
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was be felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to be able to become something better in order to live a life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish…………….. will our main character finally develop to be better or will he let the rot consume and sow chaos………… yeah Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP Also warning, some chapters will be edgy. And ps the book cover is not mine.

Saptarasura · Autres
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28 Chs

A One Sided Slaughter, Distracted While fighting... WHAT ARE YOU DOING NIRAV?!?!

(Super Omni POV..)

~Stratosphere Above the Desert~

Indra was watching on as Sonic pointed toward the purple Hedgehog

"I hope you're ready for a serious ass-kicking here, Indra!! Even if you're my kid or whatever, killing people is wrong.." 

Shadow squeezed his eyes shut and said to Sonic, "Please stop talking, Sonic, and bum rush him." 

Sonic wildly turned his head toward Shadow, utterly shocked at how uncharacteristic his words were. "Excuse me, Shadow!?! Every time I ask you to team up with me it was always, 'oH lOok aT mE aNd mY EmO UlTiMaTe PoWeR!? I DoNt NeEd AnYoNe' looking ass... I mean, what the fu-!!" Indra immediately grew tired and raised his hand to fire an energy beam made of eldritch energy toward Sonic. Shadow, in quick time, pushed Sonic away as the beam of concentrated light was close to hitting Sonic. Sonic turned to Shadow with complete understanding now, and the both of them shot off after Indra.

Indra smiled as he watched both golden figures rush at him. He gave an unhinged smile, his feet moved slightly apart, knees bent, and hands raised in front of him to prepare himself for the two to attack. "Now we're starting!!"

This was the beginning of a battle that would decide the fate of humanity as a whole.





Sonic, the faster of the two, blitzed as a golden streak in front of Indra, but Indra twirled around him and elbowed Sonic in the ribs.

*Creek* His bones quivered from the sharp blow from the elbow, which sent him flying off in another direction like a gold streak in the sky.

Shadow didn't pause from Sonic's dilemma and teleported with his chaos energy behind Indra and tried to hit him with a backhanded chop. Still, because of Indra's insane reflexes, he blocked that blow with one hand without even looking by grabbing the chopping arm toward his blind spot and shifted his body to throw Shadow down to earth with that single hand of his.

Without giving Shadow a break, he flew so fast to the point his free fall was in slow motion, creating another break of the ozone layer as Indra grabbed Shadow's face and smashed him into the sandy desert, making a crater alongside an earthquake that shook the continent of Shamar.

Shadow bounced off like a basketball from the force of the impact and was then immediately kicked in the stomach like a soccer ball.

*GHHH* Shadow's body was spinning. Still, that brief distance between Indra and himself allowed him to maintain his balance once more and continue the fight. In a burst of chaos energy, his golden aura soared even higher than before, and he went back to the fight while waiting for Sonic to come back.

"CHAOS CONTROLLL!!!!!!" He screamed out louder than he had ever before as the rings on his wrist began to crack, and with violent speed, both individuals fought without reservation, especially Shadow.

As he strikes at Indra with a flurry of combinations, Indra blocks and returns with his strikes, as the both of them circle each other, punching and kicking at different angles.

Shadow was able to push Indra back with a heavy front kick; Indra may have been able to block it, but the force from it was strong enough for Shadow to cause some space between them, and Sonic, an equally pissed-off Hedgehog, flew with a knee that was supposed to land on his face was blocked once again but while putting his guard up, Shadow teleported and uppercut Indra into the air.

Sonic grinned at the sight of Indra blasting into the sky while holding his ribs, "Fuee~ I'm finally back in 'One Piece.' Shadow" 

Shadow, who was breathing heavily while leaking out a red and gold aura, said, "Please... Just stop speaking of references that no one is going to understand or know about Sonic..."

Sonic clicked his tongue and shrugged his shoulders, "*Teh*.. Welp, that was worth a shot... But when is he going to come back down?" His question was answered as Indra shouted from the sky.

