
The Journey Of A Thousand Blade

James family was killed in cold blood, with him being the only survivor. Now he seeks vengance from those who wronged him. And suprisingly, makes an unlikey friendship. The world is not as it seems, the hidden undercurrents are threatening to swallow the world. But none of which is a concern to James, who is unrelentless on his path to revenge. But what about after? What would he have left? Find the answers in The Journey Of A Thousand Blades.

TheUnluckyWriter · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Devil's Farm

The night was getting darker, and the weather was colder, all portraying the personality of human beings.

James walked on the streets completely crushed, with no reason to live. He repeatedly asked himself "Why? How could humans be so selfish and self centred?"

His whole body was drenched with rain, still he could only feel the effect of the cold backlash he had only received from human beings.

"Why????" He yelled as he stomped his leg hard on the wet floor.

"They're gone James... You have to move on." He recalled what Dorcas said.

He was disgruntled by the response he got from them. He assumed they would nurture his aspiration, but they rather opposed him.

Primarily, the homicide diminished him by exempting him. He was evidently not a threat, and that enraged him.

And then Sir Donald and his wife, their total disbelief in him.

"I'll avenge mother's death, and everyone" He cried as he put more damage to his body.

Thirty minutes ago

"I think I know how to reach those who killed my family." James uttered after sitting.

"What do you mean?" Donald asked.

Then James dropped the book with him on the table. The old couple gazed at each other completely clueless, but James only glared at the book with a broad crave for vengeance.

His expression worried Dorcas, so did his intense stare at the book, and more importantly his initial sentence, the book could only bring danger.

"Sir Donald, I found this book in Grandpa's secret room." James uttered after a little silence.

"Let me check..." Sir Donald said as he picked the book.

"What was inscribed here?" He asked with zero hints.

"Only the Katzs understand." James answered bluntly.

While Dorcas shuddered in fear.

Just then the map fell off.

"What....what is that?" Dorcas stammered.

And Donald signalled her to stay calm.

Just then he sighted something that frightened him.

The map led to the notorious devil's farm in the country of cubaori.

"You have to drop this!" He half yelled as he stood firm on his feet.

"What do you mean drop this?" James questioned as he repeated the same verb.

Donald, who was quite aware of how treacherous the devil's farm was, responded to James "Going there could take your life."

"I have nothing to lose. My family is gone!!" James answered.

"They're gone James... You have to move on." Dorcas yelled bitterly.

"Why risk your life, for something futile?" She cried.

But James walked out on them.



Andrew and Greg were discussing.

"You've really gone soft, completely disheartening from the coldest of the silent night." Greg reprimanded.

"Never call me that." Andrew, who was on his feet retorted.

Without delay, Grey landed a punch right on his face, which caused his mouth to bleed.

"I have no idea on what has gotten over you son, but don't hinder the demon inside you." He yelled as he landed another punch right on his face.

Andrew was no fool to understand he had no option than to accord.

While Greg was completely disappointed in the report he heard concerning his son.

"Leonardo informed me about your misapprehension concerning your last operation." He said with an expression of disappointment on his face.

He wondered why his pride, who ought to be the successor of the organisation, was beginning to suppress the demon inside him

"Misapprehension?" Andrew managed to ask, as he slowly stood on his feet.

"You spared a witness, that goes against the third rules of the first section of assassins." He criticized.

"He was innocent, the honcho ordered me to kill all blood relatives of the old man precisely." Andrew said with his usual unconcerned expression.

"I used the detector, and it buzzed negatively." He added, and this only made Greg furious.

"I don't know what's up with you, but I want this..." He said with a pause pointing at Andrew.

"I want all this to stop," He added as he walked in the direction of his closet.

He picked up a brown envelope, and turned back to Andrew who stood quietly.

"Here." He handed over the sealed brown envelope to Andrew who was reluctant to collect it initially.

"And what is this?" Andrew asked.

"Your new mission." Greg retorted.

He knew what could be going through his son's head at the moment. It was just a few days ago, he confronted him about quitting the organization.

"What do you mean, new mission father?" Andrew demanded an answer to the shocking information he had just received.

"In two weeks, you would deliver a death parcel to an old acquaintance." He outlined.

"I told you I had enough of this." James answered.

"The target is the boss of hooligans in the devil's farm." Greg continued with his detailed explanation, completely ignoring Andrew.

"Aren't you listening to me?" Andrew half yelled.

He was becoming irritated, this had been how he spent his entire life. Being totally ignored and feared. And here was the boss of those who ignored his opinions and used him like he was some minion.

"He's away from cubaori for now, he'd be back in two weeks time. You'd get the rest of the information from the organisation." Greg concluded.

At this point, Andrew wished he could just annihilate his father.

But, it would just be pointless, it would be a hard fought battle, and he might not necessarily win.

"You wouldn't want your father shamed. " Greg uttered just as Andrew was about to exit the room.

Then Andrew greeted him good night and shut the door hard.



James continued to put damage on his body, as he sat by the roadside crying. When he felt someone or something grip him.

He turned back, at first he wasn't sure who it was but after the person spoke, he could recognize who it was.

"You're here." He snorted.

"I trailed you, you have a lot to work on if you're gonna travel to the devil's farm." Donald said.

And James gave a gape look.

"You look dumb." Donald said to him.

"What changed your mind?" He asked.

Then Donald smiled and looked up at the stars.

They say experience is the best teacher.

"I thought about it..." He started.

"I'm pretty sure my kids would be disappointed wherever they are." He paused, looked at James for a while, then back at the stars.

"What do I say? I risked my life on lots of occasions for the safety of people and could not do the same for my kids. " He added and took a heavy sigh.

"Do you know magic?" He asked James who became all blue and gloomy.

He shaked his head negatively, and Donald, who already had a hint on the answer, smiled.

"We'll start training tomorrow." He assured him.

Like I said, i'm very lazy please pity me. posting in a bit, so expect the training montage.

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