
The Infinite Sky

Riley Brinks. Seventeen. Daughter of Nicholas Brinks. No mother. The only thing Riley concerns herself with is taking care of her eccentric, passion driven dad. Forced to grow up way beyond her time, Riley is a rather serious girl who has yet to experience what being young is all about. All that is soon to change when her father suddenly decides to move across the country.

D_Mack · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter Nine

   First period is over before I know it and thankfully Claudette waits to walk out with me. I see her stiffen and then quickly relax as we're walking out of the door. I look up to see the culprit. Trevor. I wonder if he broke her heart once upon a time or something.

He smiles that cocky smile and throws his arm around my shoulder. "Hey babe." I notice looks of envy from every female in a fifty foot radius and quickly shrug his arm off of me. This is not a promising start.

   "First of all, I'm not your babe. Second of all, stop touching me." I see Claudette smile, and honestly it makes me feel better. She's the nicest person I've met here, I don't want to hurt her.

   "Peaches. You fighting this obvious sexual chemistry between the two of us is only making me want you more. And what Trevor wants, Trevor gets."

I snort before coming back with, "Look. I'm down with being buddies, but nothing more. No offense but you aren't exactly my type." I hear Claudette snicker.

   "Damn Trevs, I think that's the first time I've seen you get turned down. And so coldly at that!" At this point the fine specimen that is Trevor has stopped walking. Has stopped moving in fact. He puts his hand up as if to say something then drops it. "If I'm not your type...if allll of this doesn't rock your boat then what does? Wait. You a lesbian? You are! That explains it. That's the only reason I could ever be turned down and even then babe, I'm sure I could change your mind or we could arrange someth-" I'm shook.

I hold my hand up in his face.

   "Wow, what an ego you have there, Trevor! No doll, I am not a lesbian. One hundred percent straight female here. It's just the whole cocky, pretty boy, Ken doll, type thing you have going on just does nothing for me in the attraction department. Sorries." Oh my goshh, his face is freaking priceless.

   "If you would take the time to get to know me 'doll' you would know I'm far from a Ken doll." I was very much aware that he was in fact the complete opposite of my childhood boyfriend but  I had to ruffle his feathers somehow.

"But do tell, what exactly is your type then?" Around this time we're walking again and I happen to look down the hall and see a gorgeous guy in a brown bomber jacket with messy brown hair and a tall, lean but cut body and my breath is cut short. Oh, and the best part? He's holding a worn copy of Pride and Prejudice in his hands. "That, Trevor. That is my type."

   "Giiiiirl, that is our next class!" Claudette bursts into a set of giggles. "Wait, he's our next class? Thank You Lord! Do we get to draw him or something?"

Once again, I feel a hand around my waist. A rather possessive hand at that. "No, you idiot. That's Mr. T, the Advanced Lit teacher," Trevor all but growls it out at me.

I try to remove his hand but he doesn't budge. Claudette sees and her face kind of shuts down. "Yeah, girl. I'll uh see you in there and save you a seat." Before I can stop her she's dashed ahead into the classroom of my future baby daddy.

   Trevor spins me around to face him. "Stay away from him. I know you're new around here so I'll excuse your apparent ignorance. I run this school and I run this district. You. Will. Be. Mine."

Before I can knock the living daylights out of him he gently but firmly shoves me into my class. I, being the total dork I am, trip and nearly fall but am saved by a pair of strong hands.

"If only the rest of my students were this excited about literature. You must be Riley Brinks. The new girl from down south. Welcome to Torrance High and welcome to Advanced Lit. I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

He smiles the sweetest most genuine smile I've ever seen. And those eyes are the darkest most electrifying shade of blue I've yet come across. I can't speak but then again I don't have to as my daydreaming is interrupted with

"Yo, Mr. T! Let go of the new girl so the rest of us have a chance to get to know her!" I look down to see that his arms are still gently wrapped around me and feel myself blush. I look up at him again and he just shakes his head and smiles before releasing me.

I turn around to face the killer of dreams and the rest of the class. I see Claudette has a seat saved for me right beside hers and for that I am thankful. She really is a gem. As I'm walking to the back of the room I hear a wolf whistle and trip again. Thankfully I caught myself this time.

   "Yo, girl. I'm Matt, what's up?" As I slide into my desk I recognize the voice as the same one that busted my bubble of momentary bliss and look up. Matt is pretty cute in that classic all American boy type way. Light blue eyes and blonde short hair. He's sporting a football jersey and a nice smile.

"Nice to meet you, Matt. I'm Riley. How's it going?" He leans over my desk and whispers "I already knew who you were. I saw you this morning and asked around about you." He looks back at Claudette and winks. "Can I get your number? Promise I'm harmless."

I look back at Claudette, unsure. She smiles and nods encouragingly. As soon as I finish rattling my number off the bell rings and we're transported into the world of Jane Austen.

   Fifty nine minutes later we're packing our bags and I'm silently naming my future children. Mr. T is captivating. His obvious love of literature gives mine a good run for its money. And he's so hot. Mysterious. Brooding even. My own personal Mr. Darcy. I can't believe he's a teacher. He looks as if he could be a student here himself.

   When Claudette and I make it outside I see Trevor waiting on us. He's a bit annoying at this point. I don't care how defined his biceps are. I turn my head and act as if I didn't notice him standing there.

"Yo, Riles! Wait up." Matt. "You seemed pretty smart in there and honestly Austen isn't my strong suit. I was wondering if you'd consider studying with me? You don't have to give me an answer now, I'll text you later about it." He looks pointedly at Trevor as he mentions texting me. "Catch you later girl." I smile warmly and say "Yeah just text me. Laters."

   I start walking away with Claudette before I'm snatched back by the hand. "What the hell? All you give me is a cold shoulder but you go and give football star wannabe your number? I want your number too." I sigh.

"Look me up on Facebook, Trevor." I practically run through the crowd to escape him and hunt down my next class.