
Zion 2

Ryo then Wreaked Havoc in the Church,

His system allowed him to see people with malicious Intents, as it could clearly show that most of the Priest here were rapists and man that Claimed to speak to god, they would ask the commoners and even nobles to pay tributes to the Church, If they can't then they would rape the woman and call it Holy cleansing, If they refuses they would throw them in the Heretic Area, outside the City

Even the Nobles of this Kingdome hate them, but they have no choice, some has even given their wives and Daughters to The Pope to be the first one to welcome them to Adulthood

A holy word for Rape

When Ryo reached the Top of the Church there was a large Cross and the picture of God on the wall, he looked like the Generic Angle Looking person ever, which made Ryo more confident in the fact that his Church is the generic use the power of god to get myself benefits

Mart [You're a Fool, King of Arkhan, you have Attacked a Church that belongs to the Holy Pantheon, You will be killed and crucified, but it's still time to back down, donate that woman over there, and leave and the church, I guarantee you that all of your sins will be forgiven]

A priest come forward, Ryo could immediately tell that his man was an Apostle Rank, but at this point, Apostle Rank is nothing to Ryo


Name: Mart Francis

Age: 352

Race: Human

Gender: male

Affection: 100% Disgust/Hate

World Class: Apostle (Priest 11%)


Strength: A (C)

Agility: B (D)

Endurance: B (C)

Mana: A+ (B)


Ryo [The Woman you speak of is my General Rama, and she is a he, don't kill him Rama]

Rama then jumped and attacked Mart, he was about to Cut the man in half, but he used a Golden staff to guard against Rama, he then swigged the Staff behind him and Attack Rama, sending him flying through the church

Mart [My name is Pope Mart, Leader of the Holy Church in Diavola, and an Apostle of God, you filthy Sinners will be disposed of]

Mart then attempted to attack Ryo, However Ryo just side stepped to let Rama who came from behind him to attack Mart, Mart Couldn't react and this time he was played with, Rama was faster and more experienced than the Pope, Rama cut the old man more than he could count

While watching Rama toy with the man Ryo finally understood the system that Priests and Apostles… work with, their power grows the stronger their love and faith to God does, of course training is required, someone would need a pure white heart to become one, it was the reason why Pope Mart's Rank Dropped to Priest, he was tainted, which meant the protection that God gave him faded over the years, which made Ryo believe that the God that these people worshiped was real, as for if his good or bad well he didn't know yet




When the Pope got mad, he tried to use one his powerful attacks, however before anything special could happen, Rama had Already Cut his hand

And so instead of some flashy attack, the only thing that happened was the hand of the Pope dropping to the Ground, and his annoying scream until he passed out

Rama [I have immobilized the enemy without killing him]

Ryo [well I would complain about cutting his hand but he deserves it]

Ryo then looked at the picture of god, since he entered Zion, he sensed someone watching him, someone Very very strong, but he couldn't find out who, well that was until now

Ryo [Are you Real? or am I being Paranoid?]

??? [My dear, I gave you my blessing, you should at least acknowledge my existence]

Ryo [Well, If you showed you're self to me I would have did so, I have no issue against you, but the people that Worship you don't make me excited to meet you]

??? [*Sigh* I apologize for that, he was truly a good man before, so I gave him my blessing, but I guess corruption is in every man, well everyone except you, Dear]

Before Merlin Could ask Ryo to whom he was talking since he couldn't sense or feel them, a very beautiful woman that had Golden hair and Sky blue eyes, she was wearing a Golden and white Dress that seemed to not be doing its job properly, she was sitting on a Throne like Angel wings, and her gaze was only on Ryo, she didn't seem threatened by Merlin or Rama what so ever, even when the Latter drew his sword

Ryo [Stand Down!

Tell me who are you ?]

??? [My name is Inana, I am the Goddess of Love, Peace and Equality, Dear]

Ryo [You are a true Goddess then, not like a Rank]

Inana [Indeed I am, I am one of the Gods that summoned you here]

Ryo [Is that so, Then Can you tell me who I am ?]

Inana [You are The King of heroes Gilgamesh, however you are also King Ryouto Arkhan]

Ryo [Elaborate]

Inana [*sigh* Dear, I want to spend time flirting with you not speaking about your past, however I will humor you, When us the Gods realized that the world will be destroyed by a World Calamity, we tried to solve the issue, Ya know cause we're gods and all, we don't want our worshipers Dead, when we realized that this won't work, we made a deal with the God of your world, Nasu, the deal was for us to get a hero from his world, in exchange for something from us, the hero he chose was apparently his best, which was the King of Heroes Gilgamesh]

Ryo [But ?]

Inana [But the King refused, when we were almost done with transporting him to our world he refused, which led in having you, you are both Gilgamesh and Ryouto]

Ryo [You were trying to replace me with Gilgamesh]

Inana [Well, we already did, you are not Gilgamesh, and you are not Ryouto, You are a normal person, from a random world, someone no one would care about, and we gave you this gift]

Ryo [is that so….

Well the old me doesn't matter as long as I exist

Tell me what did you offer Nasu?]

Inana [You]

Ryo [What?]

