
The King of Creation is Born

One day Henry finds himself in a new world With Goddesses? What will Henry do in this new world and what will this world have in store for him.

PENGUINI · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Training Continues and Trouble Brews

The day grew colder as we stayed out training. I watched over Mia teaching Sofia dark magic and how to control it, and I watched Maria and Hibana teaching Ruby useful objects and items that she could visualize while using her magic. As I sat and watched I felt a darkness behind me.

As if something or someone was watching me and were staring holes into my back. I slowly turned around but saw nothing.

"Why can't I shake this feeling"

I turned back to watch and some leaves rustled. I turned around this time quickly but what I saw was only a squirrel.

"Fuck dude, why you gotta sneak up on me like that"

I turned back and saw progress with Sofia and Ruby.

2 weeks ago

Lurking deep in the woods a dungeon was standing open with fog leaking out. And inside this dungeon a Demon was born.

"Arise hibernated one"


Inside Angels surrounded a stone statue of a giant. This giant was known as Grag, one of the hardest giants known in the past three hundred years and he was last alive during the great Giant vs World battle where he was petrified into a statue.

"ARISE, GRAG and I shall give you glory. I who is known as Micael the third general of the Angel army, and destroyer of worlds"

The statue began to shake. Bits of rock began to crack and crumble off of the statue revealing flesh underneath. The stone fell away until all that was left was the body of Grag.

His eyes opened and all that you could see from his face was anger and hatred.

"Who the fuck are you shits" Grag bellowed.

"We are the ones who brought you back to life, we freed you from your eternal slumber and brought you here"

"What do you want from me"

"To grow strong. Strong enough that no man, woman or child can get in your way of revenge" Miceal grinned in a sinister way.

"What is in it for you"

"Nothing, just that you will ally yourself with us when the time arises"


"Then the deal is done. Grow strong in this dungeon and grow your forces as well. We will watch you from the heavens above and we will hope you don't disappoint" with that the Angels dissolved into mid air going back to the heavens to watch down.

"Bunch of fucking wierdos. I guess it is time to grow my troops"

Another face was in the dungeon however this one was a friend to humanity.

Claire wrote down what she saw in the dungeon and began to sneak away. On her way out she was met by resistance from a few slimes but this was nothing of concern.

"I should warn the order and bring troops before he grows too strong," she said to herself before slipping away through the entrance of the dungeon and disappearing into the night sky.

Back to present

I started to walk down over to the girls because it was getting dark. I had a stag on my shoulders and was ready to cook.

"Girls, I brought food" Mia, Maria, Hibana, Sofia, and Ruby came over and started to get a fire ready. Ruby constructed a table and chairs with her magic and I brought Sofia with me to skin the stag.

"Why do you need my help, aren't you a big strong man" she teased

"I would like to see what you have learned today" I replied and she smiled

"Alright what do you want me to do"

"After I skin the stag I would like you to drain its blood with your magic"

"Alright I will try but I am warning you I don't have that much training and I don't have the best mana control"

"Don't worry I will help you so only focus on using your magic"

"Ok I will do my best"

I began to skin the stag and put its body on a separate table.

"Alright now try and drain the blood" I said walking behind her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and got close.

"Wha- what does this have to do with magic"

"Trust me I am holding on to you so I can help you control your mana so that nothing goes wrong"

"Ok then… but don't hold onto me for to long or else I might bite back"

"I am sure you will, now let's get on with this I am starving"

Sofia began using her blood magic and I held on to regulate her control. I began to see blood coming out of the mouth of the stag and I could feel her control wavering.

"Don't worry, I am here. You are all right I won't let anything bad happen to you"

I began to move my hands up her waist. Slowly feeling her. I slipped my hands into her shirt and felt her stomach muscles tighten.

"Wha- what are you doing" she said with a blush on her face

"I am getting closer to helping your control"

I started to caress my hand on her soft skin.

"Mhmff.. not there.. I am sensitive"

"Don't worry about me just continue the magic"

I started to run my fingers gently and slowly down her sides to her stomach. I drew my fingers past her belly button and brought them down to her thighs. The blood from the stag was now almost fully out and I could see her control growing stronger while doing so. I began to bring my hands down.

I went lower and lower till I had my hands on her inner thighs. I kept caressing her thighs and slowly brought them to her pelvis. The blood started to drain out slower so I knew I had to get a little more intense.

"Mia what is Henry doing over there with Sofia?" Ruby wrote on her sign and showed Mia.

"He is helping her with mana control. While trying to ad to the harem"

"What is a harem" Ruby wrote with a puzzled look.

"Oh nothing you will learn when you are older"

Ruby started to pout and wrote more.

"But I am already 100, is that not old enough. I am not a kid"

"You sure like to be treated like a kid by Henry"

Ruby blushed and hurried away into a little house she made with her magic.

"I swear every women Henry meets falls in love with him" Mia remarked

"Wouldn't be surprised," Maria replied.

As I drew my hands closer and closer to her I could feel her heartbeat. I brought my hand lower and felt a damp feeling from her panties. I pulled down her panties a little and slipped my hand in.


I started to rub her pussy with my finger and slowly ran my finger around the entrance. The blood from the stag came out and landed on the floor. I slowly began to bring my hand away and felt her legs go weak. I picked her up and her face was a flush red with the expression of ecstasy.

"Did I do good" she begged

"You did perfect," I replied then kissed her on her forehead.

"Let's do this again Henry"

"Anytime" I carried her to the carriage and laid her down on the seat.

"The food will be ready soon so don't worry"


I walked back to the stag and Mia grabbed onto my sleeve.

"Don't forget about us"

"How could I," I said before kissing her.

I continued back to the stag and began to prepare it. I put it in the pot filled with broth and vegetables and waited for it to cook. After dinner I helped everyone to bed and sat by the fire.

"What a night, the stars are out, a nice cool breeze and life is good" I poked at the fire and laid down on the grass. I watched the sky above before drifting off into sleep.

Im sorry for not uploading recently I have been on break and have been relaxing so that I can come back and write my best so I am back now an will try to pump out 2-4 chapters a week, thanks for undertanding.

I have also been trying to teach myself how to draw so if i cant get any artists then maybe i can draw it myself


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