
The Kingdom of Versimoil

Seventeen years old Anneliese consumed by books and adored by her parents & sister was living in her own world. She dreamt of a simple life surrounded by the people she loved but her whole world turned upside down when she was captured by royal soldiers and found herself in the Kingdom of Versimoil!!! Anneliese realised struggling or pleading is futile, the only way to go home is to escape from the royal palace. But all her plans were shattered when a cold pair of eyes laid on her which refused to leave her!! Vincenzo Thornburn, the lord of Versimoil Kingdom known for his selfishness is considered to be the most cunning immortal! When he encountered a brown haired mystery soul from Sicilian Empire, he couldn't help but to unfold the concealed layers hidden behind her crystal blue eyes! All it took is one drop of tear from her mystic eyes to turn his self centred world, revolve around her and he realised, he could burn the hell for her!

Dreamer_princy · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Bring her to the castle

Envoy Egnatius called the guard, "Diego"

The head guard came forward and asked, "Grant the order sir"

"Whip the girl's legs so hard that, forget about running, she wouldn't even wanna walk in future!" ordered the Envoy. Bowing at the Envoy, the head guard approached the girl sitting on the ground.

Anneliese watched the guard coming near her with the whip in his hand, finally she looked at the Envoy and said, "I did not tried to run away, you can ask the other prisoners, they saw what happened here!" Before she could say anything else, she felt the harsh whip on her left side which made her fall on the ground. Anneliese tried to speak again but the head guard started to whip her legs and her words turned into screams. Unable to endure the pain on her skin, she desperately cried in pain, "Ple... please stop, I... I did not tried to run away, he is lying. Please believe me!"

Ignoring her pleadings, Egnatius questioned the girl, "What connection do you have with Vincenzo? Tell me now!"

Anneliese who did not know that, the pure blooded vampire she got into a deal with is Vincenzo, said, "I don't know who you are talking about! I don't know who is Vincenzo!!" and she felt another harsh whip on her back.

Tears started to spill from her blue eyes which she was holding back till now, she heard the Envoy, "You will die in this dungeon and no one will ever know. Everyone will think you disappeared among with the other townsfolks. If you don't want that then tell me this instant, What connection do you have with the Book of Spells and why was Vincenzo defending you?"

Anneliese did not trust this man, she now know, what he is capable of and she can never tell this man that she is the sole possessor of the book because she did not know what will he do if he finds it out!

Anneliese kept enduring the pain from the harsh whipping on her skin. Her dress torn, revealing some parts of her skin which are bleeding while some of her skin turned red and blue.

"That's Enough for tonight, Diego. We don't want the girl to die so soon." stated the Envoy and the head guard stopped with a soar face as if he was not done with the girl.

Ann heard the receding footsteps and squeezed her eyes in pain, unable to move her body because of the excruciating pain, she kept lying on the ground. With no energy left in her body, exhaustion caught up to her and she dozed off.

In the town of Haselburg, The black cat was trying to enter the town but everytime he tried to cross the border, the town repulsed, like an invisible wall has appeared on the town. Oscar thought to wait for few hours and in morning he will try to enter the town again and he laid down at the side for a sweet nap.

In the morning, The cat was able to enter the town and went to the blue eyed girl's house who offered him a blanket to sleep and he thought in his mind, "Even the mystic girl couldn't resist my charm" and he huffed, "Ain't I the cutest cat"

Reaching his destination, he climbed at the girl's window to see if she was in her room but she wasn't. Oscar jumped on the ground and entered the house from one of the windows, he looked for the girl everywhere but couldn't find her and even her family was not there. Walking on the street, he sensed the strange atmosphere of the town. Oscar started to send signals to his master to arrive while he continued to look for the girl.

When he was walking on the main town's route, His eyes caught sight of something brown on the street. When he was about to reach near the thing, his master appeared in the town and he heard him, "Why did you called me here, Oscar?"

Oscar answered his master in his mind and due to the Master-Slave bond, Vincenzo can read his cat's mind and a frown appeared on his face. Vincenzo saw the cat staring on the street and he spotted a brown belly. Picking up the belly, his eyes narrowed because the girl who came to meet him yesterday in the forest wore the same footwear and he can smell the faint scent of the girl around the area.

Vincenzo said to his cat, "The townsfolks of Haselburg have vanished like the Windborn town's! And it must have happened when the girl was with me at the river!"

Vincenzo noticed the carriage prints on the street and quickly guessed what might have transpired here. He closed his eyes in anger and muttered under his breath, "Lightwood!"

Looking at his cat he asked, "Why were you not with the girl when it is what I ordered you to do?" Oscar quickly answered in his mind, "The town was not allowing me to enter and it's only in the morning I could step in the town, Master."

Vincenzo said, in a thoughtful tone, "That means the Dark Witches cast some spells on the targeted town, so that no supernatural species could enter the town in that period!" Gesturing his cat to sit on his shoulder, Vincenzo disappeared from there.

Reaching the Royal Castle of Versimoil Kingdom, Vincenzo ordered his trustworthy man, "Adomas! Leave for the Capital city of Sicilian Empire with the royal soldiers. You will find a blue eyed brown haired girl in the dungeon there, bring the girl to the castle and if needed, kill whosoever comes in between."

"Yes milord" replied Adomas.

"I am leaving for the Conclave's meeting and when I return, the girl should be here." said Vincenzo

Back in the dungeon, Envoy Regina stared at the girl who laid curled up on the floor. With a frustrated look, she said to the man beside her, "What the hell did you do to her? Don't you know she comes under the Conclave's offenders!?"

"Don't worry Regina, I am going to kill the girl after receiving my answers. Everyone will think she disappeared like others and no one will ever know anything about this." Replied Egnatius

With a frown, Regina said, "If you are right about Vincenzo and this girl's connection, then anyhow he is gonna know what happened to the girl and when he finds out you killed her, he will burn this whole empire down and will torn you into pieces."

She paused before speaking again, "And If you are wrong about this connection, then too, the Conclave members will find out about this very soon and Vincenzo will make sure to throw you out of the High Conclave. And with you, out of the High Conclave's circle, the little to no power we humans have right now, will disappear like the townsfolks disappearing!"

Without addressing her statements, Envoy Egnatius stated, "I am leaving for the Conclave's meeting"

With a grim expression, Regina said, "The only thing that can be done now is to let the Conclave members know about the town and this girl. You can make some excuse for hitting the girls and let them deal with this."

Egnatius knew whatever the fellow Envoy said is true and though he was not happy with it, he decided to tell the Conclave about this with some added lies.

Anneliese, who was listening to their conversation, wondered who is Vincenzo.