
The Knight of Ruin(DxD)

In his past life, Romonus Gremory was named Andrew. He was brought over to this new world because of his boss Rahvdall, the god of Insanity. He was tasked with breaking the fate of DxD or Canon because gods like his boss feed on the chaos of broken fate to grow stronger. Romonus is all for it as he gets to enjoy the perks of being in a lewd world like DxD.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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119 Chs

Alternative Reality.

(I decided to not make Romonus unique through the multiverse. I learned that would be a weakness and prevent him from becoming a multiversal entity.)

When Romonus stepped through the portal into the alternative reality he chose, he did so in Kuoh Town. He had not been to Kuoh in years since he saved Akeno. Since he existed, Kuoh was not managed by Rias. 

It was managed exclusively by Sona Sitri, his Sister-In-Law who he rarely talked to. While Sona was Rias' best friend, they had slightly drifted apart because of him. Rias was now a grown woman while Sona was still a teenager thanks to his Time Chamber. 

He would need to speak to Sona eventually as he knew so little about her. Serafall spoke of her baby sister a lot, but he always just nodded along. 

'I need to pay more attention to the families of my lovers, don't I?'

He focused back on his surroundings as he was currently on the roof of Kuoh Academy. He focused and extended his Divine Sense through the entire town. He could have hidden his intentions, but he did no such thing. The sheer pressure of having a Demon God scan the town caused some people to fall dead. 

Others passed out while a small minority managed to collapse, but stay awake. 

"So this is what an alternative reality looks like? Almost the same, but with small changes here and there." 

He was talking to himself but turned his head down to his right as someone was on the roof with him. 

"What do you think Miss Shinra? At least one of you across the multiverse." 

The Reincarnated Queen of Sona's Peerage was a member of the Shinra clan and was frozen in terror. For one, her Demonic Power froze her in place and her Devil blood was refusing to allow her to move. This was not just the Bloodline Supresion he had on Devils, but also the power of his Godly Soul pressured those around him. 

While still frozen in place, Tsubaki focused on his words. 

'One of you? Alternative Reality? The multiverse theory?' 

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Romonus walked toward her, with his cape billowing behind him like a living creature. He towered over her as he was 7'5 now as a Demon God. He could change his size at any time, but if Ophis was 7'5, he wanted to be 7'5 too.

He leaned in to learn more about this alternative version, curious about what this meant.

"I see. Your soul is similar but has minute differences. Fascinating." 

He removed the Bloodline suppression he had on her causing her to fall to her knees. She wanted to run, but her legs were frozen in place. 

"Who are you?" 

Romonus ignored her as the door to the roof was forced open as this reality Sona and her peerage gathered. If he still had the bloodline suppression, they would be frozen in place, but he had turned that off. 

He was not here to make peace, he was here to get stronger by killing gods to enhance his Domains. He also planned to use Time Magic to return to the start of consuming the First Generation Devils, the real Lucifer, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, and Leviathan. 

However, Saji when he saw the state of Tsubaki became enraged. He summoned his Sacred Gear on his left hand and he rushed at Romous.


This made Sona panic as from the aura that Romonus' released earlier it was clear he was stronger than everyone here. 


She couldn't even finish her words at Saji threw a punch at Archaon. When his fist was about to hit Archaon's chest plate, a mouth formed on the chest plate. Archaon with pure contempt chomped down and bit Saji's had off at the elbow. 


His screams were cut short as metal tendrils wrapped around him before dragging him kicking and screaming into Archaon's metal maw. The Profane Armor chomped down on his body, soul, and his Sacred Gear consuming all three. 

This included the Fragment of Vritra's soul. 


Romonus couldn't help but chuckle at the actions of Archaon.

"So, did you eat the Sacred Gear?"

"That I did, my Armored. This ability is too good to not have for my own. I hope you do not mind." 

"I do not, I might as well get all the Fragments for you."

Sona who saw and heard everything was instantly denying what she saw. Saji, her Pawn was gone just like that. All his training and not even a speck of him remained. Tears streamed down her eyes as she raised her hands to blast Romonus.

"YOU F-"

Romonus turned to her as he didn't have the Sitri Clan Trait. He surged some of his Void Energy into his legs as he wanted to test something. He kicked off the ground causing the roof he was on to collapse. 

This was overkill but he was testing his new abilities. When he appeared in front of Sona, he stabbed her through the chest with Ruin Maker. The new Excalibur Sheeth started causing her Devil blood to steam, but Ruin Maker deactivated the powers of Excalibur. His Master needed the Sitri blood of Sona to take her ability.

"I am sorry, but since this is an Alternative Reality, you all are just copies and therefore, unimportant to me. Take pride that you will aid The Demon God." 

With a flex of his will, Sona's Corpse burst into a mist of blood which he decided to experiment with. He used his Alchemy knowledge and with his Infernal Divinity, he refined it into a small orb which was made by mixing the Soul and Body of Sona into a pure orb without any contaminating. 

