
The Land of Arcana

Things have never been normal for Silas, literally ever his life is a never ending story of complicated. And with his oath ceremony around the corner things can’t get any worse… Derek has always understood the role he was raised for but is he willing to let go of his care free life to protect his pack, and getting to know the one person who doesn't want anything to do with him.

Xaitas · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Great

**hello everyone, the next chapter will be from Derreks POV, but Ragnar will be taking charge.**

This idiotic boy can be as cautious as he would like with the little witch, but I'm sure his the one. But of course no matter how easy it would be to just jump him there's this moral compass thing, I still don't understand. Everything about Silas is right, his position aside he truly is the most attractive being. Although honestly I doubt he feels the same which is something I've picked up on.

'Back to the plan Ragnar, talk to him make him understand.' Derek beckons from the back of our mind. The cafeteria of Ryland Falls High School echoed with the excited chatter of students as they gathered for lunch. Among the sea of teenagers, the small group of wolves from our pack made their way to sit with us.

Max stood proudly in the front of the group stopping right in front of me. "Of course sends you out after his little stunt in the hall" he says leaning over the table staring me in the face. In the old days I would rip his neck from his throat and let him die. "I'll look past your stupidity and wait till we get to the pack to handle it. But for now my mate will be joining us, if are not ok with that you are free to leave." My eyes flashing red, a signature sign of alpha blood making the others take their seats quietly.

The desire of human food was absent to me as tried to think of how to speak to Silas. It's not often the wolf is the one telling about the mating instinct. These were brand new waters I'd like to tread very carefully. Especially with the already heated tension between Max and I, the last thing I need is for a fight to break out. I sweep my eyes across the lunchroom looking for him but smell him first.

It's quite odd describing how one's mate smells, it's like your favorite smell that is all combined into one person. And Silas smelled like the woods, like spruce trees and fresh sap. As he got closer the smell grew until I couldn't breathe. Stella cleared her throat and awkwardly walked around to my side of the table where only two seats remained. "Silas you can sit right there beside Derek if you want, he won't bite you, yet." she said pointing to the spot beside me.

Reluctantly and almost as if felt like he'd fallen for a trap he walked over and sat down. 'Now's your chance he's right there, come on already.' Derek whined, but I ignored him. Silas seemed uneasy as it was already I wanted to wait for the right moment. "Silas, can we please have a conversation just the two of us." the words just falling right out of my mouth.

His head shot up, first with a look of anger then confusion, and then he seemed to relax "Fine, but I'm bringing my sandwich so bring your food, and thanks again for inviting me to lunch Stella." As he got up the reluctance was still there but hopeful he'd hear me out. As we left the table I turned and shot Stella a glance to thank her.

As we exited the cafeteria to the patio he walked to a table and sat his food down. "I don't particularly like being setup by you and your little friends. Was the whole Max thing a bit too to get me to hang out with you, huh?" He said sitting down and stabbing his broccoli. "First, Max will be getting taken care of after school." I say as I walk around to sit right beside him.

"And secondly as his current spokes person Derek's not the brightest when it comes to emotions." He looks up at me, and looks at me full of curiosity "So if Derek's not the one talking then that means your his wolf guide." I shake my head looking down at his mutilated broccoli. "My name is Ragnar, and whether you like it or not you'll be seeing a lot more of us."

"I told you once and I tell you again years of not talking doesn't change over one day. Why all the sudden interest, you've never come to my rescue before, why now at of all times." he said going back to mutilating his food.

I reached out and took his hand, putting his fork down. His head slowly turned toward mine, looking at him I knew he was feeling the same tug and spark I was. "I know the past can't fix the present, but you're our destined mate and neither one of us want to mess this up anymore."

I feel his eyes on me, I can feel Derek tugging for control but I don't give in. "I know I'm asking a lot from you, given the past. But give us a chance to make a future, we can go at your own pace." And as soon as the final word comes out I can feel him pull away.

"This is a lot indeed, but I don't know what to do. All of it is just to much and trust me it all seems crazy to me." He stops himself and catches his breath, "I mean has there ever been a witch and werewolf mate ever, or a same sex one at that." All of what was sayin was valid, I'd never heard of a werewolf mating with a witch.

"Silas just stop and listen to me for a second ok. I don't have the answers to it all, what I do know is that both me and Derek are certain about you." I pull his head towards mine " No matter what anyone says, or history has been like between us you are what I care about from now on. Please just think about it," I say as I back away towards the door "I've got to go back in there would you like to rejoin us."

I watch the tear fall from his eye and roll gently down his cheek, those golden orbs staring back at me. "I'll give you a chance, but we take things slow and no announcing anything unless we have to or we say it's time, deal." I could feel Derek dancing with joy at the sound of his words and I chuckled. "It's a deal, now hurry your cute ass up before we miss the rest of lunch." I say trying to rush him, all while im thinking…

How can it get any worse.

Please leave your thoughts and comments, I’d be happy to hear them. And remember I’ll be posting new chapters on Patreon before they hit Webnovel from now on. And if your just wanting to show some support subscribe if you want you can cancel at anytime.

Besides that who’s ready to see what these two are going to be able to do together.

Other than that enjoy!!

Xaitascreators' thoughts