
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

A New Problem Rises

I suddenly awoke to a loud bang in the distance and got up. The girls were asleep so I was by myself so I sent Huggin off ahead to search the path and I followed behind. As we rushed through the forest the banging got louder and louder until we stumbled across the open door of a dungeon. Startled, I jumped back and looked up and saw the door stretched high and wide.

This one was a lot larger than the previous dungeon that I had been in. I slowly approached the door and heard the fighting from inside. I turned back to the forest and then back to the door.

"If I don't resolve what's in this dungeon than it could break and spread throughout all of these lands if it hasn't already"

I went in and followed the sound of the swords clanging in the distance. As I approached a smell of blood started to grow and get heavier as I got closer. The sound of the swords finally stopped and I knew that whoever or whatever was fighting had finished.

I quietly got closer and saw a woman on the ground bleeding out and a group of soldiers dead surrounding her while a tall suit of arm walked away into the darkness. I creeped over and helped the women up

"Who did this to you?"

"It.. It was the giant's hand"


"The boss of this dungeon assistant. He was the one who did all of this"

"Alright, I gotta get you outta here you are bleeding heavily"

"What about my troops"

"They are all dead"


She spat out blood and I knew her death was near unless I got her some help. I lifted her up and carried her over my shoulders and I hurried out of the dungeon and started back to camp.

"Whatever is in there is no joke. It will take all of us working together to beat whatever is in there" I thought. I heard her breath start to get slower and I sped up. We got to camp seconds later where everyone was awake and alert.

"Where have you been?"

"Who is that on your shoulders?"

"I'll explain later but right now we need to get her medical attention quick or else she is going to die"

Hibana came over and knelt down next to her and began to cast healing magic. I looked on as Hibana was straining herself and a bead of sweat trickled down her cheek.

"Its not working, she must have been cursed or hit with a dark magic because I can't heal her wounds"

Sofia came over and looked down

"I can try but I will need some help controlling my mana again"

"Alright lets try"

Sofia got beside her and I came up behind her.

"I believe in you"

Sofia slowly began to draw out blood that had blackened in color.

"It was a dark poison. Without blood magic she would have died"

Sofia continued until all the poisoned blood came out and then collapsed from exhaustion. I caught her in my arms and spoke

"You did well, now Hibana will take over and you should get some rest" I carried her over to the carriage as Hibana began the healing process on our new friend, Hopefully they will be able to tell us what the fuck happened in that dungeon and why she almost died the way she did. After I laid Sofia down before I could walk away she grabbed onto my shirt.

"Stay" she whispered

"Alright" I laid down beside her and she cuddled up to me and put her head on my chest.

"I am so grateful to have met you. Without you I would probably have my honor sullied by some pig noble but instead I have been with you. I learnt how to smile and laugh again all thanks to you"

"Don't mention it i'm happy to have saved you as well"

"Henry I lo.."

She then fell asleep on my chest and I laid back and rested alongside her. I didn't know her full story but that didn't matter to me what mattered was her and Rubies happiness now that they are with us. An hour passed by and Sofia woke up and Ruby came over.

"Is the girl alive?" she said slowly rising and getting off of my chest.

Ruby wrote "yes she is alive and she will be waking up soon so we should be there to ask her questions about what did that to her"

"Your right" I replied, rising and patting Ruby on the head. Her face got a little red and she walked off towards the fire.

"So you feeling better"

"Yeah thanks for all the help"

"No problem now let's go see what we are up against"

We left the carriage and started off towards the fire where Maria, Mia, and Hibana were sitting with Ruby and the woman still asleep.

"She just about to wake up now"