
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urbain
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30 Chs

Chapter Eight

The next morning Dad woke me up a bit early to get ready to go register at the local high school. I couldn't help the excitement I felt at the prospect of a new start. Maybe I would finally get to be a normal teenager since my dad was actually starting to act like a dad.

"Hurry up, Riles. I wanted to stop for breakfast on the way." I grab the bag from Peaches and pull out the outfit Claudette picked for me. Ripped skinnies with a deep red tube top with a leather half jacket to go over it. Im okay with all of this until I see the heels she snuck in the bag. I laugh and pull on my boots. A quick brush of the hair, a hit or two of eyeliner, and a swish of chapstick and I'm good to go.

I open the door and practically run down the stairs. I'm so excited I can't help it. My Dad sees how eager I am and his face lights up the entire house. I love seeing him happy. It's amazing. "There's my beautiful girl. Let's hit the road.

Fifteen minutes later we're pulling in at a little hole in the wall diner. I smile in glee at finally finding a place I'm comfortable at. We settle in to the worn, red leather booth and pull up a couple of menus. I don't see grits on the menu. This is bothering me. I keep staring at it intensely like they'll just magically appear.

As if reading my mind my dad says, "We're in Cali baby. I doubt they've ever even heard of grits here. I'll see if I can find some for the house while you're at school, okay?" I'm trying so hard to not be a baby about this and not pout, but a girl needs her grits. "Did she say grits?" A man in a stained white tee shirt and a full belly asks as he's walking by. My dad laughs and says "Yes, sir. She's still adjusting to the culture shock." The man smiles and his eyes warm up with friendliness. "Where are you guys from?" This time I speak up. "We're from Georgia. I'm Riley and this is my dad, Nicholas. And I love the diner, I guess I'm just feeling a bit homesick this morning." He nods in understanding. "I've been to Georgia a couple of times. Beautiful place. I'm Tim, co owner and cook. I run the place with my wife, Dolly, who also happens to be from Georgia and has her own stash of grits in the kitchen. I'm sure she won't mind sharing." He says with a wink and walks off.

"Dad. That man. Is officially. My hero. He deserves a medal. Somebody get that man a medal!" I didn't realize how loud I actually was until the waitress comes bouncing up to the table. "Honey, that man has more medals than I can count from his time serving out great country. Plus, he has me- the greatest medal of them all." She laughs and my heart instantly warms at her thick southern twang. "I'm Dolly and I'll be your server this morning. What can I get for you?" My dad gives her his charming smile and says "Well your husband there has graciously offered to share your stash of grits with my homesick daughter here if you don't mind and I'll have the waffles and bacon please." She looks surprised for a second before saying "Shucks no I don't mind! Your accent is making me miss home something serious. What would you folks like to drink?"

After our bellies are full and and thirsts are quenched we head back to the car. "You ready for this new adventure Riles?" And I smile. Because I am. "I'm stoked Dad. Let's go."

When we finally arrive, my heart drops a bit. The place is huge. My old school was so small the middle and high schools had to be combined. This place appeared to be forty of those combined. Nope. I shake my head. This is perfect. It's the complete opposite of what I'm used to which means it's the perfect canvas for a new start.

We make our way up the never ending steps and open the doors to my future. To be honest I kind of zone out as Dad fills out the appropriate paperwork and meets the principal. My focus is on everything else. It was like a completely different world. I have officially entered the Twilight Zone.

   "Welcome to Torrance High, Riley. I'm sure you'll do just fine here." I shook the old man's hand and took the schedule. Around that moment the bell rang and there were teenagers everywhere. Like everywhere I looked was another Abercrombie&Fitch model. I look to my dad, feeling a bit overwhelmed when suddenly an arm is slung around my shoulders along with a high pitched squeal. "Riley! Girl let me see that schedule!" My dad laughs as she snatches my schedule from me and says "Well Riles, you appear to be in good hands. I'll pick you up out front at three." I don't have time to respond as Claudette is shrieking about our schedules being nearly identical. I just laugh and follow her down the busy hallway. Just as we're about to turn into our home room I feel an arm snake around my waist. "Hey babe, digging the boots." I try to squirm away but am only pulled closer to that chest I've come to know. "Listen, about my mom-" I shut him up with "It's cool, don't worry about it. I'd be in a bad mood too if I were sporting a giant stick up my butt." He stills, but doesn't release me. "Peaches, she isn't normally like that. I think she just went into super protective mode because she knows your different and is worried about losing her baby boy. I mean, who wouldn't be? Have you seen this face?" He chooses that moment to spin me around and face him. And what a face that face was. I could stare at those eyes and lips all day. He smirks that cocky smirk and says "Exactly. I'll be here to walk you to your next class babe." With that he kisses my nose and I think I just might die.

   As I walk into the classroom I'm greeted with eyes of jealousy, curiosity, and hurt- hurt? I zone in on those eyes and realize they belong to Claudette. I hope she doesn't think I went behind her back or anything. Before I can ask her what's up the teacher, Mr. Wilkes, walks in and silences the class.

I take in the small man as he looks down at the papers on his desk. He's probably in his late thirties, with khaki pants, a faded sweater vest over his white button up shirt, and thick coke bottle glasses. I decide he's adorable. Like a little gerbil.

I watch as he takes notice of the stranger in his class and looks back down at his desk. "Ah, Miss Riley Brinks of South Georgia. Stand up and tell us three interesting things about yourself." I take it back. He isn't adorable at all.

I slowly stand up and feel my face heat up. It is most definitely red at this point. "Um, I'm Riley. I'm from Georgia." The girl to my left snickers and mutters something about a hick. "My favorite past time is fishing."

"I have something you can catch!" Guy in the back. I roll my eyes. "Sorry, I don't have time for catch and release and I release all two inchers." I watch the teacher, Mr. Jones, stifle a laugh.

"Alright, that's enough class. Riley, take your seat and welcome to Torrence High. I have a feeling you'll be just fine."

I look over and see Claudette smile. Maybe she didn't hate me after all. I feel my phone buzz and look down. It's a text from her. "Way to go, Peach! Keep kicking ass girl, you'll be just fine."

I smile at her and decide to tune in to the teacher. I think I might actually like it here.