
The Land of Arcana

Things have never been normal for Silas, literally ever his life is a never ending story of complicated. And with his oath ceremony around the corner things can’t get any worse… Derek has always understood the role he was raised for but is he willing to let go of his care free life to protect his pack, and getting to know the one person who doesn't want anything to do with him.

Xaitas · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Witch

First period was unacceptably loud as usual, and it definitely didn't surprise me that the leader of the noise was. I never understood why popularity made people act like assholes, specifically Max Harrison. I never had the desire to be popular, too much attention and loud people. Max on the other hand loved the attention, and anyone who said otherwise (aka non-wolves) was a target.

Me and Max have had a fair share of bad history, mainly because his family is an older one with old ways of thinking. He's tormented every chance he could, although with my ceremony coming up he hasn't. "Excuse me Mr.Miller, if i could have your attention and not the trees outside." Mr.Mathis said. The fact that its become an everyday thing to hear him say that is kind of funny to me. Nick Mathis was one the pack elders and would often point out the fact that i wasn't paying attention. "sorry sir, it wont happen again." I mumble out and hear the snickering coming from the back of the room.

Normally I wouldn't entice Max's stupidity, but I was already kinda of upset and let the words, 'dumb mutt' came out of my mouth. Was I thinking about the fact that he was a werewolf with supreme hearing, no not until I heard the low growl come from behind me. I looked behind me and saw the anger in his eyes saying sorry now wouldn't help.

I looked to the clock and saw we only had a few minutes before class was over. " Mr.Mathis can I be excused to the restroom, please." Without looking up he waved and dismissed me to go, and as fast as I could I bolted for the hall. For the next 10 minutes I'd be safe to make it to my locker and then my next class, hopefully without running into anyone.

The school isn't to large, it's aged beige floors covered in scuff marks and stains. The windows were only slightly dirty to the point that when the light shown in you could see all the cleaning stains from before. I make it to my locker with just enough time and head for my next class. Now if we've learned anything about trying to avoid something, it's that you can't. Because just as I came around a corner after the bell rang, I ran straight into the one person, Max.

A low menacing growl came deep from his chest, " watch were you going filth, next time you might get hurt" ,once again I could have ignored him but I didn't "Are you really that uptight you can't say a simple 'excuse me' or 'sorry'." I watched as he simmered with anger "I don't have to say shit to someone like you, and you should watch were your going next time." He said shoving as hard as he could and I stumbled back unable to catch myself.

But instead of feeling the cold laminated floor, I felt what seemed like a spark in my chest as something caught me. My entire everything just sat there taking in those dark green eyes and dark brown hair before I snapped out of my trance. Derek helped me back up seemingly concerned, " Are you okay." Still recovering from what just happened I just nodded, unable to find the words. As he let my hand go the spark faded and I came to my senses, and darted for my next class.

As I hurriedly made my way to my next class, my heart was still racing from the encounter with Max. I couldn't believe that Derek, of all people, had come to my rescue. I had never really spoken to him before, but I had heard that he was an incredibly talented artist. In fact, he was known for his breathtaking paintings that often adorned the hallways of our school.

As I entered the art classroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. Art class was my sanctuary, a place where I could escape the chaos of the outside world and let my creativity flow. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself before taking a seat at my usual spot near the back of the room.

Just as I started to settle in, I noticed a girl with vibrant purple hair walk in. She had an air of confidence and seemed to light up the room. Her name was Stella, and she was known for her unique and imaginative artwork at school. I had always admired her from afar, fascinated by her ability to create such captivating pieces. In the Crescent Hill Pack she was the future beta, we'd talked at the pack house only a few times before.

To my surprise, Stella walked over and took the seat next to me. "Hey there," she said cheerfully, her voice filled with warmth. "I couldn't help but notice what happened in the hallway earlier. Are you okay?"

I was taken aback by her kindness and concern. No one had ever really shown interest in my well-being before. "Uh, yeah," I stammered, still a bit flustered. "Thank you. I'm Silas, by the way."

Stella smiled warmly at me. "Nice to meet you, Silas. I'm Stella. Don't worry about Max. He's just a bully. You shouldn't let his words get to you."

Now I'm not the easiest person to befriend but I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort as I listened to her words. It was as if she understood me, and her presence alone made me feel comfortable she kind of reminded me of Tae. "Thanks, Stella," I replied, a genuine smile forming on my face. "I really appreciate that."

Throughout the rest of the class, Stella would try to engage in a lighthearted conversation and I willingly. We shared stories about our love for art, our favorite techniques, and our aspirations. It was refreshing to connect with someone who shared my passion for Van Gogh, and Picasso.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, Stella turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, Silas, I have an idea. How about you join me for lunch, my treat."

I was taken aback by her proposal, but excitement swelled within me. I couldn't believe that someone as talented and popular as Stella would want to collaborate with me. "That sounds amazing!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my enthusiasm. "On I'm down, let me just finish packing up ok." As I picked up the last of my things I couldn't help feel like this was a set up but I smile, because I might have made a new friend.