
The Kingdom of Versimoil

Seventeen years old Anneliese consumed by books and adored by her parents & sister was living in her own world. She dreamt of a simple life surrounded by the people she loved but her whole world turned upside down when she was captured by royal soldiers and found herself in the Kingdom of Versimoil!!! Anneliese realised struggling or pleading is futile, the only way to go home is to escape from the royal palace. But all her plans were shattered when a cold pair of eyes laid on her which refused to leave her!! Vincenzo Thornburn, the lord of Versimoil Kingdom known for his selfishness is considered to be the most cunning immortal! When he encountered a brown haired mystery soul from Sicilian Empire, he couldn't help but to unfold the concealed layers hidden behind her crystal blue eyes! All it took is one drop of tear from her mystic eyes to turn his self centred world, revolve around her and he realised, he could burn the hell for her!

Dreamer_princy · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Red Flames

In the town of Haselburg, The Administrative Board of Sicilian Empire searched the town for any possible clue left behind the incident. Even after four hours of search, The Board did not find anything which can lead to the Dark Witches.

While returning to the Capital city, Envoy Regina Draper, A dignitary of the Administrative Board, said, "Envoy Egnatius, The disappearing of Town's people is related to Dark Witches and at the time of Windborn's occurrence, It was made clear by the High Conclave that, the Conclave will be handling this matter. We need to inform the other member of High Conclave about Haselburg's incident."

With a foiled face, Envoy Egnatius replied, "Not tonight Regina! First I need to inquire the girl and deal with her personally. Tomorrow, in evening, there is a meeting of Conclave in Versimoil, regarding the recent findings on the investigation. I will inform the others in the meeting about the town and also about the girl."

"Fine but the Conclave may object about not informing them sooner!" stated Envoy Regina

Envoy Egnatius stated in a obvious tone, "They surely will object!" He paused before continuing in a thoughtful manner, "But I suspect that there is some connection between this girl and Vincenzo, So I need to find out what it is! And if I can use that against Vincenzo!"

Far away in the Capital city's Dungeon, Anneliese set on the ground in one of the cellars, where the night turned the already dark dungeon, even darker. There was so much going on in her life...the book, her family, her gallows and yet, the only thing she could feel right know, is the preying eyes of the prisoners in the adjacent cellars, who are ready to bounce on her.

One of the prisoners in the left cellar, whistled and said, "What did you do to end up here? Let me help you! Come here, I know a way to open the locks in here..." The other prisoners snickered and started, "Come here... Come to our cellar... We will help you escape... just let us touch you once..."

Sitting in the center, Anneliese stayed quiet and kept looking at the ground, She waited for the Head member to arrive, so she could try to convince him that she has nothing to do with the incident that occurred today.

When she heard the footsteps, her eyes moved and saw the Head guard, opening the lock and a ray of light flickered in her eyes which instantly disappeared at the sight of the subordinate who had accompanied her on the way to Dungeon. She saw the subordinated stepping into her cellar while the head guard closed the gate. Seeing the vicious look on his face, Ann gathered the dust from the ground in her fist. The subordinate set on the ground, his one knee touching the ground to support himself and he put his hand on the other knee. There is a small amount of yellow light coming from the sconces on the passage walls, Ann could see the subordinate's hand coming near her and she moved backward to the wall where there was no space left for her to crawl any further. She felt his grip on her one ankle and she kicked him with her another leg to free herself and he fell backwards on the ground.

Greeting his teeth, he cursed, "You Bitch". Standing up, he went near her and before he could grab Ann's hand, she throws the dust in his eyes. She knew there is no point of shouting for help because no one will come for her help. While the subordinate tried to clear her eyes, she pushed him backwards and went near the rusted iron door and tried to open it. Luckily the door handle turned over and she pushed the door open. Before she could step her foot out of the cellar, Gabriel caught her hair and pulled her in the cellar and pushed her on the wall where her head hit the wall. Putting her one hand on her forehead, using all of her strength, she punched him to stop him from coming near her which made the subordinate furious.

Furiously, Gabriel slapped the girl with so much force that she fell on the cellar ground, her head started to spin and she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Pushing her palms on the ground, she tried to lift herself but she felt a harsh grip of a hand on her leg. Glancing down, she tried to pull her ankle but the grip was too strong for her. When she felt another hand beneath her dress, tracing upwards on her legs, She finally screamed, "NO"

Using all her strength, she pushed her upper body and gripped the man's hand to swept his hand away but at her touch the man screamed and moved backwards. Ann saw his burnt sleeves and looked at her hand which felt extremely hot. She didn't know what happened to her hands, but right now, she didn't care about it and decided to use her hands to protect herself. When she saw the man coming near her again, standing up from the ground, she brought her hands in front of her to protect herself but soon, her heated palms started to cast red flames and her eyes shining blue.

Stunned at the sight, Gabriel moved backwards and got out of the cellar before locking it. Scared and furious at the same time, he exclaimed, "YOU! A Dark Witch disguised as human! I will tell everyone and You will be burned alive tomorrow in the middle of the city!" saying this he walked away from the cellar.

Anneliese set down on the ground and stared at her hands. She murmured to herself, "What was that? and How did it happen?"

She didn't know if she should be happy, she was able to protect herself or should be distressed that she will be burned alive tomorrow because of her fire illuminating hands!!

Exhaling, She covered her face with her hands and again heard the footsteps in the passage. Removing her hands from her face, she saw the Head member standing in front of her.

The Envoy set on his heels and spotted the bruises on the forehead and one side of her face which made him squeeze his eyes in anger. Turning behind, He asked the subordinate, "Don't you know, no one touches the prisoners until I order?"

Gabriel took a step forward and answered, "Sir, the girl tried to run away so the head guard had to hit her."

Anneliese did not tried to explain what transpired, when no one here will believe a single word of hers and she set quietly, looking at the ground.

"Tell the Head guard to come and bring a whip with him!" Ordered the Envoy.