
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

The_Book_Addict · Films
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"Mousse, bring us aboard," Varion commanded.

With a hum, the tractor beam enveloped them, whisking them back into the safety of the spacecraft in an instant.

"Is the communication channel ready?" Varion inquired.

"Yes, Commander. All preparations are in place. However, there's a concerning increase in energy core fluctuations. Our calculations suggest a risk of imminent self-destruction," the crew member reported.

Varion's lips curled into a smirk. "Well, we'll just have to make do. First, extract the superconducting ore from beneath the ley lines. Then, once we've secured it, we'll pay a visit to these Na'vi and gather some samples."

"Understood, Commander."

The Future hovered over Pandora, its dark ore deposits near the sacred mountain swiftly excavated and processed before being stowed aboard.

"Extraction complete, sir," came the report.

Varion observed the glowing channel projection intently.

"Mousse, prepare for combat and activate full defense mode," Varion ordered.

Royce and Isabel exchanged puzzled glances. Why the sudden urgency? Hadn't Varion just decimated the Na'vi resistance? What threat could possibly remain on this planet?

In a swift motion, Varion led his Kryptonian warriors into the passageway. The core they sought was no ordinary planetary core; its energy rivaled that of a star.

"Outsider, what is your intent?" Ava's voice trembled with apprehension as Varion's presence loomed before her.

Its inception was a stroke of cosmic serendipity. Perhaps it was never meant to exist, yet a fortuitous event unfolded millions of years ago when a meteorite from the universe collided with the planet. The impact catalyzed a reaction between the superconducting ore and the planet's matter, birthing Ava into existence.

As Ava came into being, she discovered the wonder of life and began to influence the evolution of lifeforms on the planet. Gradually, she acquired a name bestowed upon her by the inhabitants of the world: Ava, the mother goddess of all creatures.

"Do you not know your purpose?" Varion questioned.

Ava paused, pondering the profound inquiry. Who wouldn't desire to understand their own origins? Where did she come from? And why?

The colossal blue entity hesitated. "No. If you refuse to leave, I will assimilate you into my being."

Tendrils emerged all around Ava, emitting a brilliant blue glow and crackling with electrical energy. The energy fluctuations surged, causing the trees below to wither as Ava began siphoning energy from the planet's creatures.

Varion's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. It was a flawless opportunity.

"Proceed. Don't allow it a chance," Varion commanded.


Over a hundred Kryptonian warriors encircled the energy core. Ava wouldn't permit them to approach, ensnaring them with countless tendrils. Having faced no threats to its existence for millennia, Ava underestimated these insignificant beings. Escaping its grasp should have been effortless.

But the Kryptonian warriors broke free from the tendrils with ease. Varion nodded approvingly at the scene.

These Kryptonians were engineered using super Kryptonians as templates, gifted with telekinetic abilities. The core began to tremble under their combined force.

Ava felt a foreign energy seeping into her being, binding and restricting her. The sensory connections and mastery over external creatures she once held vanished without a trace.




Hundreds of Kryptonian warriors pooled their strength, causing the ground to buckle and quake. The core, ensnared within their collective consciousness, shuddered violently, emitting a mournful cry. It struggled to break free, to assert its existence, yet it remained ensnared, forced into compression.


Three hours later, Varion gazed at the tiny bead of light nestled in his palm. Once a colossal mass spanning tens of meters, it had been condensed into its current form. Now, the task lay in integrating this condensed essence into their ranks.

Yet, this would be a protracted endeavor, spanning more than a mere decade.

"Commander, it's accomplished."

Varion surveyed the assembled Kryptonian warriors with a grin.

"Success. We edge closer to our destiny, forging yet another supreme-level technology with our own hands."


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