smiled warmly, she hesitated before stretching out her neck and moving slowly towards Cross' lips.

Cross' ears turned pink and he slowly moved forward to meet her lips, they were about to touch when Grey barreled out of the beast bag saying "Cross! I- Oh! Oops..." Luna blushed and pulled away, Cross sighed and looked at Grey saying with a bit of annoyance "Yes, Grey?"

Grey coughed and said "I wanted to ask if.. Umm... we could train in the Time Bubble, like fight. Will it break?" Cross shook his head and replied "No, but if it does let me know." Grey nodded and flew back into the bag, faster than he came out.

Cross smiled at Luna and said "Sorry.." Luna shook her head and said "It's okay.. That's the Horntail?" Cross nodded and said "I found him half-dead, so I took him. There's still a corpse where I found him. Nobody will know. Um.. Right! We should get you back."

Luna nodded and Cross brought Luna out before walking her to the Ravenclaw House, she stopped in front of the door and kissed his cheek before leaving with a blush, remembering what almost happened before.

Cross sighed and left, going back to his room, checking in the Room of Requirement, re-tasking the clones before going to bed.

Power Stones, my dear Watson!

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts