
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The First Dungeon Pt. 1

As we entered the dungeon I felt a sense of being watched from every direction. In the dark I saw what I thought were eyes and I was ready for combat. Hibana then used her powers to produce a magic that made a light appear in the room like a mini sun so that we could see.

"Nice job Hibana. Now that we can see we can be ready for whatever comes to face us" I said. Hibana blushed and said

"Thank you, we should go further in now that we can see". We then continued to walk but we were on guard. Mia then said

"Guard me for a few seconds so I can use the shadows to search for enemies"

"You can do that?" I asked

"Of Course I can. I am the goddess of darkness remember" she responded. So while Mia was using her magic we stood to protect her and Hibana placed a dome shield of light around us for protection. When Mia finished her spell she said

"Down the steps ahead of us there are 4 goblins, 2 hobgoblin and 1 goblin king". I knew that there would be enemies ahead so I cleared my mind to prepare.

I thought only on how to defeat the goblins and made defeat an option that we could not take. As we slowly walked down the stairs we could hear the goblins chattering amongst themselves. We continued to go forward until the chatter stopped.

"Prepare for combat" Mia said. I was ready, the goblins started to charge us and I didn't even let them get close. I instantly started to attack, I used Lance of Light and pierced the chest of the first goblin pinning him to the wall. I threw another lance at the pinned goblin obliterating its skull and blood and brain matter went everywhere.

I then used my Shadow Blade and slashed at the 2 goblins approaching. I dismembered the first goblin cutting of his right arm and his right leg and I injured the third goblin who then ran away. I was wondering where the fourth one was and I turned around to see that he had been completely obliterated by Hibana.

I wasn't shocked because I knew that they were goddesses but still being able to completely obliterate an enemy was astonishing.

"You guys ok over there" I asked

"Nothing we couldn't handle. But we are surprised, you killed two of them and injured the third in your first battle with magic" Mia said. We then continued on to find the hobgoblins that Mia said she saw, and on the way we found the third goblin crushed into a bloody pulp.

"Whoever or whatever found him was not happy we should stay alert" Hibana said. We continued pushing forward when he heard the clash of swords. He hurried over and saw a woman who was around 8 feet tall and she was fighting the hobgoblins in a two on one battle. Her weapon then appeared to change forms from a sword to a hammer.

"Should we help her out?" Hibana asked

"No, we don't know if she could be tru--" Mia said and I interrupted

"Of course we have to help her out, she is in trouble and she hasn't attacked us". The two goddesses looked at each other and nodded in agreement like they knew this would happen. We headed into the fight just as the second hobgoblin swung at her blind side.

As the blade got closer and she turned around I ran over and stopped the blade inches away with my Shadow Blade. She looked astonished and grateful and then nodded towards me and continued fighting the other hobgoblin. I then turned towards the hobgoblin and I could feel his bloodlust looking at me. I got in the way of his kill and he is angry about that. I could see the magic pressure resonating from him like a heatwave. I said

"Your opponent is me now". He looked at me and let out a roar. I knew that if I couldn't beat him then I would not be able to save this world, so I gritted my teeth and held my Shadow Blade in one hand and the Lance of Light in the other. As Mia and Hibana looked on to me in astonishment they could see that I was smiling.

"Why is smiling in the face of death. He just learnt magic an hour ago and now he wants to fight a hobgoblin" Hibana asked.

"No, he will not die. This is his first chance to grow stronger on his path to save the world" Mia said to Hibana. I knew this fight would be difficult but if I don't grow now then when will I.

"It's time for my first hunt" I say to myself grinning in the face of battle.