
The ink lot

As I looked down, I noticed it. There it was................................ It was never supposed to be like this. I did everything to stop it................................... Why, why, why, why is it still happening. I’m tired. I beg whatever god is there, help me......................... I guess it’s up to me again huh, let me start again. One last try. And I will give up....................................... It’s happening again. No no please noooooo...

Hacher_Unfriended · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

"Are you shitting me, you just got tackled by that walking toothpick, do you have no shame? All brawl no brains. Tch, where's the remote? Where's it?"

This is frustrating, how did this idiot join the lions. Damn it, just wasted the whole match. Gatland must be losing his eyesight due to stress.

Anyway, ouch. My butt hurts. I've been sitting for who knows how long in this boring place waiting my turn. Tilting my head to the side, my eyesight meet the receptionist's, and she still gave me that professional smile again. How irritating. Does she understand how boring it is to stare at a completely white ceiling only because I can't watch the ridiculous tv. Give me a break man.

Atleast she's quite a sight for sore eyes, never mind. She just frowned and turned my way. Can she read minds? Or is my face that obvious. Probably the latter. Even I realize my face suddenly had an idiotic expression. I'm pretty sure I'm okay, since she probably receives those looks daily.

Ah mou, what am I even thinking? Am I so bored that I can't think straight? And that bugging beeping sound is irritating,aaaahhhh. Please sound proof your waiting rooms, I thought as I glared at the receptionist. She returns back a smile, so filled with scorn like she's angry about something, who knows.

"Misterrrr....Gambit?" said a tuxedo, cane wielding young man. Weird enough, he doesn't look stupid for a guy wearing such old fashion clothes. Now where was I? OH YES, FINALLY,MY NAME WAS CALLED.

"Here sir." I raised my arm and said. He turns and observes me for about 10 seconds till he speaks up. "Follow me."

Walking the hallway that looks a bit avant-garde, with the beautifully patterned carpet and a Romanesque architecture complimented with a light tan. Really makes you relaxed unintentionally.

Entering a simple looking office, with lots of book cabinets and files instead of books, I should have felt more relaxed but it inadvertently made me nervous instead. I sat down after the gentleman did, not as a sign of respect, probably because I didn't know what to do.

Just as I sat down, I heard muffled sounds and a beeping sound that increased rapidly. Just then the gentleman put his hands together and said, " I will wait for your decision."

And wait he did.

The overbearing beeping sound continued and an overbearing pressure washed over me, cause me to involuntary standing up. But I knew somehow that it was pointless, so I sat back down with a sigh. What followed next was a constant sound. Like a phone one forgot to hang up and all you're left with is a dial tone. A single unrelenting beeping tone.

Sadness overwashed me as I returned my eyesight to the man in front of me. He had a chinstrap beard that was white for some reason. As he noticed my focus, he started rubbing his beard in a narcissistic manner. "Hey hey kid, you also notice this marvel huh? Well let me tell you a story. Your beard is your identity, treat it like an angel, and never let others shave it for you. Always make sure your razors are less than 10 days from manufacturing, blah blah blah etc.". I take back what I said. Being narcissistic doesn't do him justice. I've never had such a rant about someone's beard. Is it some kind of fetish?

"Oho young man, it seems your life is truly depressing. What kind of chin doesn't even have a single hair? It's obvious you've never had a beard before. How did you get through life like that? Aya, It must have been hard for you."

...sir, look at these hands. Do you want to catch them? Is that it?

"Well, let me stop reminding you of your pain."

...Tch, this guy.

" Now let me ask you one question, why didn't you go back?"

I pondered long and hard for this question. To tell the truth, I don't know what he's talking about. But I felt like I had an answer.

" I felt like it would have been impossible, and it was already too late for me ."

The young gentleman cupped his chin and pondered silently. After about a minute, he spoke to me." Ok, proceed to the next room. It's on your right, just down the end of the hallway."

"Thank you." I stood up slowly and walked a few steps to the door. Then I realized something.

I don't know who I am, except for my name, not even what this place is. How is that even possible? I turned back slowly with fear weakening my knees. I tried to open my mouth but all that came out was a stutter.

"S-s-sir, what's going on?"

After the putting some folders in the cabinet, he turned to me with a calming smile and said.

"I thought you knew, from the way you acted. Sigh, I guess I will break it to you."