"I understood that reference!!!" Shadow stumbled a bit from Indra's words, and Sonic chuckled.

"Heh~ see Shadow, there was someone who understood that reference!!" Shadow deadpanned Sonic while saying.

"Oh wow, Sonic~ Isn't it nice to have a psychopathic experiment that's able to understand your reference!!! I bet that makes you feel proud of yourself!! Do you want me to praise you now?" Sonic tried his best not to start boxing him then and there and said with a deep breath.

"*Inhale* Go fuck yourself, Shadow... I mean, seriously, couldn't you be a bit less of a dick?" Shadow began to laugh his as off but his jaw began to hurt.

"Psh- hahah-!!! Ouch!!! Shit, my damn jaw hurts!! I mean Sonic, look at him!! He's not even hurt at all!!" Indra tilted his head and smiled happily.

"I could also try to make references too~" Shadow had veins popping up on his forehead in this feeling of rage.

"Oh god... There's another Sonic..." Sonic swelled with joy hearing that.

"*Sniffle Sniffle* Now that's my son!!" Shadow couldn't take it anymore.


"Umm... Whoops?!? What else do you want me to say??? Do you want me to act all broody like you? I mean... Womp womp, Shadow? Things happen, and I can safely say that we're waiting till Tails arrive with the final resort... So get your head in the game and keep fighting!!" Indra, who was in a daze and deformed back into a default state, spoke.

"Huh... The both of you should actually be comedians for a living as a stand-up duo... Hold on a second... I'm switching in with a clone of mine... I'll be right back... And good lick." Indra disappeared, and something else switched in.

A bigger version of Indra appeared. It still had that energy-like state but was more monstrous, letting out the screeching sound of a hellbent devourer.

Shadow, again, went into a laughing fit, "Teh~ hahaha-!! FUCK!! still hurts!!" Shadow held on to his chin and popped his chin back into place.

"Oh... It was only dislocated, that's good..." Sonic sighed and asked Shadow.

"You laughed twice in the same day... We're kind of cooked here, aren't we?

"No shit, Sherlock..." Both of them took on defensive positions as the creature flew toward them, grabbed both of their faces, and threw them both like an Olympic athlete across the desert.

(A/n: OOF...)







(POV: Indra Brahma Tattvas)

'Ahh man, they did such a good job with that teamwork!! I wonder how Nirav is doing??' Indra tuned into where Nirav, The Incarna Of Silence, was and heard some diabolically fucked up things from his side that almost made him choke in space.

[]But before I really leave... I wonder... would you be a good pick for the Lord? Maybe... I'll just put you on the list of candidates...[] and the other person he was talking to said

["Excuse me?!? What do you mean by that!?!"] Her words had Indra nodding his head in agreement.

'You and me both, buddy... You and me both...' Tristan thought.

Indra was already feeling weirded out, trying to wonder about this candidate thing, but the more he thought about it, he started to realize. But the following words struck him to the point where he almost slipped in mid-air, which gave him a bit of PTSD from that banana incident...

[]Ah hooo~ another candidate for the Lord!! But apologies about not being able to overhear the conversation I had with your friends. I placed a unique field that deletes sound on contact~[] 


"PSHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE FU-!! WOah hey!!!" Indra, who defied the rules of common sense, was now slipping, twirling, and stumbling across outer space until he was able to collect himself and started placing his hands to his face.

"I fucking hate bananas... And I will find the individual who placed that banana there, either it is someone else or Timmy Turner. I am torturing whoever it is in every single possible and impossible timeline out there... And you, Nirav, I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Indra spoke coldly till he spoke of Nirav with a sigh as he was numbingly floating back down to Sonic and Shadow...

When he got closer, he then put back his usual facade and heard them arguing over references... Indra, who was in a state of apathy, melted a bit when listening to them.







(A/n:... And now you know why Indra wanted to give head pats... I hope this chapter was fun to read. I thought this was a funny chapter; peace out ✌)