
The Journey Of A Thousand Blade

James family was killed in cold blood, with him being the only survivor. Now he seeks vengance from those who wronged him. And suprisingly, makes an unlikey friendship. The world is not as it seems, the hidden undercurrents are threatening to swallow the world. But none of which is a concern to James, who is unrelentless on his path to revenge. But what about after? What would he have left? Find the answers in The Journey Of A Thousand Blades.

TheUnluckyWriter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Family Problems

"You're finally back Andrew!" Mrs Drey said to her son, who was completely soaked from the stormy rain outside.

"Take this!" Andrew's twin sister, Alice handed a towel over to him, with an obvious expression of negligence on her face.

Since childhood, it has been difficult for either of them to get along. Even if they were twins, the world never accepted them as equals. Everyone contributed in diminishing Alice's self esteem, by constantly setting Andrew above her.

Her father, her mother, magic course college, and then the silent night Organisation. Though she could sense and recognize his intensity and stability in dark magic, she wanted these sets of people to have a little belief in her and support her.

Ranking Andrew above her made her detest him and the organisation.

"I won't force myself into a place I can't be regarded." She would say to her mom.

Meanwhile, Andrew also despised her for a similar but different reason. He believed Alice never struggled as hard as he did, but yet she made friends and relationships with just a smile. As early as at age 4, he committed his first murder with the motive of protecting his so called twin sister.

He was so different from his peers. While Alice made more friends, he made more feared enemies.

"A cold monster!" He'd hear them say.

He believed those who made him ranked high, only did that to either protect themselves from being killed by him or to use him as a tool against those they considered enemies. It was neither because of love nor respect like Alice's friends, it was because they feared what the outcome could be if they were to oppose.

Why did he have to be different? Why was he made out to be a living weapon for humans? He would always question himself.

And there was his dad, the ex vice president of the silent night organisation, who kept reminding him of his vision. "For a chosen one from his generation to surpass Leonardo, the fellow who defeated and succeeded him."

And he believed Andrew was the right successor, with his vigorous dark magic and strong capacity to endure any side effect at his very young age.

Mr Drey was so blinded by his selfish vision that he was completely oblivious about how broken his children were. Andrew who thought he was only used as a tool of weapon for humans and Alice, who believed she was ignored since she was not half as competent as her twin brother.

"Dad was the one who asked me to give you." Alice mentioned, since Andrew refused to collect it from her.

Andrew showed no concern. As his face only interpreted ignorance and disregard.

"Do not pick a fight up with your brother Alice." Mrs Drey intervened.

The rage between them was visible in their eyes. Sensing the antipathy between them both, and in order to avoid any conflict, she had to interfere.

"And you Andrew, you should not act all haughty with your sister. She was nice enough to hand a towel to you, you could return the favour by at least accepting it with a little thanks." Mrs Drey said.

"Yeah just as she was nice enough to give me a cup of poisoned water last time "


Yeah, she's proud of her son's importance in the organisation but she wanted a normal family. The impact of the organisation on the family was with no doubt negative. And it seemed to be separating them.

And her beautiful daughter Alice, she could see how hard she worked to impress her father, but Greg won't even give her the slightest attention due to his selfish desires.

Her two children she gave birth to on the same day, same hour with a little minutes interval despised each other.

"Point of correction mom, Dad asked me to get his son the towel. He also seeks your attention."

Alice said as she walked out in anger not without throwing the towel on Andrew's face.

"Come back here you b***h!" Andrew called out in anger as he tried to chase her.

Just then his father appeared to interfere.

His speed was what distinguished him from every magician in the organisation. That was the logic behind him retaining his position as the vice president for over four decades.

He could easily move at about 1km per minute. And with such speed and force he could eradicate impenetrable materials.


"Assassins give no emotions yet your face is filled with it. Do I need to be suspicious of your ability Andrew?" He questioned as he laid a hard right hook on Andrew's face, "never make such a mistake again" he said to Andrew who was now on the floor.

"And you Alice, do not be rude to a successor candidate of the organisation." He said as he vanished to thin air as quickly as he came.



James walked into Sir Donald's abode, the old man who helped him the other day to bury his family. He walked in completely drained from the rain, looking shattered. He had a book he hid underneath his shirts, acting as a shield to it.

"You're finally back James." Dorcas said as Donald rushed to bring him a towel.

Donald and Dorcas are a couple who fate played an unfortunate game with. They both used to be troops of the Leon Cape Corps. They could be compared with FBI agents, as they only operated in top secret cases. They lost all four of their kids to a felon during their last days as agents.

James uniting with them, was like God giving them a second chance to nurse a child. Even if he was more of a "big child" like Dorcas would say.

"What's wrong with you?" Dorcas asked James as his eyes were teary.

"At least let him sit Dorcas." Donald said as he walked shivering James to a sofa. While James held the book in his hand tightly.

Dorcas was feeling restless, as she sat beside her devastated adopted son.

And James finally let his mind out of his mouth and said "I think I know how to reach those who killed my family."

"What do you mean?" Donald asked.

Then James dropped the book with him on the table.

Prolly gonna take it serious now

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