

"Father, I have arrived." The Archduchess said, greeting the former Duke of the Jung Family with a soft smile. When she lost her mother at a young age, she learned to take heavier responsibilities and this included partaking in military activities that led her to be a Knight under the First Battalion of the King.

She gave her father a hug and then, they broke the news to him. Everyone in the household was so happy for the married couple and the elder was teary-eyed that his daughter is finally taking another step in her life. The Archduchess will be a mother soon and the servants prepared a feast for them. Her heart was full of happiness while seeing them with smiles on their faces. She was sure that she missed her old home.

"Father, do you want to stay with us for a while? Though we have servants at home, I will feel more comfortable that you're around while I'm carrying your grandchild." She suggested as she received approval from her husband about it. The elder's eyes told them that he was so glad with her suggestion.

"I could do that? I would love to. I also missed my only daughter." He answered and she smiled softly. As her father, he also knows his limitations since he will stay in another household. It was so lonely for him to stay in an empty household because his daughter is already a grown-up.

It wasn't that long when they decided to go back home. The servants brought in the former Duke's luggage and prepared a room for him. And then, the Archduke received a message from the King that he was needed at the castle. She took her seat as she watched her husband leave them. She smiled faintly at the thought that he would be busy for the next few weeks because he is the General.

"Did you already inform your in-laws about your pregnancy?" Her father asked and she gently shook her head. It was their plan to tell them about it the next day. It was already getting dark outside, so she assumed that she would sleep alone in their bedchamber that night.

When she stood up to change her dress, she noticed that her vision was spinning and she almost fell on the floor. Everyone rushed to her side and brought her to the bedchamber. One of the servants immediately informed the General about it and when he arrived back home, he was already with his twin brother. They checked her condition and the older Archduke of the Aoyama Family assured them that nausea was one of the symptoms of her pregnancy. Reiki bowed his head to give respect to his supposedly father-in-law.

"You didn't tell us that she is pregnant." The older twin said to the General. The younger one gave him a sheepish smile as he brought him outside the household since he needed to go back home already.

"We will go there tomorrow to tell Father and Mother, so keep silent about it for a while." He said to his twin brother and he watched him get inside the carriage. When he finally left, he went back inside and then, he saw her already awake. She smiled faintly and he hugged her gently.

On the other hand, the Prince just finished taking a bath when the doors went open. He smiled at the sight of his wife and son. The Little Prince is already a year old and the coronation will be held next week. The little one reached for his father and the Princess transferred him to his father's arms. She laid down on the bed after changing her dress into a chemise. She watched him sing a lullaby for their little one and when he was already asleep, he carefully placed him down in his cradle.

"And now, it's your turn." He whispered as he hovered over her. She giggled softly and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him. He pulled the knot from his robe and then, he lifted her legs to wrap it around his torso.

They only had a quick one since they might wake up their little one with their noises. She hummed softly, panting heavily while hugging tight on him since he just finished filling her up. He planted a kiss on her forehead and she smiled softly. He laid down beside her and she rested her head on his chest. For the past year they spent together as husband and wife, she could tell that everything was running smoothly. She stared outside the opened window, realizing that it was also a year ago when she started her journey as the Royal Princess.

"Sho, I'm thinking where is my brother now." She mumbled. He caressed her hair gently and left a kiss on her crown. They remembered the Lord of the Hasegawa Family telling them that he would like to travel to another country to pursue his dream to be a designer.

"Do you want me to send someone to find him?" He asked but she shook her head. She was just worried that he might be in danger since he is her remaining family member. She wished that she would be able to see him soon again.