Inana [*sigh* we Gods, can't intervene in our Worlds, since it would lead to the breaking of balance, however, if someone from another world shows up, he can do it for us, the deal was you will save this world, and at the same time, you will help The Root or whatever, in saving Lost worlds from the failed Grail wars, don't ask me what is a grail war I don't know, Nasu complicated everything in his world for no reason]

Ryo [Don't worry I already know what those are "I think" *sigh*but what's in it for me? I won't help you all for free]

Inana [We will allow you to have the whole world for yourself, if you save it, of course under the condition that you wont destroy it, as for Nasu, he said something about gift and items from the system I don't remember, can we stop with this, I want to be with you, Dear]

Ryo [Be with me? we just met? and I thought you gods can't intervene?]


The skill {Divine Protection of God C+} has become

{Divine Protection of the Goddess Inana}: as long as the user continues to Love, And Spread peace, and remains Equal to all races, the protection of Inana will remain and the user's power and protection will increase}

Ryo [Is that supposed to answer my questions? I appreciate the help but, what do you want?]

Inana [What I want is you! I will follow you, my mission is to report that you are doing what we want from you, but that doesn't matter to me, I just want some excitement, my life as a goddess is boring]

Ryo [*sigh* I guess I can allow that, since you blessed me and all]

Inana [YaY!]

Inana started to glow and then her sized to shrink until she became the size of Ryo's Hand

Inana [I guess this how I'll be for now, Ahahahah, Thank you Darling]

She then went to Ryo's left shoulder and sat on it

Ryo [*sigh* you're going to annoy the hell out me aren't you? well whatever, can you disappear for few seconds, since you're the goddess of peace I don't want you to see what am about to do]

Inana [Oh! Dear, you're thinking about me! Thank you, but don't worry, I know that whatever you're about to do will lead to peace later, ok *mouah*]

After saying that Inana kissed Ryo on the cheek

Ryo [Well I guess this will be fun as well]

Ryo then looked at the Pope, and smiled


Back at Zion's Throne Room


Ryo [Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Your God's Number one Enemy is here,

Demon King Ryouto]

Everyone's jaws Dropped to the floor, they were Surprised that not only did the king they were trying to kill was inside, but the fact that the Pope, that everyone including the King fears, was being Dragged by the King of Arkhan

Many Soldiers wanted to attack him, but every single one of them, couldn't even move, everyone inside the room was incapable of moving, they felt immense pressure, except the king, who Ryo excluded intentionally

King Adrian [YOU, You Filthy Demon! How dare you attack The Pope, Unhand him immediately, Guards, Arrest him


I said move]

No one moved except Ryo, who for every step he made the king of Zion felt more fear

Adrian [Wh.. What are you all doing, move Kill HIM, aghhhh, please hold on a second he made us do it]

When Ryo reached close to the throne he said

Ryo [Is that so? well then let's ask the expert, who here is the prime minister?]

The minister [I… I am the Prime minister..]

Ryo [why is there people suffering outside the city, why did you attack my country?]

The Minister [Th… The People outside are criminals, and evil man, as for the attack it was instigated by the Pope, he said that the Continent needs Cleansing]

Ryo [Mhmmm, Maybe I should ask someone more knowledgeable someone that even though they lived inside the God's Chosen Area, had to suffer,

Tell me Queen May, why are the people outside suffering? Who attacked my country?]

Queen May, the woman that probably suffered the most Even though she lived inside the God's Chosen Area

She was a noblewoman, daughter of a simple Noble, however she was beautiful, which proved to be a curse, The Pope toke notice of her since she was a child, the pope was known for having his way with Nobleman's Children, Boys or girls, since the age of 11 she became his favorite, however the title favorite didn't have advantages to it, no it meant that he would have her do more, a Child that was forced to some things that even Adults wouldn't be able to, after she grew up, the king decided that she would be his, suffering again, The king was known for his perverted Domination filled mind, which led in her suffering more, and after she gave birth, she was thrown away, she is only a Queen in name only, and her daughter which is 15 now is promised to be The pope's Wife

She fought hard, tooth and nail, just to save her daughter from being forced to do the same thing as her, but in the end she will still marry the same man that tortured her since she was a child

Queen May, The Dead, is what they called her, she had dead eyes, that showed how much suffering she went through

For the first time in Years, her eyes lit up, she smiled and said

Queen May [They are Innocent people that did not provide their sons or daughter to the pope, they are the poor that couldn't pay the churches, they Are Zion's Citizens, As for you King Ryouto, The attack was agreed upon by everyone in this room, Every Minister, The King, And HIM]

Queen may than got up and started Stepping on the Pope, over and over and over again, it was until Ryo stopped her

Ryo [You're too tired, for this, Life hasn't been merciful to you, don't worry about him, He will get the punishment he deserves,

As for you all, Rama, Kill every one that hasn't done something heinous, but still deserves death, as for the rest, arrest them, Death is too merciful for them]

Inana [Aren't you just delaying the inevitable?]

Ryo [What do you mean?]

Inana [What do you think we are? primitive Gods?

Hell does exist, and people like this will go there, Hell is a special place, we have professional tortures in there to take care of each kind of criminals

We even have one specially designed for Child Rapists]


If you wish to read more, then check out my patreoon


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and 6 chapters ahead for tier 2

Thanks for reading and Good bay}