
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

The First Dungeon Pt. 2

The battle began and I started by throwing my Lance of light at his leg. It came close to hitting when the hobgoblin took one swing and destroyed it.

"Seems like this will be harder than I thought," I said.

And with that the hobgoblin blitzed forward and swung at my chest I barely blocked it and the impact alone sent me through the air 5 feet. I knew that if one of those blows hit me then I would die.

I grinned even more and got ready to go on the attack. The hobgoblin tried to do the same attack again but this time I ducked under the blade and slashed at his arm. I hit and I could see that he was in pain. Not only had I hit but I slashed open his arm severing a tendon and tearing multiple muscles in his forearm. I thought now since his arm is unusable I would be able to finish him off but then he started to heal. It was as if his arm was never cut.

"How can he heal? I thought Mia said that only high level priests or monsters could do that" I thought.

I had to change my strategy, if I want to be able to kill him I will have to get up close and cut off his head or destroy his heart. I backed off so I could have some time to think and he blitzed me again. I had to parry last minute to avoid the strike and again I sliced his arm but he healed, but this gave me a plan.

I backed off again and he blitzed again so I jumped over it and used Lance of Light to strike him in the chest to destroy his heart. The Lance hit and put a giant hole in his chest but he kept healing. I then knew that I would have to finish this off so before he could finish healing I rushed in and swung my shadow blade at his head. In one swift slice his head came clean off with blood rushing out and the body going limp.

"This finally finished the battle and I am now safe" Is what I thought until the dungeon began to shake. An even louder roar could be heard that shook the dungeon. The women from earlier seemed to have killed the other hobgoblin so now she came over to me.

"Thanks for earlier, you saved my ass and you got rid of the other one I see" she said

"Your welcome, I was just doing what anyone would do, but now it seems like there's something even worse than them in here" I said

"Yeah, wanna work together to fight it? We can split up the bounty for it" she said

"Yeah let's team up. What bounty are you talking about me and my party just came in here to train" I said and Mia and Hibana show themselves.

"You didn't know about the bounty? Well we will figure that out later what's important now is for us to work together and survive" She said.

"Alright, what's your name? I am Henry, this is Mian and this is Hibana"

"Nice to meet you. I am Maria of Darkwood, I am the Princess of the Darkwood kingdom" Maria said.

"If you are a princess, then why are you in a dungeon" I responded

"To earn my title and money, as a member of the minotaur race in order to prove yourself you have to beat a dungeon, enough of the talk let's get to work so we don't die" she says. So all four of us got read and the goblin king came into the room. He stood thirty feet tall and was fat. But he carried a giant club that was the length of a full grown pine tree.

"We should attack while he is unprepared" I say

"Ok" Maria said. Hibana prepared a light shield for all of us and then cast Sun Ray and it hit the king. You could see the mark from the attack because it burnt his left arm to a crisp. Mia used Shadow Raise to summon shadow soldiers to attack the king's feet in order to distract it. The king stepped once and it blew us back.

"We had to finish this quick before we all die" I said

"Agreed" they all said. Maria and I went behind the king and we prepared to attack. Mia and Hibana combined their powers to make a Neutralizer ray and they blasted at him. The ray took off his right arm and he let out a deafening roar but just like the hobgoblins he had healing so it was slowly healing.

While his arm was healing Maria and I jumped onto the king's shoulders and Maria transformed her hammer into a huge axe and swung at his neck. The axe got lodged into his neck but didn't kill him.

Maria went to pound the axe in when the king suddenly transformed. Now the king had speed and he threw Maria into the wall and then swung me into a column. After he dropped me I coughed up blood and stood back up. Maria stood up as well and we regrouped with Mia and Hibana.

"If we don't defeat him here we will die and this thing will be able to leave the dungeon" Maria said. We have to combine our powers and kill him. We stood in defiance looking up at the towering monster. I spat out blood and said

"Time for round two, you ugly bastard".

Now that the first five chapters are out I would like some feedback to tell me how I can improve and what I can do to make it more interesting

Have a good day and I will continue writing to make more chapters for next weeks release.

My plan will be to officialy release 2-3 chapters a week but some weeks I will drop 5 or more chapters depending on how much I write


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