
The ink lot

As I looked down, I noticed it. There it was................................ It was never supposed to be like this. I did everything to stop it................................... Why, why, why, why is it still happening. I’m tired. I beg whatever god is there, help me......................... I guess it’s up to me again huh, let me start again. One last try. And I will give up....................................... It’s happening again. No no please noooooo...

Hacher_Unfriended · Urbain
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14 Chs

The vacation

"Ahh. It's finally my day off. Now I just have to turn off my phone, and the internet." I said with a sigh.

I still don't know how to explain to my parents, how I convinced my boss to get me a vacation. How troublesome, I will deal with it later.

"Hey waiter, can you refill this glass for me? Thank you." Having heard my name, a 25-year old, clean shaven, handsome looking man turned my direction. As if remembering who I was, suddenly his eyes turned like those of a dead fish. He strode over as if a child was caught by parents and is afraid of punishment. The only difference would be the indifference in his eyes as he walked over with a pen and notebook, while twitching his mouth subtly like I didn't notice.

"What do you want?"he said, as he had that expression that he rather be at-least 35 meters away from me. Sigh, I guess I caused quite a scene yesterday, but it wasn't my fault at all. Anyway, " could you get me a seven and seven, no ice. And remember to add lemon on the side."

"....I'll be right back with your order sir, anything else you need?" He turned back with just his head and shoulder, not even facing me. Just how long will this go on?

"That's all for now, you May go."

"Then I'll be excused." He stormed off to the kitchen, leaving me in a blank state. I went into a daze for a few seconds, but then I was awakened by the same nonchalant voice.

"Excuse me sir, your order." He placed the drink on the patio table, and stormed off again. I have to praise his professionalism. All that's left to do is to enjoy the sites and sip on a cocktail.

Ahh, now this is life. This is what a vacation should feel like. I observed the sun while sipping a little, look then sip, look then sip. By the time I knew it, I was rubbing my eyes and looking at the sky that suddenly turned dark.


I guess I slept till sunset. I haven't had quite a nice nap in a long time, that cursed boss of mine even counted my break by seconds. I feel like just ch ch ch chokin...ah think happy thoughts, happy thoughts. I should just relax, he won't find me here, I even turned my phone off. Sigh, even a 1000 miles away, he almost ruined my relaxing time. Hehe, please find my fellow colleagues to torture. I hope that can serve as an appeasement.

Getting off track again. I should seriously fix my habit. By the way , where is everybody? And why didn't anyone wake me up. Surely they can't just pack up and leave me outside would they? Where is everybody? Ahhh, now I have to walk back to the hotel by myself. So unfair.

I struggled to lift my body out the chair, after a few tries and some grunts, I survived the first part. I feel like my boss would probably kill me seeing as I was using more willpower to get out of the chair than I use at work.

As I finally stood up, a breathtaking sight entered my eyes. A crystal clear lake overhung by brightly lit moon. Sounds of winds colliding with the water surface to create miniature waves, waving back and forth like a mother trying to calm a crying child. Distant sounds of birds singing happily to each other, atleast that's how it sounds in my ear. They are probably roasting each other but who cares, their sounds plus the environment had an amazing calming effect. If I was a writer, I could probably gain inspiration for my novels. Alas, not everything works out.

Deciding to etch this sight into my memory, I stared at everything blankly for about two minutes before I decided to pack my stuff and walk back to the hotel.

I walked two steps,then turned around.

"This is where it ends huh.I wish it lasted a little longer, don't you think so?"

" Hehehe. You think I will answer you , don't make laugh." A rasp voice appeared right behind me. W-what just h-happened? I must be d-dreaming r-right?

"W-w-who are y-you and how d-did you appear behind m-me?" I said, while tremblingly backing away from this gh-ghost, yes, ghost. Otherwise how could he have appeared behind me without any noise?

"Stop messing around. Otherwise I will leave you alone to deal with it."

"Tch...no fun. I thought I improved my acting skills. It seems I'm still a greenhorn. But how do you always figure me out? I don't believe your chicken brain could do it."

"Hehehe, even a chicken would cuckoo in disapproval at your terrible acting, I didn't even know that's what you were doing till you said so."

Like a werewolf after my own heart huh, I hope he spares my other organs. Getting off track again. I asked, "have you prepared the welcoming present?"

He replied," of course, It would be terrible to not bear gifts for old friends, I hope they appreciate them. Hehehe!"

"Ok, let me start. ".

Tch... this weird looking thing is always a hustle to operate, let me see. A click here, turn there, a click there too, and a good ol' whack to start it. Ok hahahaa. Let the party start.

A crack then spread on the ground, suddenly it started to move up, like a reverse thunder. Reaching the clouds, it exploded. A loud thunder crack sound almost broke our ear drums. A gap then appeared in the sky crack, the gap was so bright it almost made me wince. Haha, the blinding won't work this time. Now let me show you essence of a party. Hahaha, you won't be able to hide away like last time old friend.

First let me show you some fireworks.