He opened his mouth and swallowed it to acquire her Clan trait he just called 'Water' but that was lame. 

'Flood Of Ending? Yes, that will work.' 

Once he named it, he turned to the six girls including Tsubaki. 

"Your Mirror Alice is useless to me and you five have no special abilities. I will spare you as a kindness. Now, go." 

He teleported them instantly to Siberia where they would be gone. If anything, they could return at any moment, but he doubted they would do that. Though, now that he killed Sona, he expected that this world's Serafall would know about it. 

'What to do with her?'

Regardless, he focused on the earring he still had on his left ear. He had put it off this whole time, but it was about time he brought her back. He spoke in Enuncia once more.


Drawing on his Divine Power, he surged Infernal Divinity into the soul shard of Grayfia's sister. The process did not last very long because of how powerful he was and from the ring a brightly glowing silver and purple soul emerged. 

His Divine Energy was flowing through it and rapidly flesh began to bubble from the soul. Rapidly enough, the sister of Grayfia was fully resurrected. No longer a mere Devil because of his Divine Interference she was the first of his Demons. 

When she opened her eyes, they were a bright purple like him. As for her height, she was tall, taller than Grayfia at 6'2. At first, her eyes seemed a little unfocused, but that did not last. She took a deep breath releasing a frigid mist. 

She looked down at herself seeing that she was already dressed in a maid outfit. She glanced up at Romonus before grabbing the sides of her skirt and bowing. 

"Master, I thank you for my resurrection." 

Romonus smiled as Archaon exposed his face. 

"How much did you feel?" 

She looked up at him before looking down. 

"For a long time, nothing. Like I was floating, but when you wore my earing, your powerful Demonic Power was nourishing my soul. Slowly, I could think again, I could form thoughts. Now, I just wish to serve as my Mother taught me. My name is Nisselred Lucifuge, a pleasure." 

"I am Romonus G. Bael, The Demon God. You may refer to me as you see fit, even Divine Demon if that suits you better." 

Nisselred looked up. 

"I shall refer to you as, Master if that is ok." 

"It is."

Just as he was going to continue to speak, he sensed the familiar aura of Serafall appears in the sky. Compared to his Serafall, she was weaker, but when she lept through a portal her face was a mix of endless fury and grief. 

She looked down at saw Romonus where he had killed Sona. 


Nisselred squinted her eyes as she walked past Romonus. Her face is cold and seemingly emotionless. Much like her younger sister, Grayfia.

"How would you like me to deal with her, Master?" 

With a smile, Romonus stood behind her. 

"As you see fit? Show me what power you have gained." 

From her back and through her maid dress, 3 pairs of Demonic Wings much like Romonus' old pair emerged from her back. 

"I will need only a moment." 

Serafall squinted her tear-filled eyes, not focusing right now." 


She didn't even bother to set up a Bounded Field as she intended to turn all of Kuoh and maybe even Japan into a frozen wonderland, However, Nisselred beat her to it. A Devil could never beat a Demon blessed by a Demon God. 

Nisselred raised her hand and unleashed a wave of a dark purple tidal wave of frost. Serafall didn't have a chance to react as she was frozen into a frozen statue. The Satan didn't even have a chance before she was frozen by her specialty. 

Nisselred had used more power than needed which resulted in half of Kuoh Town being frozen solid and most of the top half of Japan and further. Everything was covered in a layer of dark purple ice. 

When she realized what happened, Nisselred looked at her own hand in surprise. 

"That wasn't supposed to happen, I only planned to freeze Serafall." 

Romonus hummed. 

"Seems you are not used to your new Status as a Demon or the blessing you received from me. Don't worry about it." 


Using Enuncia, he turned back the wheel of time and unfroze Japan. However, the people who frozen were now panicking as they still remembered being dead. As for Serafall, she was still frozen in the middle of the sky as a purple statue of Ice. 

Her soul. frozen in place along with all of her Demonic Power. Romonus drew the statue to his side as he leaned closer to study it. He released Malacoda as he placed a clawed gauntlet on Serafall's frozen head. 

Using his Divine Sense, he scanned Serafall's memories trying to learn more of this reality. When he did so, he frowned as he learned something. There was a Romonus Gremory that existed in this world. He would need to visit this version of himself as it seemed that the DxD Multiverse had cloned him because of how successful he was. 

As for this Serafall, the reason she was weaker was that, unlike his Serafall, she had not used a magic ritual where his Serafall absorbed a shard of ice from Cocytus to enhance her power. This Serafall was also secretly in love with Sirzechs. 

'Weird honestly.'

Nisselred glanced at the frozen statue. 

"What do you plan to do with her, Master?" 

Romonus did the same thing he did to Sona and he refined Serafall's Body, Soul, and Demonic Power together with alchemy and his Divine Power. When he was finished, he was left with a small glowing floating drop of blood. 

"Here, take it. I would give it to my Serafall, but I know that she does not need it." 

