
Taking Over

In Luna Blu, Diamond Company Castle


Synthia [… In the end the Supreme Hero Zeke, was killed, and I suggested to give his body back]

Kara [hmm, do you have any info about them personally]

Synthia [The Man Named "Rama", was a very good General, and he seemed to be very Loyal to King Ryouto, The Woman is probably the Strongest person in the Kingdom, she was very silent and she didn't like me, the one I couldn't find Anything on was the Wizard "Merlin", he seemed Open, but everything he did just Worked, the only thing I got was that he was a Half Incubus, as for the King he was the Scariest, he didn't seem to be that powerful, a Demon King Rank is appropriate, but he also was very capable in Physical combat, he didn't use any magic against Zeke except Basic stuff, he also was too Open about his abilities, like he wanted me to see them, what surprised me the most was when he Obtained the "Appraisal Skill" As soon as a I gave him the Skill book]

??? [So an amateur wants to create his own Faction, but what I want to know is why those people follow him even though they are Stronger?]

Kara [Eve, remember when we started, no one believed that we could actually be a Faction of Our own]

Synthia [Apparently they are his Servants, or so he called them…]

With the discussion still going a Man entered the Throne Room

??? [Queen Kara, Lady Eve, Lady Synthia may I Intrude, I have some news]

Kara [What is it Seth, you may speak]

Seth [Thank you my Lady, The Demon King Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan, has Conquered the Kingdom of Zion and he has attacked and destroyed the Church]

Eve [HE DID WHAT? Kara we have to handle this, if the Pantheon hear of this they will Attack Diavola, they have more numbers]

Synthia [we have to do something my Goddess, The Pantheon is far stronger than us, even if we Ally with Wallachia we don't have a chance]

Kara [NO! they deserved it, we all knew of the vile shit that those people did, but we allowed it because of our alliance with the Pantheon, but am done, What the King did is justified, and besides The pantheon won't receive the news immediately, they need at least Six months to receive the news and even more to contact us, We can think of a solution then]

Eve [*sigh* you're not being you Kara]


In Zion


A Man was setting on the Zion Kingdom's Throne, That Man was Ryo, he looked as Rama, Killed all the Zion nobles that have crimes that isn't related to children or rape, or anything that would warrant torture, as for the others, they just stood there watching as their Allies die, and secretly begging that they too would be Killed

However Ryo won't give the mercy of death to them, Although Inana told him about Hell, He believed that the People of Zion deserve to avenge the suffering they have been through

So over the few days The Kingdom of Zion was completely under the Control of Arkhan, and although many feared that their new Ruler, Ryouto, would enslave them, it was later proved otherwise, as the king revealed to the world the fact that he is a Demon, Human and Elf

All the Emissaries back at Arkhan went home, including Lina, who Ryo was sad to see go

Zion changed a lot, not only were the Walls completely destroyed, all the corruption that was plaguing the Kingdom was absolved, and over the days, Trade routes opened between both Arkhan and Zion, The soldiers of both Countries are still on high Alert of each other but that is to be expected, considering that they just had a war, however Today was the day that most people were waiting for, after a Month of Torture, The nobles that done Corrupt acts in both Zion and Arkhan, The former Arkhan Minister , The King and the Pope will be executed today, the whole Kingdom was happy and even they were happy since for the last few days the amount of Pain they experienced was Immense, but they deserved every single second of it, and of course the one to suffer the Most was the Pope, who because he had a resilient body, meant that he can be tortured for longer times

Ryo [Merlin this is a bad idea]

Merlin [Trust me, People will accept you easily this way]

Ryo [I know but, I feel like I will be taking advantage of her]

Merlin [Ryo, she was going to be forced to marry the Pope, I think she is quite happy about marrying you instead, and yes I did talk to her Mother, she accepted, under the condition that you treat her well, which I know you will do, now go speak to her]

Ryo [Fine, Fine]

Inana [Fufufu don't worry, Dear, I fully Support your relationships with Woman other than me, so don't be shy]

Ryo [Oh Shut up, Inana]

Inana [You know, am the Goddess of Love, I can tell that you have feelings for me]

Ryo [Yeah, well those feelings would grow if you were bit taller]

Inana [Mhhh, Don't bully me, I have to stay like this to preserve energy and not get this vassal destroyed, WAIT, you just admitted to it, hahaha, Finally, Yay, I love you too Dear]

Ryo "I guess her spending every day since we met on my Shoulder really did a number on me, I can't believe that I have feelings for her as well*sigh*"

Ryo prepared himself to meet with his Fiancé, although he saw her multiple times, this is the first time she will be seeing him, and even though he usually is Very forward with woman, this one had a lot of issues, she was never touched, but many people laid eyes on her, including the most hated person of the Kingdom, and unfortunately even her Father was attracted to her, so her relationship with Men isn't Great

Ryo entered the Room, inside she was there and also her mother, she was a beauty, Ryo thought of her as a younger, Shy, and Pure Version of Inana

Ryo "Maybe I am fated to be with blonds"

Ryo [Queen May, Princess Aria, it's good to see you, I hope things have been going well for you too]

Queen May [It has, my King, I would like to thank you again for the things that you have done to the Kingdome, the people have gone through so much, I never excepted a day where someone like you would come]

Ryo [In all honesty Queen May, I regret not coming here sooner]

