

"Are you a human? or a Monster?" People have always wondered what would become of themselves after the act of death. If there was a heaven with a God who would bring them to utopia, or if there was nothing else but an endless void of nothingness. People have theorized about this for a long time -- scientists loved to research about it especially. However for some people, they don't believe in the afterlife but rather in a new life. A second chance to walk. Miguel Anderson is a seemingly ordinary teenager who has a love for mostly all forms of media, ranging from anime's, to fan-fiction's, to games. He watched these videos in order to fill up the hole of loneliness and boredom within himself. One day.. On his fathers birthday, he decided to do something that would cause his life to immensely change. To cause the start of the Indie Gamer.. This is the tale of Indie. _____________________

Indie_Excursion · Jeux vidéo
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A Battle With The Beast

Excursion was in quite the tricky predicament at the current moment. He came into the Distant Village believing that he would be safe considering that it was silent. Then he went into one of the houses... And now he is trapped in that house with Herrah the Beast who looks like she wants to eat him up at the current moment.

And not in the sexual way.

Excursion would look behind him seeing the thick wall of silk that covered the exit completely, the strands all merged into one thick wall of sticky silk. He would then look up seeing Herrah standing there with a massive needle that seemed like it could pierce through his body with one attack. ' Okay.. Okay.. Okay.. I'm stuck in here with Herrah the Beast, she looks like she wants to kill me.. What to do? What to do? WHAT TO FUCKING DO!? '

Herrah: "Your panic is most amusing."

She would say as she was amused by how much Excursion was panicking at the current moment. She was playing with some bits of string in her hand, moving her fingers in and out as the string would stretch. She would be patiently waiting for Excursion to make his move... Though that time was running lower and lower by the second.

Excursion: "Look... We can talk this out! No need to fight over anything! J-Just put away the silk and I can get the hell out of here. You can go back to whatever you were doing before!"

Excursion didn't wish to fight with Herrah especially since it was obvious that she was far ahead of him in terms of power. She loomed over him and with that ability to literally create silk, it was like being a thug and fighting Spider-Man but if Spider-Man wanted to kill and eat you. Excursion raised up his arms to show that he meant no harm...

Herrah would laugh in amusement as she would move forward slightly, her legs tapping against the floor as her two weapons were visible on her back. Two long and sharp needles that could probably rip through someone like paper...

Herrah: "You really are amusing little one... If I could, I would probably keep you as a pet! Hahaha! However, that isn't how things work around here... The strongest survive... and the weakest die!"

Excursion: "L-Look! I know that's how things work around here but I'm not from around here! I just wandered in! On mistake, I promise!-"

Herrah: "DON'T lie to me little one, it is obvious when you lie... I am far from being a fool of any sort. Now let's not waste anymore time with this blabber and let's get into combat..."

Excursion: "....."

Excursion was backed into a corner absolutely at this point, Herrah could see through his lie and he was practically forced into combat. He would sigh as some air would come out of his sides, he would look behind him and then at the wall seeing if there was literally ANYTHING he could use... Gamers mind was being helpful in keeping his mind in place... Praise the lord for it. He would see that there was a sharpened bit of a bugs exoskeleton on the table, a weapon that he could use.

Excursion would dash forward as that just triggered Herrah into action... Herrah would charge forward at quick speeds as expected of her body. She would take out one of her long sharp needles and turned it onto its flat side to slam it onto the side of Excursion sending him back. Excursion would growl as he was sent skidding back.

Herrah would instantly be on Excursion as she would stab her needle into the shoulder of Excursion causing some black blood to leak out, Excursion would growl in pain as this was unlike anything he felt before. The sharpened sides of the blade were digging deep into him. Herrah would pull her needle out as she would bring it up to her face licking off the blood.

Herrah: "Mmmm~ tasty~"

Excursion: "Y-Your fucking crazy!"

He would yell out as he would use the chance. He would dash forward as he would reach his hand out to the table as he would grab the small sharp piece of exoskeleton. He held it like a knife as he saw Herrah approaching him.

Herrah: "I must say, I'm impressed you are still standing after that attack..."

She would say as she would move forward tackling Excursion through the table causing the table to be pushed to the side. Excursion would growl darkly as he was slammed into the stone ground, his mind spinning as he was still holding his piece of exoskeleton. Herrah would stab her lance into the shoulder of Excursion again causing more blood to pour out as she would bring her face closer and closer to Excursions.

Herrah: "But you won't last any longer.."

Excursion: "T-t-ch... D-don't... U-u-under-es-stimat-e-e m-mee..."

' ... Am I really going to die this soon? ' Excursion would think as he would clench the exoskeleton piece in his hands even tighter as he was filled with rage. ' No.. ' He would suddenly launch an attack as he would stab the sharp bit of exoskeleton onto the side of Herrah's neck. However, due to his lack of knowledge on weapons he didn't hit anything important.

Herrah would be surprised however as she would move back giving Excursion room. She would put her hand to her neck as she would feel the wet blood drip on her hands, she would chuckle lightly as she licked the blood. She looked at Excursion with even more bloodlust than she had before... But she was also curious.

Herrah: "Your will to survive... It's very nice to see.. I love it when prey writhe before their demise-.."

She would see Excursion stumble upwards as he was deep inside his own pit of anger. He wasn't willing to let himself die at this point... And the annoyance of the shit that he has already gone through recently was getting all into him. He would growl darkly as he would charge forward reeling his fist back as he would punch her in the chest.

Herrah would have raised one eyebrow if she could. She wasn't used to seeing this amount of rage within a bug before... Well a bug that wasn't one of the spiders. Seeing that Excursion was seething in his own pit of rage made her slightly impressed. Excursion would continue delivering blow after blow onto her. The will to survive was overpowering...

' ... impressive... he does have potential... Maybe... Yes... '

She would slam her sharpened needle onto the head of Excursion knocking him out on the spot. Excursion would slam onto the ground silently as Herrah would begin to wrap him up in silk dragging him into her room. She had came up with an idea... An idea that could possibly save herself and the rest of her spiders.

Herrah: "You have potential child... That rage... If sharpened... I can use it as a dagger to pierce that King's thickened skin... Finally ending that fools reign of chaos over these lands.."


Dooouuublllleeeee Uppplllooooooaaaaadddd.