

"Are you a human? or a Monster?" People have always wondered what would become of themselves after the act of death. If there was a heaven with a God who would bring them to utopia, or if there was nothing else but an endless void of nothingness. People have theorized about this for a long time -- scientists loved to research about it especially. However for some people, they don't believe in the afterlife but rather in a new life. A second chance to walk. Miguel Anderson is a seemingly ordinary teenager who has a love for mostly all forms of media, ranging from anime's, to fan-fiction's, to games. He watched these videos in order to fill up the hole of loneliness and boredom within himself. One day.. On his fathers birthday, he decided to do something that would cause his life to immensely change. To cause the start of the Indie Gamer.. This is the tale of Indie. _____________________

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Stealth Gameplay

| Stealth Gameplay!

( Miguel POV )

I would crawl through the small, tight tunnel, with the rocks grinding against my hard exoskeleton. It was a weird feeling, but I ignored it. Instead, I was focusing on how I could evade the creature's sight in order not to start a chase, the first time I was lucky because there was a tunnel for me to go inside... But I doubt that something like that would appear if the beast were to give chase again.

I would be moving around the area slowly, crouching down attempting to make the most little amount of sound possible. The stone floor creaked with every step I took, and I would get confused due to how dark the entire place was.

If it was dark before in this place then now it was even darker, I could barely even see the walls because of the thick layer of darkness that devoured the entire place. I crawled against the smooth stone floor that was layered with thick sticky webs that attempted to keep me in place. Crawling, and crawling I did not know where I was even heading at this point...

Then I heard a low rumble, something that shook the ground violently. The clinking and clattering of the stone plates moving up and down made me slightly panic, and as fast as it came it went. Silence once more, I would put my hand against the wall. Layers of silk as always, but also something engraved into the wall underneath it. I would take that as a hint as I followed the long line that was scratched deep into the stone wall, step by step I felt the darkness fade away.

Its deep grasp on my vision would slowly be torn away, then I heard a low growl, something deep and unsettling to my heart. A cold cloud of death would come from behind me, wrapping around me like a hug before it left me as well... Fear settled in as my thoughts raced in my head 'Is... Is it the beast?' I would think while shaking visibly. I turned around slowly, very slowly to not upset the massive titan of a spider if it was so behind me, the floor creaked and behind me there was nothing...

I sighed in relief with steam coming out of the small holes from my sides that were barely visible to the naked eye, as soon as they appeared they closed. I would continue walking, but I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something following me. Creaking would echo out in the area, as some pieces of silk fell from above my head, probably due to being too old to hang up any longer.

' Maybe it was just an illusion caused by my fear? ' I would shake my head as I continued to go forward, a little faster than I had been going before. My vision was clear of the darkness, lights adorned the engraved walls. I would turn my head and look towards one of the walls in curiosity.

I walked towards it, standing in front of it staring at the wall. The engravings on the wall had a large beast standing on two legs with four arms coming out of its back, lines that could be seen as strings would attach to the beast as it stared up at the falling sky... That was seemingly painted with bug blood, a sick yellow and red color that seeped down onto the engraved being's face.

It seemed like this engraving must have been very old considering how dusty it was... I would put my finger on it and then take it off, deciding that moving would be better than staring at some random engraving. The system sent me a notification but I ignored it as I crawled on the floor once more, moving forward.

The walls would get larger with strings attached to the roof now falling down, and the silk on the floor and walls were thick enough to act as a blanket. The curtain of darkness now was replaced with a calming blue glue that came from lights that tried their hardest to stay light on the walls... Most of them were damaged, clearly by the residents of this dark place.

A large piece of silk would fall from above slamming into the floor, it was tied around a decently sized stone taken from above. I would slowly look up, seeing a massive figure looming above me, with its eight legs piercing into the roof and moving around a little bit. There was a slight groan and growl coming from it that was barely noticeable, my heart would sink into fear as I shakily moved forward hoping that it wouldn't consume me on the spot.

With each step, I took the beast followed, going forward and just looming over me. ' Why the hell is it following me!? ' I would shout in my mind hoping for a response from the system that never came. I would crawl forward, my body now pushed up against the floor.

As I continued to crawl forward the beast's snarls and growls would get louder and louder as if it was getting ready to come off of the roof and finally kill its prey. My pale head seemed to get even paler as I would see some rocks fall from the roof. An idea popped into my head quickly, driven by my need to survive and see another day.

' What if I throw this rock?... Distract it long enough for me to run to safety!... But what if it's intelligent enough to know that it's just a distraction... Damn, damn it! You know what screw it here goes nothing! ' I would grab the rock tightly and using my enhanced strength I would throw that rock behind me very far, reaching all the way back into the darkness.

As if it knew the beast would let out a loud roar as I lay on the ground still, the beast would turn around and then start crawling back into the darkness assuming its prey ran away. I would be celebrating in my mind as I stood up and then ran away as fast as I could, sweat dripping down my back as I saw more light at the end of the tunnel.

A loud roar would emerge as I heard rumbling, I would chuckle and laugh as I rolled forward and through the end of the tunnel finally making it out of that hell. I laughed to myself in glee, of me fooling that beast and escaping it.


I would laugh and then stop laughing as I heard the beast slam against the end of the tunnel making some rocks fly out, I would then walk away slowly while sticking up the middle finger at it... ' He's mad cause he's bad. '

This is being written on my new laptop, it is a strange experience indeed but I hope you enjoy this chapter that I have written after so long..

I plan on making the Indie Gamer the main book I write for, because I have more ideas for it then I have ever had before.

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts