


  The sun was about to set earlier than other days. It shows that the winters are closer than we expected. The breeze was chilling the bones, but the hotness increased the surface tension when I noticed two wide eyes staring at me with horror wash off.

  “What are you?” Martha asked.

  “I am a she-wolf, a werewolf.” I started with pride in my voice.

  “The Halloween is yet to come, so keep your idiotic jokes to yourself.’ She yelled at me but I could smell the fear rushing in her.

  “I just showed a little teaser, if you want then I can show you the entire picture.” I smirked looking at her.

  “I don’t believe you.” she snapped.

  I focused my powers to shift in midair, and within a few seconds, I stood in front of her in my wolf form. Martha stands looking flabbergasted. Her eyes spoke of terror and she ran for her life. I jumped quickly and stopped her in her tracks.

  “Help!” she screamed, but it baffled the voice.