
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantaisie
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245 Chs

Dragon's Meeting

Somewhere in a remote island, surrounded by the ocean waters, the Storm Dragon Za'taranga was the last of Dragons to arrive and meets with the other elder dragons. The smaller blue dragon stood behind Za'taranga to observe.

What Za'taranga sees is multiple dragons in different colors. Besides her being blue, the other dragons are red, brown, green, purple, white, yellow, white, and black.

"It's unlike for you to be late in regards of your speed, Azure Storm Dragon Za'taranga." the yellow dragon said.

"There is a good reason for my tardiness, Flash Dragon Phaezon. I have encountered a Demon Lord with 10 Archdemons." Za'taranga explained.

"A Demon Lord, you say? We all saw that pesky Archdemon and Demoness running around, causing problems and evading death!" the red dragon angrily responded.

"It is true, I have also seen the Great Frost Giant as well. But the time I arrived, the battle has already begun. Or should I say, nearing its end." Za'taranga said.

"What do you mean that it's nearing its end?" the white dragon said. "Who is fighting the Demon Lord?"

"An Oni Warlord named Kain Void, assisted by an adult Red Dragon." While Za'taranga was still speaking, the red dragon gritted its teeth.

"I HAVE LITTLE PATIENCE FOR YOUR JOKES!!!" the red dragon roared in a rage, interrupting her. "These pesky Hellkins have been evading our grasps and you're saying a single Oni and an Adult Red Dragon happens to kill them!?"

"I wouldn't be here if my intention is to entertain you, Scorpyre." Za'taranga then growled. "And you will be so wise as to watch your tone with me."

"You dare threaten me?" Scorpyre growled.

"ENOUGH!" the brown dragon roared, silencing the two dragons. "We are here to discuss, not to argue. Za'taranga, you mentioned of a Frost Giant. Cryozar wants to know what happened."

"The Frost Giant I encountered is true and I brought it with me." Za'taranga said and pointed her tail behind her. The dragons looked to see a dead Frost Giant laying next to a smaller blue dragon.

"No...he's dead." Cryozar gasped. Cryozar was hit a wave of sadness from the loss of one of the beings that he knew fondly of. Then, rage came after.


Cryozar's feet began freezing the ground and the ocean waters.

"I'm sorry, Cryozar. Its mind was too far gone when I looked at its eyes from the distance in Dystoark." Za'taranga said with regret. The ice around Cryozar's feet stopped spreading.

"Don't apologize...you did what you could during the fact the Hellkins are going rampant." Cryozar sighed. "I'll bring the Frost Giant back to his brethren."

"Where is the Demon Lord's body?" the black dragon hissed.

"There is none, it has been eradicated by the Heavenkins' Holy Magic. Along with its soul." Za'taranga answered.

"What about my two treasures? Anything?" the black dragon asked.

"Also destroyed, Melnulru." Za'taranga said.

Melnuru growled in anger and in frustration, knowing that the culprits are not only destroyed without a trace, but his two weapons that he found fancy, as a part of his collection was lost as well.

Melnulru remembered the time when a certain groups of adventurers invaded his territory that is a castle in ruins surrounded by a swamp. A certain female in pink, blue, and white frilly dress kept him from venturing to Dystoark by some massive bubble. Even though he forced her to retreat, he realized that he was called for a meeting.

"If it weren't for those lowly humans wasting my time, I would've killed them myself!" Melnulru growled, emitting a dark green and black aura and then calmed his anger.

"With the Hellkins gone, our situation has been resolved. If anyone else has something to say, speak now." The brown dragon said.

No dragon said anything of the sort for a moment and the yellow dragon, Phaezon spoke.

"Then, this concludes the meeting." Phaezon announced and the dragons began flying off to their respective domains. Cryozar walks towards the dead Frost Giant and grabs it with his feet.

He spreads his frosty white wings and looked at Za'taranga and the smaller blue dragon.

"Thank you for bringing me the Frost Giant, I will bring him back to his rightful place." Cryozar said. He flapped his white wings and began carrying the Frost Giant with him.

Za'taranga looked at the small Blue Dragon and then looked ahead.

"Let's go back, my child." she said.

They then flew off into the distance.


They flew through the sky, accompanied by white clouds being overtaken and left behind. Soon, they see a large mountain peeking above the dark gray clouds. They see their home which is inside a large cave with bountiful foods.

They land in front of the cave and the little Blue Dragon walked inside. Suddenly, the little dragon lets out a huge sigh.

{In the little Blue Dragon's view...}

Holy crap! I thought I was gonna pass out right there! The Scarlet Inferno Dragon Scorpyre, Violet Eclipse Dragon Nyctale, Ivory Glacier Dragon Cryozar, Brown Quake Dragon Ka'Terranzi, Verdant Tempest Dragon Venzurue, Obsidian Pestilence Dragon Melnulru, and Yellow Flash Dragon Phaezon in one place!

Oh man, who knew that they would look better than looking at the screen!? No TV screen nor VR is gonna compare to this!

But despite all of that...how did I wake up as a dragon? Last time, I was in a room and everything went dark. Now, I'm trying to wrap my head on how and why am I here?

Uh-oh, it's another Otherworlder!

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