
True Army

As the moon hit the middle of the sky a red fare went out alerting everyone with a loud bang. This meant that everyone was allowed to fight and even kill. But I had spent the time sleeping without worry and went right back to sleep.

When the sun rose up everyone stood at attention awaiting orders. The hunters returned with the food and news of a small force moving around in the forest. Well today would be our first battle but who would it be against. I had the knights stay in the camp as they would be better for more strength than agility.

We made our way through the forest with the rogues and bandits. The rogues were climbing the trees while me and the rogues continued to walk ion the ground.

"Three men straight ahead sir." One of the rogues sled down from the tree to whisper to me.

"Move into position." I whispered back.

We followed the three while slowly getting in front and behind them. Crossbow bolts started thumping into the ground and hit a few one of em three times to the ground.

"Summon" I heard of the two saying and then small lights started to form.

Name-Snake of hell.

Stars-3 stared.

Power- 20/20

Name-Snake of Shadows

Stars- 3 stared

Power- 25/25

Both these snakes sled from the light. The first had its back covered in low flames and the second was like mist with red beady eyes. They went around their wielders to protect and took the arrows like they were nothing do to their armor like scales. They started to notices where everyone was.

"Retreat back to me." I yelled making my voice sound across the battle.

Immediately everyone ran towards me while the snakes shot him out an up before landing back down coming right at me.

"Activate." I said while holding a card.


Name- Shield of light.

Create and impenetrable shield around the wielder and his comrades making a sort of dome.

A large dome of light engulfed and and he snakes slammed right into before falling a back a little. I could feel the mana being drained from me due to its nature of light. Light and dark spells and summons take more mana but this was too much.

"Crap he can use light magic call for reinforcements." I heard one of the boys say.

The boy darted off into the woods leaving only he friend to fight. The idiot just left his teammate to fight by himself against me. I let the shield down and all the arrows let loose. The boy took only one to the arm because his shadow snake blocked the rest.

The snake seemed like it was okay but getting tired of acting as a shield. The snake the. Beamed across throughout the trees smashing each of the men against the trees and coming towards me.

"Summon" I said and what happened next was something only the god of chaos would like.

My being was taking hold quickly as another ten lights came around the boy as his teammates raced through taking his side.

Each of them were about two stars however.

Name- White Tiger-King of strength.

Stars-5 stared.

Power 25/25.

The white tiger is the strongest being gaining the very elements attention. It's very power allows it to bend metal like paper and create the best of weapons. It's flames burn though everything and it's speed seems like a blur to even the fastest. It has learned to strike from the shadows and gather information through its shape shifting into a human form. It can sense danger towards it or its owner within a miles radius.

When the white tiger took its form before me everyone saw this small name with the stars and strength above it for a few seconds.

"Crap he can summon five stars."

"Everyone attack quick."



Everyone was shouting but before they knew it all the creatures had been destroyed or laid unconscious against a tree. Only a few ran away in time after this but the bow had his snake in its card form along with seven others surrendered by the bruised rogues and my white tiger walked along with me.

"What might just spare you if you hand over that shadow snake of yours." I said looking at the boy with deadly cold eyes.

"If you want it you'll have to take it from my cold dead hands." He said with defiance.

"Okay then, Activate." I said holding a spell card as a bolt of pure blue lighting went through his head like a spear.

He dropped dead and I grabbed the card thinking of all the things it could do for me.

"Well what you waiting for." I said and they all cracked the seal on the badges that teleported them back to the school.

Well if this was one of the teams near me than where are the stronger one I thought.


Sorry for the wait on chapters. End of the school year so I was very busy.