

  Fiarra’s pov

  My eyes widened in shock as the reality dawned upon me. The person I thought to be naive and innocent among the other humans, turned out to be the most vicious and cunning like a fox.

  I wanted to prove myself wrong about human mentality but my instincts were right and now I am in big trouble. There are these guys encircled around and the one I trusted among them. I was betrayed by her.

  “What a catch? A wolf, more the wolf is bigger than usual ones.” one guy stated in astonishment.

  “She is a werewolf! Be careful, guys! She is way too precious to us.” Martha stared deeply down at me. I wanted to strangle her or maybe cut her throat open but it seems like a bad option.

  I am stuck in his net and can’t get out. I whined and stared at everyone. I noticed one of them carrying a stun gun. My eyelids fluctuate as what I am seeing is right? Yep! It’s a stun gun.