Nisselred took it from his hand and swallowed it. When she did so, Serafall's affinity for Ice Magic was absorbed into her Lucifuge clan trait. The process was quick and efficient since Romonus was the one who made it. 

When it was done, she looked at her own hands once more. She circulated her Demonic Energy which was infused with some of Romonus' Divine Energy through her body finding that everything was fine. 

"Master, you are quite impressive. No wonder my Sister gave you my earing. She would only do that if she trusted you." 

"She is my sister-in-law, but I consider her my real sister. She helped me become a Demon God and the least I could do is resurrect you for her. Though, we will be busy for a few days in this alternative reality." 

Nisselred lowered her head. 

"I will dutifully serve you, my Master." 

"I am glad. Now, let's go. I need to see this reality Rias. I don't have to kill her, but I might have to slay Akeno. Her Bloodline Ability is too good to pass up." 

As he walked, she walked a little in front of him to be a barrier between him and weaklings. As they walked, Malacoda, the Malebranche in Spear form began to speak to him. 

"My Lord, this is a good chance to get my fellow Malebranche hosts."

Romonus knew that as well. 

"Yes it is, that is why I am here. I will use this reality to do things I would not do on in my own. Taking 11 people to be your hosts is one of those ways. I also will visit my variant to see if I can take one step I learned in the past. 

Becoming a Multiversal Entity. That way, even if something kills me, I can reincarnate through one of my infinite variants.

"Malacoda took this information and memorized it.

"So, in this reality, there is a variant of me? Would I get stronger if I consumed it?"

"Yes. That was my plan."

Nisselred turned to him. 

"From this Serafall's memories, do I exist?" 

Romonus nodded. 

"You do, you are also dead here." 

Nisselred hummed. 

"It seems I do not have the best luck, my Master." 

With a chuckle, he agreed. 

"No, you do not

Ruin Maker was now confused.

"Do I have variants?"

"That I do not know. You are a creation of my mind, while my alternative selves are me, they are not me and don't have my special circumstances. Like this one in this world, no Demon bloodline."

Archaon also had another aspect of that that made Romonus exceptionally unique. 

"You also have Rhavdall as your backer." 

'And are from another world, but that is our secret only.' 

Romonus smiled as he heard that. 


Nisselred turned to him curious. 

"Who is Rhavdall?" 

Romonus smiled. 

"My backer and my friend. You could call him my patron. I am not his Apostle, but I am his agent. He helps me, I help him, he is the god of Insanity." 

Nisselred could see the respect he had for Rhavdall. 

"He must be powerful for you to consider him your patron, Master." 

Romonus nodded.

"He truly is powerful. Regardless, here we are."

Nisselred opened the door to the classroom and walked inside seeing the panicking students. Rias was one of them as she had died in the icy blast. When she saw Nisselred walk through the door she noted the similarity to Grayfia. 

However, when Romonus walked through the door she froze at his face. She knew that face somewhat even though this Romonus was older, had a beard, and had black hair. He was also much taller and was wearing an armor she never saw. 

He also had weapons she had never seen her brother use since her twin didn't use a spear or greatsword. He used a Katana. 


When Romonus glanced at Rias, he smirked. Next to Rias was Akeno who was also frozen in place. He was not restraining his aura much keeping everyone in place. 

"Rias, my twin from an Alternative Reality. I am the original Romonus here to clean out the weak. Let us see if you are worth anything to me."

Rias shivered as she felt herself being cut apart millions of times in those dark purple eyes. Nisselred turned to Romonus. 

"What do you intend to do with her, Master?" 

"I do not know." 

He walked toward Rias who was still sitting down. When he was looming over her he looked at her closer. 

"Even if I refined her, she would bring me no benefit or my Rias. I can just ignore her."

He turned to Akeno who was seated in the same class. 

"You on the other hand also do not compare to my Akeno. She doesn't need you, but I do." 

Much like the fate of Serafall, and Sona she exploded into a bloody mist. He purified the Devil's blood in her leaving her Cadre bloodline behind. He refined it further with her soul leaving the pure inheritance of Baraqiel. 


Rias reacted to the death of her best friend and Queen. Nothing was left of her as Romonus opened his mouth and swallowed the small orb. His Demon God bloodline reacted and devoured the blood essence, but it did not keep the Angel bloodline. 

It was simply devoured mixing with Romonus' lightning affinity. With Baraqiel's Holy Lightning ability acquired, Romonus was going to move on. However, suddenly all of Kuoh was enveloped in a Bounded Field. 

He felt Sirzechs and his Peerage gather outside including Grayfia. That would be a conversation, but the biggest thing was that this world's Romonus was here. 

'Time to see my variant and show him who is the original.' 


(Interesting fact, Itsuki is not a fem Issei. She is his sister. Issei had two older siblings who were stillborn. In Romonus' reality, Itsuki survived while Issei did not. Plus, she isn't a pervert.)