Queen May [You jest my King! You came to our Kingdom the same day of your Coronation, it pains me to say this but perhaps you came to us a bit sooner than you should have]

Ryo [Is that so, well am grateful that you think that way Queen may…

Princess Aria, I know that our Engagement may have come to you as a surprise, so I wanted to talk to you a bit before announcing it to the Kingdom,]

Aria […]

{Aria Hans Zion's Affection 11% Fear}

Ryo [Princess, I know that it was unexpected, and if you wish for me to cancel it than I will, all you have to do is tell me]

Aria […]

Queen May [Aria, Would you please give him a chance, he saved us, and saved the Kingdom]

Aria sat in silence only muttering the words

Aria [… All men are the same …]

Ryo [I see, Perhaps Merlin Rushed this a bit, I am sorry for the inconvenience, I will cancel our engagement, I'll be taking my leave now, It was good seeing you Queen May]

Ryo then walked to the door, Aria took a single peak and looked at Ryo, who was about to step outside the door

Aria [WAIT!!]

Ryo then tilted his head and looked at Princess Aria, She seemed to be completely different, instead of Shy and sad, and she seemed to be happy as if she just received the greatest news of her life

Ryo [Is there something you need Princess Aria]

Aria [I accept, I accept to be your wife]

Ryo [*sigh* please don't think that you are obliged to, Princess Aria, My Treatment towards my people will never change]

{Notification Sudden Change

Aria Hans Zion's Affection Changed to 72% Huge Interest}

Ryo "well that was late"

Aria [NO, It's not that, I have a… I have a secret ability! I hid it from my parents, and the pope, I can see and read people's Feelings…

Every time *sob* Every Time a man looks at me, there is always Lust, and disgusting thoughts of what they would do to me, And I am sorry a judge you the same way, my ability can't read your thoughts so I was afraid, but when I looked at you, I could feel it, you're burning Passion, to save the world, to help people, your Aura is pure Golden, it is the first time I have seen the this color]

Ryo [Is that so...]

Inana then manifested out of nowhere and startled both May and Aria

Inana [Ryo if that's true then…]

Aria [Who is She!!?]

Ryo then tried to calm Aria and hide Inana

Ryo [Nobody she is just an elemental summon, Inana go back to hiding]

Inana completely ignored Ryo's order and went to Aria and said

Inana [use it on me]

Aria then even though she was afraid tried to use it on Inana, a Golden Magical like circle formed in her left eye and she tried to read Inana

Aria [I can't see anything]

Inana [Of course you can't, Ryo she has an "Angel Eye"! this is amazing]

Ryo [A What?]

Inana [It's an Eye Granted by the world to people that have potential of growing stronger, If she trains it well she could make an Amazing Angel rank]

Ryo [waw, well looks like you're very special Aria]

May [Can you tell me who you are]

Inana [I am the GodmFFFFFF]

Before Inana could say what she is Ryo wrapped her in his hand and silenced her

Ryo [Don't listen to her, she is just a sassy elemental]

Aria [If you say so]

Ryo [So uhh, that was awkward, uhm]

Aria [King Ryouto, I want to marry you, I may not have feelings for you now, but I believe that one day me and you could come to love each other]

Ryo [I see, well I believe so too, and you should start by calling me Ryo, am very charming so I should be able to make you mine in few days]

Aria [Is that so fufufu]

May [Would you kids not flirt in front of me all of a sudden?]

Ryo [Uh, am sorry Queen May]

Ryo "Man that shyness of hers was thrown out of the window"

Ryo [Well then, It's a big day today, I need you harden your hearts and come down to City Square]

May [Don't worry King Ryouto, I have been waiting for this my whole life]

Ryo [I see, well that's good, I think

anyway see you down there]

Ryo then went out of the room and went to see his beautiful Servant, while he was on his way there he heard that Merlin has already told most the important people of the Kingdom of the Marriage between Ryo and Aria, which made him rush to Lita to see her reaction,

He found her cleaning his new room in Zion, since the conquering of Zion Ryo has been staying there,

Ryo [Hey]

Lita [Good morning, Ryouto-sama]

Ryo [Is this your way of punishing me?]

Lita [Is there something you need Ryouto-Sama]

Ryo then got closer to Lita and hugged her

Ryo [Are you Angry?]

Lita [Am not angry Ryo, I kind of expected it, it's just that you could have told me before announcing it!]

Ryo [Merlin literally just suggested it, I didn't even know that he told everyone first]

Lita [Ok fine, what about The Imp that keeps showing up on your shoulder?]

Hearing Lita refer to her, Inana decided to Manifest and said while being annoyed

Inana [what did you call me Human, pretending to be sad to get Ryo to pamper you huh, don't think that I don't know]

Lita [I am not Pretending, you Small Imp]


Ryo [Now, now Girls, no need to fight]

Lita [Hmph]

Inana [Hmph]

Both girls gave their backs to each other

Ryo [*sigh* Girls you're making this harder on me, I thought we agreed that you won't fight again]

Inana [She started it]

Ryo [Please, for me]

Lita [Fine, am sorry Inana]

Inana [good]

Ryo [Inana!]

Inana [Fine, I am sorry for hogging Ryo to myself]

Ryo [Good, See, how about when we go back to Arkhan, I will Pamper you both, Now I'll have to go do my job cee ya]


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