
The Jin Family's Daughter is a Fortune Teller

The real rich daughter of the Jin family has been brought home! However, rumor has it that she was a little crazy. She constantly messed around at graves and was a nutcase waiting to be sent to the mental asylum. Surprisingly, no one expected her to defeat chess grandmasters with a simple move, and she was so good at hacking that she caused a world-renown hacker to have autistic after besting him! Moreover, a tune she played offhandedly became a chart-topping song, while international jewelers worshiped her. Yet, she claims those weren't her strengths! Jealous of Jin Xi, the fake rich daughter laughed: My sister is even better at deceiving people and messing around at graves! Jin Xi: She's right. Feel free to ask more! Everyone:...Later, a superstition brewed online as the top movie star posted: [@Jin Xi, my right eyelid has been twitching for days. Is this a sign of something bad?]Magnate: [@Jin Xi, I had bad luck for three months. Can that be changed?]Top scientist: [@Jin Xi, my house keeps having trouble later. How much for an exorcism?]Mysterious big shot: [@Everyone, allow me to announce that Jin Xi is my wife.]Jin Xi: [@Mysterious big shot, please don't bother me while I'm at work, darling!]Everyone is mourning: Why did a power couple like you display your affection publicly? Are you trying to kill us?!

Golden Rock · Général
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40 Chs

A Gaze in the Dark

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Éditeur: Dragon Boat Translation

Jin Xi picked up the milk tea, inserted the straw, and put it into her mouth. She leaned on the sofa and leisurely sucked on the pears, "so?"

"So, you shouldn't have exposed me just now! Give me another minute and I'll have six hundred dollars. Maybe even more!" Zhang Lan said bitterly.

Jin Xi supported her chin with one hand, her arm resting on the table, and her other hand casually stirred the ice in the milk tea. "Have you forgotten the rules father set?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lan kept quiet. The "father" she mentioned was his master. He grew up in an orphanage and became Jin Xi's adoptive father's disciple. He learned some Chinese medicine and metaphysics and started working.

"Don't do anything that violates one's principles and don't do harm to others," Zhang Lan's face was red with shame as he recited the rules.

Jin Xi's fingers rapped heavily on the table twice, and she said in a serious tone, "since you didn't forget, why did you violate it?"

Zhang Lan instantly acted like a child who had done something wrong. "I know I was wrong. I swear that I only rob the rich to help the poor!"

Jin Xi glanced at him and didn't say anything.

Zhang Lan seemed to have thought of something and asked, "by the way, the metaphysics conference will be held in Shanghai this year. The person in charge has asked me many times, hoping that you can attend. Do you think you will?"

"So you want me to use me to show off?"

"Hehe, it won't take up too much of your time. You just need to show your face."

Jin Xi smiled, and her eyes narrowed, "no!"

Hearing this, Zhang Lan's smile froze. Many people couldn't get in even after using their connections, but she was so indifferent about it.

Zhang Lan sighed helplessly, "sigh, fine. I'll tell the person in charge tomorrow. After he finished speaking, he picked up the cocktail on the table and took a sip. "There's one more thing I almost forgot."

He looked around to make sure that there was no suspicious person around before he moved closer to Jin Xi's ear and continued, "I've already checked the order you received. It was posted by the fourth son of the richest family in Shanghai. His name is Zhong Yihan, and the person who needs medical treatment is his grandmother."

Jin Xi took a bite of the pearl, chewed it, and swallowed it. She asked indifferently, "so what if they are rich?"

Zhang Lan swallowed back the words he wanted to say. His friend really didn't care about the so-called rich and powerful. Even a god had to act according to her mood.

"Is something wrong?" Zhang Lan was about to say something, but he noticed that she looked off.

Jin Xi's sharp eyes swept across the room. "Someone is watching us in the dark." Although she didn't know who the other party was, she felt that she had been seen through.

Zhang Lan didn't notice anything. When he heard this, he quickly looked around. There were people drinking, dancing, and flirting around them, but he didn't see anyone watching them.

"Are you mistaken?"

"No!" Although Jin Xi couldn't find the source of the gaze, she was very sure that someone was watching them.

On the second floor of the bar.

Zhong Yihan leaned back on the sofa, a cigarette between his arrogant and cold lips. One hand was casually placed on the armrest, while the other hand was impatiently tugging at his bow tie, revealing his firm collarbones. He looked sexy and alluring.

"I know you're not interested in this kind of place, but I was afraid that you'd be upset since we couldn't locate the master, so I brought you here to relax," Zhou Qu explained.

After talking for a long time, he realized that Zhong Yihan's gaze had been fixed in a certain direction downstairs. Following his line of sight, Wu Zhou almost jumped up in excitement. "Oh, isn't that the beautiful girl? Why was she sitting with a monk? And she's drinking milk tea in a bar? How strange!"

"What do you know?" Zhong Yihan said with interest as he blew out a smoke ring.

Wu Zhou was confused. He and Zhong Yihan had known each other since they were young. They had been good friends for so many years. But why did he scold him so many times today?

"Don't tell me you're interested in her? I'm telling you, I saw her first, you can't snatch her away from me!"

Zhong Yihan glanced over and said coldly, "are you asking for a beating?"